Listener's Reviews

all c64 only Amiga only

Displaying Reviews 1381 - 1410 out of 2736


Shades (in the rain) - arranged by Mordi

Review by LaLa, 17/12/2009

Where can I buy this mordifier plugin? It sounds awesome.😉

What an epic! Although the main theme is based on Shades, I also hear a lot of Green Beret and Hysteria in there, all masterfully and convincingly slipped into the remix.

This is such an ethereal and hauntingly beautiful piece of music… It's very enjoyable. The arrangement, the sound quality, the mastering - nothing to complain about here.
Artistic skill
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Commando (Sound of SceneSat Edit) - arranged by Firestorm

Review by LaLa, 17/12/2009

Wow. This is quite a tour de force!

In style it reminds me of Jesper Kyd's and Richard Jacques' symphonic-electronic game soundtracks, and it's absolutely brilliant at that. It has a great variety of moods all interwoven so that it actually tells a story.

So, the arrangement is simply brilliant, but it also brings a very professional sounding virtual orchestra to the table coupled with some well-placed electronic sounds and drums.

I really look forward to hearing this remix as-is performed by a real orchestra at a game music festival!
Artistic skill
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Maniac Mansion Theme (feat. Mitch van Hayden) - arranged by Amok

Review by skyrunner, 12/12/2009

Great, thats just teh shit. Just the last days I was listening to the other remixes of this tune (of course there are already some good ones but…), wishing there would be a version like this one.

While freaking out, it suddenly was over at 1:30 playtime. wtf? You can't be serious?!
I felt like a child whose lollipop got stolen. ^^
Of course I know the original is only 1:30, too but nevertheless…

So, to show my disappointment its only a grey face at artistry, although its clearly a red one too like the other both categories.

No one with some common sense could really critisize Amoks technical skills. ^^

Although sounding modern (of course) Amok catched all that nostalgic feeling. Will fit that 3d remake perfectly. I'm looking forward to that game too.

Well, please everyone voting sign that petition:
We demand a longplay version!!!
Artistic skill
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Pooyan (subtune 1) - arranged by Wolk

Review by Anbalsilfer, 19/11/2009

Listen to this mix.
Then listen to the original.
To actually take that crappy over-speeded piece of *#! and turn it into something not only listenable but both wildly amusing and quite catchy is nothing short of masterful! Kudos to Wolk for creating one of my favorite C64 remixes to date.
Artistic skill
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Great Giana Sisters (PTTM Distortion Remix) - arranged by Sonic Wanderer

Review by Anbalsilfer, 19/11/2009

This remix is so awesome compared to the original it is scary! Its feeling and style fits the original very well, possibly with the exception of the lead theme synth which feels slightly over the edge and out of place. The original song is also somewhat monotonous and bland, which this mix doesn't completely remedy. Still definitely one of the best remixes out there to date.
Artistic skill
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Ghosts n' Goblins (from hell) - arranged by Mongo Erectus

Review by Anbalsilfer, 19/11/2009

This is a dancefloor-style remix of ghosts'n'goblins that is quite different in feeling and style from the original, but still manages to evoke strong feelings of nostalgia. The quality is a huge improvement from the original. In this case it is a good thing that the artist has dared to step away from the quirky SID qualities of the C64 as they don't really add to the musical value of this particular song like they do for for example the Commando signature theme. Not a lot of original arrangement added, but a masterful rework nonetheless. The ending feels a bit snubbed, though.
Artistic skill
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Rampage - arranged by LMan

Review by Anbalsilfer, 19/11/2009

This is one of those rare remixes that takes a mediocre but still memorable original and turns it into something extraordinary. This remix adds a whole new sound to the tune. The remixer's artistic work is great. Unfortunately the original tune is somewhat bland and lacking in identity sometimes, a factor which the remix does not altogether manage to compensate for. Still, the improvement is so huge as to be barely credible.
Artistic skill
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Lotus Turbo Challenge II - Intro - Turbo Disco Mix - arranged by Laín Coubert

Review by Anbalsilfer, 19/11/2009

This remix gives you simply more of the same friggin' awesomeness that was the original song, and does a good job of it. A new intro is the main novelty here, but it makes all the difference, allowing this great tune to be carried over from the Amiga to the club dancefloor.
Artistic skill
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Overall rating

