Listener's Reviews

all c64 only Amiga only

Displaying Reviews 1561 - 1590 out of 2421


Cobra (jazzed up mix) - arranged by Cytex

Review by bar, 31/01/2004

I love this version of Cobra made by Cytex. It sounds relaxing and runs smooth without boring the listener with useless drums sections or with a too long introducion. The only fault is in the lead instrument, a synth trumpet, that plays easy the melody but has no dynamics and the loop can be heard sometimes.
Anyway there is a simple but great idea behind this remix, so i think it deserves to be downloaded and put in your c64-remix collection.
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Lightforce (Enigma Remix) - arranged by CraigG

Review by rudwolf, 27/01/2004

Since the song gets to 58 seconds past the beginning you can note some lack of syncronism the song is good but if the effects where better it could give the song a lot more of value😉
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Phantoms Of The Asteroid - arranged by Marcel Donné

Review by immacolata, 20/01/2004

Donne has made a tempo filled remix that I find myself listening to often. The remix is fairly faithful to the original sid tune once the synth section is over after the first minute. The absolute stroke of genious for this remix, however, is the drum track. It is present in the rest of the tune and makes quite a presence. It sound lolly-gagish at first but it really carries the tune in my opinion, and I think this quaint, disco-inspired drumtrack is what keeps me coming back for this song time after time. Of course, the rest of the instruments are chosen with care and fits in perfectly.
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Indiana Jones (Ethno Revenge) - arranged by Thomas Detert offline

Review by infamous, 18/01/2004

Da daa da da!!!!!! de dada da da! cant mistake it can ya
one of the most recognisable film tunes ever and here it is again, but in an ethno/dario g style eurodance kinda edit thang… and its impressive to say the least.

not going to say much about it, because what can anyone say about the indiana jones theme that aint already been said? its awsome ok.. and this is an awsome dance remix. simple as that.

dont bother looking at me rambling on this just download the blinkered thing and be happy with it. GO.

NOW! .
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Indiana Jones (Ethno Revenge) - arranged by Thomas Detert offline

Review by Tas, 11/01/2004

It's the main theme of Indiana Jones alright but with a twist and a not so subtle tiwst at that. The theme is there in its full glory but with some very clever links and sounds. The dance remix has a Ethnic feel which explains the title. Strong use of Vocal sample CD's somehow don't detract from what is essential a well produced track. Essentially its not an out and out remix of the sid but more a remix of the film but disregarding that fact downloading is a must. Technically impressive, and creatively admirable.

WARNING: Indiana Jones will always sound this way in the future!
Artistic skill
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Overall rating

720 Degrees (Still Loading) - arranged by Juha Kaunisto

Review by ifadeo, 08/12/2003

well, this remix and his zoids remix are two of the best remixes of 2003. it makes a difference, if real guitars used instead of virtual guitarist or slayer… nothing against those progy's… but i prefer real guitars! in this piece of punk-art you can hear a lot of noisy guitars, sounding punk'ish and that's good it fits perfect to the orginal tune…

overall it's a very authentic outstanding punk production, the only weak point: it's to short…

are they days of poser-heavy-metal all over??? i hope so… 😉
Artistic skill
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Last V8 - arranged by o2

Review by rafael, 03/12/2003

Let me start by pointing out that I REALLY like O2s work - his Nemesis track is one of my all-time faves on RKO. Magnificent, powerful and well designed. Errr… this is where I have to start writing about this track I think. And that's exactly my problem with it. There's not that much to say, no offence Carsten. It really started well, with those eerie bass effects and the technical feel - then, in comes the typical Jarre-like sound but then… don't know, something happens and the tune fails. It's not that it's technically poor, nor is it musically uninteresting. It's just that there's nothing outstanding about it. And outstanding you normally are dude. It's a shame Carsten hasn't finished his track for R64 Vol. 2. Now THAT would have been interesting. What do you say?
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Saboteur II - revisited - arranged by Marcel Donné

Review by infamous, 03/12/2003

Saboteur. one of the many games i bought and then thought WHAT? WHY? HUH?!?!
but anyway…

Having experience of the game 1st hand really does help with this one and listening to it for a 2nd time, this wouldnt go amiss in a saboteur remake, the soundscape and the way its written fits perfectly into the original. maybe this is how rob actually wanted it? or maybe not.