Space Harrier - arranged by dokmatik

Review by Anbalsilfer, 19/11/2009

This is easily one of the best old classic arcade remixes I have ever heard. The original Space Harrier theme was quite catchy and memorable, but a bit lacking in genre identity. Dokmatik has created a version that retains the original catchiness and even increases the tension of suspense of the original, while successfully introducing the song into a genre where it fits extremely well: naïve retro-psychedelic sci-fi. This arrangement qualifies for the very top of sci-fi signature themes in my view.
The chord sequence in the transition between the introduction and the main theme is nothing short of ingenious. This is one of those rare remixes where nothing has been lost, but the final result adds several new layers that harmonize perfectly with the original. Fabulous work!
Artistic skill
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International Karate - arranged by Chris Abbott

Review by LMan, 09/11/2009

Dramatically underrated classic synth remix of a classic SID tune. Don't be fooled by the upload date, this is a piece of c64 remixing history from pre remix. kwed. org times.

Apart from a careful arrangement and instrument selection, this remix features a pure reverence for Hubbard's masterpiece, but at the same time isn't afraid to enhance even further. Nearly a decade old, this still competes with the best.

It's beautiful.
Artistic skill
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Overall rating

Alien (Standard Edit) - arranged by Joe McPanic

Review by LMan, 09/11/2009

Reminiscent of 80s pure synth productions, which is nice. More careful work could have been done on the sound selection, especially regarding the drums.

Also, a couple of surprises in the arrangement to spice it up would have been nice.

Artistic skill
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Overall rating

I Miss You(C64 Remix) - arranged by Suvak Zajos

Review by LaLa, 23/10/2009

It is said that the borderline between genius and madness is pretty thin. Well, this self-remix is teetering on the very edge of both.

Imagine the stereotypical mad scientist with unkempt white hair and all tinkering with a SID-based analog synthesizer. That lead is just absolutely crazy, which is especially amazing considering how tame the original SID sounds in comparison.

I'm no fan of the arpeggios, I think they should always be turned into chords, but they work fine here to make it sound even more chaotic.

But, but, BUT! The REAL icing on the cake to me is the ending: that crazy-ass speech declaring how it misses the Commodore 64 - that made me laugh out loud!

So, I think people will either hate this tune or love it. I vote for it being the work of a genius.

Or, to summarize it with a single Hungarian word: qrvajó!!!! =)
Artistic skill
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Deflektor (Deflektions of My Life) - arranged by Mutherpluckin' B

Review by Chris Abbott, 21/10/2009

Very faithful to the spirit of the original, though it's got a lot of competition in the Deyo stakes! Sounds very live! I'm giving a red for sheer effort, plus it sounds like a lot of fun at the recording
Artistic skill
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Fred Gray Medley - arranged by Jogeir Liljedahl

Review by Chris Abbott, 07/10/2009

Sounds like Tony Banks does Fred Gray, which is a good thing in my book. Bonus marks for doing new stuff!

Moving to the Mutants in the middle, there's some really nice restructuring and noodling which got me smiling. The move to the solo bit is very nice, though the lead could do with slightly more staccato to give the melody a bit more bite. I love the solo bits upward bits, just the right amount of delay.

Then it turns Genesis again… circa 1979 (without Mike Rutherford, unfortunately).

And then.. West Bank? Didn't see that coming… lovely old school Amiga and delay feel… some nice arpeggios, but struggles slightly against the repetitive nature of the source material to stay focussed (or is that just me?). I don't think I would have stayed focussed on this tune for that long without building to something more…

Really nice ending to wrap it up nicely.

Overall, very red-worthy: old school and proud of it.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Wizball (Electronica) - arranged by Gustav Taxén

Review by infamous, 01/10/2009

I remember the arguments this caused when it was 1st released, not many people really got what was going on here.

This to me is the single most original piece of music on this entire site.. it also to me follows the guideline of remix far better than anyone else has EVER managed to so far. This should be a template for others in my opinion, to not be afraid to do something different, dont follow the herd like a sheep and make what YOU see as music.. some will get it some wont.

The idea which must have come around after taking far too much ketamine or something is a genius one, its the hunter S thompson of tunes, the andy warhol, the damien hurst.. whatever radical you might want to add into that list, it dares to be very different and is perfect for it.

Wizball is in there (its the main theme if you can't hear it) but its lost under layer after layer of sumptuous synth and pads, it starts as it means to go on, it reminds me in some ways of jarres stuff only far more minimal (and listenable.. sorry I bloody hate jarre.. posturing french twat stuck in a timewarp of the early 80's constantly trying to milk the last drips of his undeserved fame all showman with no show) and thought provoking, how many tunes on here are thought provoking? .. seriously.

I can totally understand why so many marked it down so low, its NOT a conventional piece of music and of course my opinion shouldn't be a reflection of what i think the entire scene should think, its just my opinion.. but this is the best tune on rko to me for being so bare, open to interpretation and for that.. beautiful.

Give it a listen and see if you can see the pretty face under the mask, you never know you might just like it.
Artistic skill
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Overall rating

Terramex Schizo RMX v0.8 - arranged by J Krafft

Review by OJ Oscillation, 26/09/2009

this one cuts my feelings about it in half.
the slow 1st part really kicks the emotion of the tune. dark, lofied and deep. this gets my attention really quick. a busting sample (is it spock?) appears with delay. the lead is very overwhelimg and cool.
the break also fits very well. but now it turns, like the original, into a dance tune (and this is where the sid lacks). instead using the unique style at the 1st part, krafft turns to the origin dance part, which is done in a standard remix way. i wish he somehow managed to stay at the athmosphere before and added some signals from the second part.
overall it is a very good tune and it is added to my collection.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Flimbo's Quest (Live at The Church) - arranged by Reyn Ouwehand

Review by LaLa, 22/09/2009

Arrrgh!! You know, Reyn, there's a reason this POS Optigan was forgotten: because it sounds like crap. Look at the shouts: this sound reminds people of the turn-of-the-century - but this instrument was created much later in the 1970s! It already sounded outdated at the time it came out! Youch! Give me a Hammond organ or even a Mellotron over this one any time.

Your keyboard skills are impeccable, the arrangement is fun, the banjo backing from the Optigan is a nice touch, but dang, I just can't get over that crappy sound.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Absence of Faith (Semper Dubito) - arranged by Slaygon

Review by NecroPolo, 16/09/2009

After spending some time with this odd / wonderful track, it is clearly my #1 this year, so far. I will not analyse sound, arrangement, all typical factors - they are okay anyway and this time I really don't feel any need for pointing out my subjective opinion (in objective wrapping) of what is good and wrong with something great.

///… Of course guitar playing blah and midpart blah, bassline blahblah. ///

Considering faith…

It is only a matter of choice.

Just have faith in music. Fuel for your life, cure for your pain. The best lover, the best friend, the best political party, the best religion.

The best yourself.

You must see that if you look back.


Artistic skill
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Overall rating

Short Circuit 4 (Dischord Disco) - arranged by vurtX

Review by NecroPolo, 27/08/2009

I am sure that this track is the boldest remix on this site. Idea, technical competence and sound all serve one and only purpose: capturing the nature of chaos, without compromises. It remains true to itself and it makes it one of the finest underground tracks around here as it goes a totally opposite direction from the vast majority of remixes that, hidden or obvious, admitted or not, are made to be liked. These end up running the same loops again and again as everyone did before, uncountable times. But mind that: the predictable and monotonous is slow decay and death - the experimental and chaotic is fertile and evolving.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Turrican 2 - Secret Dungeons (Level 2-1) Juli Sane RMX - arranged by Juli Sane

Review by MistralNight, 24/07/2009

If TurricaN was ever made in modern times it would have this song in it. You brought it up to date with an excellent bass track and fantastic melody which improves upon the original track. The entrance of the bass near the beginning is especially powerful. At high volume this track is awesome and chilled out, and I think this deserves a better rating than it's gotten. Even friends of mine who never played TurricaN have enjoyed it, so it's not just nostalgia.

This is my favourite ever TurricaN remix, and you are one of my favourite arrangers. Please keep making more remixes you are very talented!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Ninja (Traditional mix) - arranged by ANTAI

Review by nd4spd, 10/07/2009

I wasn't terribly impressed with this rendition of this tune. However, having said that, it is still one of the better remixes of Rob Hubbard's Ninja and is certainly worth a listen.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Ishar 2 - InGame tune 3 (Szudi^Implexy RMx) - arranged by Szudi

Review by karl_xii, 03/07/2009

Perfect instruments, drums and tempo. It seldoms happens but I think this is really much better than the original. Clear and crisp and vastly improved.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Warhawk (Don't Feed the Warhawk mix) - arranged by Mutherpluckin' B

Review by LaLa, 01/07/2009

Awesome folk-rock intro (ZZ Top?), I wish the entire tune was kept in that style. I was fully expecting some vocals after that, but the sharp synth lead starting from 0:45 totally destroyed the feeling. I like the lead from 2:57 much better. Then from 3:35 the piano (which is too weak btw) is a welcome change that brings us back to folk-rock territory. The outro is amazing again, like the intro was.