Either way, once again we have a great remix from marcel (2 in one go… must by xmas hehe).. The only gripe i have is that the drums are too low in the sound spectrum, they are played too far back into the speakers with everything else sitting at the front and this effects the rest of the bass, giving it a muddy feel.

But what is there is still as good as your likely to ever get on RKO without the aid of alot of money and a HUGE studio.
Dont actually ever remember there being any music in saboteur either but then my c64 hated me and hardly ever did what i asked of it. but what we have here as i said before is something worth downloading as usual from mr donne .
so stop reading the inane ramblings of a english madperson and go download and judge for yourself.

nostalgic gets a googly cos as i said - never remember any music from it so i cant exactly get nostalgic can i :-p lol.
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Phantoms Of The Asteroid - arranged by Marcel Donné

Review by infamous, 03/12/2003

Phantoms of the asteroids, one of my personal favourite sids and marcel donne one of my personal favourite remixers in one box.
MMMMM… lets just have a listen.

Starts with a nice lil string pad arrangement that really doesnt seem to have much to do with the actual sid but this originality you come to expect from mr donne, there are however slight sid noises running through beautifully along with what sounds like someone with currybelly groaning and the odd clang of a metal object… rising synths.. then it all fades away slightly to reveal the real start of the tune with a fast but not thumping drum beat beginning to play and the instantly recognisable bleeps come.. its phantom of the asteroids alright And its a more than decent version of it.

As usual the sample quality is top notch, the arrangement near to perfect as it could be, the whole thing oozes marcel quality and is well worth having a listen too. if i was going to introduce someone to RKO by showing them a tune,
This wouldnt be the 1st but it'd be in the top 10 without a doubt.

A recommended download if ever i heard one.
wtg marcel.
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Saboteur II - revisited - arranged by Marcel Donné

Review by ifadeo, 03/12/2003

i don't like rob hubbard's orginal, it's sounds a bit weird…
… but marcel shows us what it needs to recreate something fresh out of a mediocre sidtune: a stimulating bass, a cute cs80 lead (i'm right, marcel?), and some real nice sequencer-lines…

the only weak point(IMO) is that deep pad sound starting at 3:45, the pad dominates and i can't hear anymore those nice little sounds & beeps in the background, behind the FAT pad sound… but who cares…😉

overall it's a fantastic synth-pop composition…

thank you for the music… marcel
Artistic skill
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Panther (Blitz Mix) - arranged by ifadeo

Review by infamous, 28/11/2003

Ok here we are with another electronical tune from the artist formerly known as klang…

And as usual its of a high standard, pretty much like all what he does, i do love the style that ifadeo uses, its a fresh approach towards remixing and one i wholeheartedly enjoy.
But thats enough icon rubbing on to the tune itself.


Not one of wittakers tunes that come straight to mind, but i do know it from listening to other remixers who have tackled it of late,
its ironic that it'd appear here (At least to me) after hearing it a thousand times elsewere and i can safely say this is the best version of it ive heard so far.

It has a bouncy quality that just moves the song along, despite the fact that it does repeat itself over and over again for the mainline,
the instruments and synths used ensure it doesnt grate and get on your nerves.

I love the snare used it has a slight laseresque (if thats a word) sound to it. The synths themselves are clear and concise as usual, and special mention to the nice analog bubbles used througout.. very nice .
Overall this is another one of mr ifadeo's tunes thats going into my eternal playlist, and one that i recommend everyone else places in theres too.

class act… class tune.
Artistic skill
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Overall rating

720 Degrees (Still Loading) - arranged by Juha Kaunisto

Review by xgener8or, 28/11/2003

This is cool. One little thing, you have a quite strong Finnish accent :-P If you could get it more americanized it'd kick ass
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

720 Degrees (Still Loading) - arranged by Juha Kaunisto

Review by maindrian, 28/11/2003

Parents! Cover your childrens ears, disconnect the speakers and burn them! Its rude, crude, quite possibly one of the best guitar based remixes ever, and its out to corrupt your children and frighten your granny!

Seriously, that Sumppi chap has outdone himself here. For one thing, the punk rock style fits the tune perfectly. 720 Degrees as done by The Clash? Not quite, but still cooler than a very cool thing. Another thing, those distorted vocals. I love 'em, but then, a distorted vocal could make Mr. Bean sound like James Hetfield. Some fairly harsh language going on here too, but appropriate. Believe me, I've shouted much worse when waiting for a game to load.
The faults, I hear you ask? Only one. Its too short. But worry ye not, you can put it on repeat play! Don't suppose it would be too much to ask for an extended version some time in the far future though?

Well done Juha, I look forward to your next one. Can I have my hearing back now?
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Cauldron II - I am a Pumpkin Man - arranged by trauma

Review by Tomsk, 24/11/2003

When I first listened to this, I must admit it was a little too 'strange' for me. Original and with an incredibly unique approach the tune soon began to grow on me, and as I listened more I slowly became hooked. The whole thing gells together so well, and this is a testiment to the artistic quality of trauma - he really has created a genuinely original and hugely listenable remix of a fairly weak C64 tune. The lyrics help enormously, but the musical merit of this remix should not be overlooked. If you've downloaded this and found it (as I did) a little to 'odd' - please give it a chance. Sometimes the finest tunes are the ones that you grow to love - and not just instantly like.
This is indeed, a fine tune! Top rated Trauma - showing his individual class - well done.
Artistic skill
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Cauldron II - I am a Pumpkin Man - arranged by trauma

Review by rotwang, 24/11/2003

I find this remix to be nothing short of awesome, right from the (smile-provoking) intro to the (awe-provoking) finale. Of course, having played a lot of Cauldron II in my time (and having shared the feelings of frustration the artist had) I can't be too objective about it, but this tune captures perfecty not only the rythm and melody of the original (which I like), but also the frowing sense of anger as that godforsaken pumpkin kept on jumping and JUMPING RIGHT INTO THOSE DAMN SKELETONS AND… *ahem* well, you get the idea.

Just a small thing… since I'm spanish my written english is more or less decent but my spoken one is rather jerky… Could someone post the lyrics just to see if I got them right? I don't know if I'll be pumpkin' you just like pumpkins do and I'm a pumpkin man I love to jump, jump, jumpjumpjump are 100% accurate, or if I'm missing some lyrics along the way…
Artistic skill
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Wings Of Fury - arranged by JPH

Review by wwwwolf, 23/11/2003

It's short, yeah, but it's *short and sweet*. =)
Helicopters and gunfire, and electric guitar melodies… almost kicks most of the power metal bands out of the charts!

This is just *epic*! Great work.

No idea about the nostalgic value. I don't care. This thing rules even without nostalgy. Yet, since it reminds me of SID arpeggios, I have to give *some* score =)
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C64 Medley - arranged by GZILLA

Review by bar, 23/11/2003

This remix is not so bad! It has some Tangerine Dream echoes, and sounds quite good. I don't like only the Commando section, but the whole work deserves some consideration.
Artistic skill
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Last V8 - arranged by o2

Review by chak, 23/11/2003

Damn… I wrote 5 sentences and while doing a research on other Last V8 songs, my whole written stuff is gone. That sucks… So here only my short point of views:
First minute cool sounds, maybe a little out of rythm. Then the song starts sounding like old (mid. 80's) Vangelis / Jean Michele Jarre (both great musicans).
I miss the drive, speed, power and feeling that the Original give to the listener with just 3 voices. This remix is a little too much, resulting in sound sludge. At 2:23 the brake sounds like the composer didn't really had the delight anymore?
This mix couldn't convince me to like the remix of Kent Walldén from the year 2000 more 😉
Artistic skill
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Zak McKracken (by Razor and the Scumettes) - arranged by plasm303

Review by chak, 23/11/2003

My absolut respect in that work! I like how you handle those guitariffs. Even that I would never had played so far with Zak to find this tape you're talking about 😉
Great work!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Hardcore Hubbard Mix - arranged by Jogeir Liljedahl

Review by ianni, 22/11/2003

Another great remix of Hubbard's music by Jogeir Liljedahl! Unfortunately, it appears this is the only mp3 song of Jogeir Liljedahl at this remix site. Jogeir Liljedahl's other remixes (like the intro to RFB-II) are even more awesome! I have both his CD's and they truly great to listen to!
Artistic skill
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Thrust (Standfast Remix) - arranged by Philip Bak

Review by ianni, 22/11/2003

Phil Bak's version of R. Hubbard's Thrust is quite different and yet still addictive to listen to. The Operatic voices are most complementory for this version of Thrust. Another remix you can listen to dozens of times! Excellent job Phil!
Artistic skill
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Great Giana Sisters (PTTM Distortion Remix) - arranged by Sonic Wanderer