All in all, the basic idea is great, the backing tracks are arranged very well. Change or at least tone down that sharp synth lead, and it'll surely get some red smilies!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Spellbound (Orchestral) - arranged by LaLa

Review by Craze, 22/06/2009

Yes! This is 100% nostalgia for me.

Spellbound is a song that I've wanted to make a remix on for a long while. Hearing this one has convinced me there is absolutely no artistic reason for a new version.

Great intro and the drum from 0:20 builds up nicely. You have used a lot of different instruments in this arrangement. The only thing I can complain about is the quality of the instrument bank that is used. Not sure if it's MIDI or not, but I see that the composition is from 2002. At that point there was not that much stuff on the market for affordable prices. Today, I use Nexus 2 (Dance Orchestra expansion)and Garritan Personal Orchestra myself. I'd be very interested to see what you could accomplish with those instruments.

2:10.. where the fiddle comes in is superp.

2:55… ahh… wonderful with the choir and.. hmm xylophone-something? Just great!

You are using the percussions in an excellent way! Gong, cymbal and metalworks and bells etc are used in a creative way and it enriches the arrangement a lot, making up for the quality of the weaker instruments.

Knowing that there are many older tunes with MIDI instruments much higher up the charts here, I'd say this tune is severely underrated. I'd like to put it somewhere in top 200. Maybe even top 100.

Cheers, mate!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Nemesis The Warlock - arranged by Craze

Review by Adamsen, 20/06/2009

Ok… I've listened quite many times on this arrangement now, and I'd like to write my first review ever… we'll see how it turns out.
I just had to write something more about this tune than a few lines.

To start with, it's a complex arrangement indeed. My first impression is that someone tried very hard but made something average. I had to listen a few times more to see the potential and what's good and bad, and the more I listened to it, the more interesting it is.
So here's what I think about it, going throw all the parts (yeah, many parts, it's a damn long title song).

0:01 Great start and dramatic string.
00:31 Ahh… nostalgia! (I'd like to have different gong sound )
1:04 The melody drowns a bit in the rest.
1:12 This part is nice and sad.
1:48 Hitchcock like sound, I'll get an ill omen feeling. Good stuff. Then the coming part from 1:50 is kind of the main theme of the whole song. The original SID is more aggressive here. You are still keeping to the sad feeling mood here. Well, it's OK, it works.. but I'd like more aggressiveness here.
2:25 Great - this part is really nice! The solo string sounds really authentic and the build-up of rock guitars in the background is creative.
3:05-4:07. The weakest part in the arrangement. The rocky sound and classic strings doesn't really match in this part… or it's something else. Can't really put my finger on it.
3:27 Things are starting to get a bit more interesting, but still a bit weak.
3:58: It gets more intensive and actually better.
4:07: Now we're rolling again!
4:33… the main theme here with lots of pulse and aggressiveness. Gotta love this! I'm getting goose bumps here.
4:43 The strings play an interesting pattern here.
4:55 This part is OK.
5:05 We have a disharmony here, but I guess this is intentional? Reading your web page I am guessing that you are tearing up the harmonies with the guitar here to make the listener less comfortable and have merciless feeling? I like the idea (_IF_ it's intentional that is…).
5:16-5:35 This part is OK but not great.
5:35 Awesome. This is beautiful.
5:55 And the fade out from rock guitars to the original starting style. This is truly beautiful.
6:16 And the ending is totally there, just the way I'd like it.

I'm gonna be a bit hard on you for a start. You say on your website that you spent 80 hours on the whole tune. Ok… then I ask myself: why on earth spend 80 hours on a great arrangement and then NOT spend the additional 20 hours to polish and finish the work with good mastering and fix up the details?? It feels like some sound frequencies collide here and there, and some string sounds are a bit dark and blurry at times. I have to agree with some other comment - why not get help from someone that is good at mastering. This arrangement deserves something better. It's somewhere between average and good, but I'll give you Good since I'm in a generous mood.

All in all, I think you follow the original SID well and the feeling of the original tune is definitely there. This is probably Rob Hubbard's darkest tune and one of the most slaughtery and violent games made to C64. I think you are setting the feeling right from the beginning. So… nostalgia factor: outstanding.