Review by ianni, 22/11/2003

This is my first review on any song and I had to simply write one before I bust! A simply awesome remix of the Great Giana Sisters, probably the best! I had to write this review because I just noticed that everytime I'm coding, Sonic Wanderer's name is always in my Winamp panel. Most of his remixes are most mind stimulating to code by! I think I've listened to most of his remix songs at least 100x each. Hey Sonic Wanderer do you have a homepage? Do you need any donations for future work? This music puts to shame the crapt on MTV as it must be true that the RIAA is killing real musicians like this one and the many others in the C64/Amiga/MOD remix and original music scene.
Artistic skill
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Barbarian (Orchestral) - arranged by Matthias Sachal

Review by cohagen, 21/11/2003

Well, this is one of the Remixes I've been waiting for, Matthias did an outstanding job in choosing the Instruments, they fit nicely into the spirit of the tune. He also did a good job in making the Midi Instruments sound more real with using different effects on them so they sound better than usual. I'm just a little dissapointed cause of the shortness of the tune, It could've been a little longer. All In all a very good remix (that could've been done better by using more realistic Instruments), but it satisfied me…
Artistic skill
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Feud (Herb garden remix) - arranged by Infamous

Review by ifadeo, 20/11/2003

together with his human race remix, this mix is one of my favorite remixes
from infamous, he's getting his very own style.. everything but cute… 😉
the remix got some real good sounds and a moving bassline, overall a good remix.
i'm wondering that his remixes got such low ratings at R:K:O:…
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Feud (Herb garden remix) - arranged by Infamous

Review by chak, 20/11/2003

Yeah I like uptempo tunes. I dont remember the song when I listen to your version, but I like improvisations too… So I'm checking the song on Sidtune later. I really like the sounds and movement in the song, maybe the drums are a little bit too dominant, or the D'n'b loop is a little too repeating without changes.
My opinion…
Artistic skill
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Times of Lore (destination unknown remix) - arranged by ChaK

Review by ifadeo, 20/11/2003

Chak's first attempt doing a c64 remix and his remix is really felicitous…
he catch the spirit of the orginal, with a good selection of sounds…
the only weak point, this remix is to short… 😉

keep'em coming, chris!!!

cheers ifadeo
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Illgen (groovy-trancey-gangsta-jazz-mix) - arranged by Putzi

Review by ifadeo, 20/11/2003

well, putzi did again a cover of another unkown sid, this time he takes a tune
from stefan hartwig… putzi has done a great job, a good selection of sounds,
textures and a real good production, it's his best remix so far in my opinion.
Artistic skill
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Times of Lore (destination unknown remix) - arranged by ChaK

Review by maindrian, 20/11/2003

Aye, this one is good, if a little odd. When I think of the TOL theme, I usually associate it with that wonderful arpegio, and its here, but its strange hearing it done so electronically. Not that electronic is bad, far from it. This is still a good remix and I think its a sound I would like to hear more of. Akin to Harry Gregson Williams or Trevor Rabin, a mix of orchestral and electronic sounds that gels really well.

I think it loses a few points for nostalgia, but only because its so jarring to hear TOL in this context. Its quite polished and very listenable. So listen to it… Or something. Uh, yeah.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Last Ninja Palace (ESQ1 demo) - arranged by Kristofer Ulfves

Review by hille, 20/11/2003

A very nice, synthetic remake. Really cool. I really don't have much to say, I'm not too familiar with the original, since I - apparently as one of the few in the world - never played Last Ninja very much.

Anywho, I just wanted to point out the coolness of using an Ensoniq ESQ1 to make a C64-remake on, since the designer of the SID, Bob Yannes, went to work for Ensoniq after leaving Commodore… So basically, he also designed the ESQ1 - IIRC…

But, a great remake. Straight to the nostalgia-bone!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Last V8 - arranged by Jason and Emma Page

Review by striker, 19/11/2003

Oh crap! When I heard this, I was like, okay, we got a little jam going on. at about 30 seconds, okay, here is the basic start tune. 0:40, uh oh, We got something new Hitting the streets. by 1:00, I thought of the new SpyHunter game that was out, and thinking, YOU have to be the remixer of greatness. If The Last V8 is EVER brought into the 3D environment like SpyHunter, this is what I want to hear. Its jsut all that. Its got the original tune, but its jammin'. It's the upgrade. It IS the Last V8.
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