Now to the artistic part. I can see that you have struggled a lot and I don't think you succeeded entirely, but that belongs to the technical execution. The will to do something different is there which I value a lot. You tried to mix classic symphonic style with rock… and I can hear that it was pretty difficult. I am having a hard time to make up my mind about what I should give you here… Very good or Outstanding… I think this tune competes well with Reyns version. It's a long tune, and I'd say it's artistic all the way and it has succeeded to
still keep my interest although it was a bit difficult to sink into from the start. But not many songs here give me goose bumps, and knowing that this tune is still great to listen to after 10-15 times of listening, I'm gonna give you and outstanding on artistic impression.
(By the way, about Reyns version, I still think he's the king. I'd say Reyn has: Technical-outstanding, Artistry-outstanding, Nostalgia: very good).

I listened to another of your tunes here, GhostnGoblins, which plays in a different league. Comparably primitive stuff. It's interesting to see such leaps in complexity from one tune to another. I am interested to hear what you will be able to compose in the future.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Nemesis The Warlock - arranged by Craze

Review by LaLa, 16/06/2009

I have a love-hate relationship with this remix. The intro until 1:11 - love it. The part between 1:11-1:45 - hate it. The bass guitar heavy arrangement between 3:05-3:57 - love it. The lead guitar arrangement between 4:02-4:31 - love it. The chaos of 5:04-5:35 - hate it. The ending from 5:35 - love it.

This remix seems to suffer from too much variety. The symphonic Metallica (a la S&M) style really fits this tune. The purely symphonic parts are too simple and too dry to be enjoyable. The chaotic anarchist part sounds too much out of tune to my ears.

All in all, kudos for daring to be different and for going for something completely different, but it's not really fleshed out here and stylistically it seems to go all over the map in a relatively short amount of time. There are some great gems of ideas in there, though - next time concentrate on those.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Liljedahl is God (Green Beret+Rambo) - arranged by Mordi

Review by OJ Oscillation, 01/05/2009

i really love the tracker file that i have of this piece. this rmx takes it to the same level with some additional fills like the vocoder like female hook. the bass goes deep and the lead cares a very feelfull mood. a bit dull in two arrangment parts of it imho, could be a bit brighter. the whole tune is very atmospheric and transparent. everytime i get lifted by this tune. if you like soulfull music, this one is a have to have it.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Parallax (Andes Ocarina mix) - arranged by Kurrel the Raven

Review by OJ Oscillation, 30/04/2009

what a nice touch of a parallax. i'm feeling like i'm standing on a mountain right in columbia (somehow i also feel being in a coffee commercial). this tune plays right away a human live-played-feeling, in every aspect. no sign of miditiming or computer added music making.
so does the instrumentals. a very organic and emotional remix at a very charming factor is this fine piece. the style suits very good to the melody part of parallax. but in the end i miss something: the music is too short. i would like to hear this tune like a 5 minute score. very well done mr. raven. thank you for the music.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Quadrant Subtune6 (My Endless Silkroad) - arranged by Peacemaker

Review by Koads, 24/04/2009

I am also not familiar with this tune, however it does not matter. This is one of my alltime fav's. The simplicity of this piece sends shivers down my spine. Im awestruck each time…
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Liljedahl is God (Green Beret+Rambo) - arranged by Mordi

Review by LaLa, 14/03/2009

A remix of a remix (of a sort-of-remix!), hmm…

It's tough for me to give you high praise for the arrangement because most of it comes from Liljedahl's brilliant remix and the part that never fails to give me goosebumps (even here) - the Green Beret part - is present in this remix almost unmodified (and it's even repeated several times, which I do like). The only big change here, of course, is the switcharoo between the Rambo and Green Beret sections.

I'm also not too impressed by the relatively soft lead sounds which almost make the melody line disappear. They are drowned out by all the other stuff going on. Have a listen to the Galway is God 2000 version from the BIT II album which enhanced the original MOD/XM even further by making the lead sharp and pronounced, which to me sounds more appealing.

But that's actually only a minor complaint of mine about the technical side of your piece, because all in all, it's a technically very impressive remix. Artistically it's also very impressive - but only because of Liljedahl's talents.

BTW, somebody noted it's very Jarre-like. I laughed out loud - of course it is, since Galway's original Green Beret SID is inspired by Jarre's Night in Shanghai to begin with…

PS: 9 years later and I still get goosebumps listening to it… An amazing piece of music!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

1 2 3 ⋅⋅⋅ 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 ⋅⋅⋅ 90 91 92