Listener's Reviews

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Displaying Reviews 1591 - 1620 out of 2421


Supernova (the slow tune) - arranged by Thomas Detert

Review by rafael, 12/11/2003

Oh my g o d.

But let me explain first that I kind of missed this when it was first released. Recently, I put together a MiniDisc for my car audio and decided to add this tune. And boy am I glad I did.

Thomas' powerful arrangements and his touch for spherical soundscapes have been put to good use in this masterpiece. It's a little Enigma, some Vangelis and a sprinkle of X-Files come together in a powerful synth ballad-theme that makes the hair on my neck' jump a meter. Beyond doubt, this is Thomas best piece yet, topped marginally, but only marginally, by his version of Shades on the Remix64 Vol2. CD.

Excellent choir sections, gigantic synths, hypnotically driving percussion and top sound quality. The tune itself is amazingly simple yet there's a big hookability rating here.

I bow in respect Mr. Detert.
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Future Shock 2001 - arranged by Max Hall

Review by infamous, 10/11/2003

Never heard the sid before i heard this, and had to go listen to the sid after hearing this just to see if it was close to it.
so i really cannot review it on merit of nostalgia.
but on an artistic level this tune really rocks and rocks something good.
its your average techno dance affair and it takes ages to get going, but as it moves along it gets faster and better and faster and better till it culminates and turns into the future shock sid… and then it sorta goes downhill for me, it stays pretty flat and doesnt do anything particulary amazing.
having said that though, i DID enjoy listening to it and would again, infact id go as far to say if i was a dj it would end up in my collection simply for that beginning.

not a bad effort to say the least.
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Future Knight - arranged by Markus Schneider

Review by infamous, 10/11/2003

I am totally biased when writing this review.
future knight is by far my favorite sid of all time.
And markus also happens to be one of my favorite sid artists too (rolling ronny springs straight to mind) so hearing this again really does tickle the right places for me.

Where to start? the composition is near flawless but that is to be expected of mr shneider, the sound quality is superb, this is pretty much more of a cover than a remix, so if you liked the sid like i did hearing this is like getting the ps2 version of the game with an updated soundtrack.

Personally its probably my favorite remix on RKO, if you've never heard future knight then it might not be to your taste(it being a ben daglish tune)and he was never one to conform to the boundaries of what was around at the time.
Its well worth a listen if you enjoy orchestrated music.
Artistic skill
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Dutch Breeze/Robocop 3 (Progressive Uplift) - arranged by Lagerfeldt

Review by pezz, 07/11/2003

I just simply don't enjoy listening to the original of this anymore, and when I play the original SID, I think of every part of this version. Outstanding.
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Spy cello vs spy pizzi - arranged by gol

Review by sheik, 04/11/2003

I like this remix a lot, it evokes just the right nostalgia value whilst standing up well on its own merits.

There is apparently a version of Spy vs Spy being remade for the Xbox, they could do worse than asking gol for permission to use this.
Artistic skill
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Out Run (2 Acoustic) - arranged by dor-x

Review by sheik, 04/11/2003

This is an awesome arrangement, I've registered on remix64 just to express my appreciation for the work.
This mix has just two tracks as far as I can tell, a simple strum pattern with virtuoso melody played over the top. The result is extremely pleasant to listen to, an ideal tune to have in your car!

dor-x, please post some info about this piece, ideally some simple guitar tab to let us poor tone-deaf people have a go!
Artistic skill
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Froehn (Carnival In Rio Mix) - arranged by LMan

Review by suso, 04/11/2003

This song starts out so well, but then it tries to add to the tune to complete it and that's where it becomes weak. Sorry. I really like the instrument arrangement. I don't like the fade out at the end. A Rio type song in my opinion should have some kind of grand finale, instead of fading out like a 80s rock. The original melody should come back one final time or something.

As far as Froehn goes, it's hard to find.
Artistic skill
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Great Giana Sisters - arranged by Dr Future

Review by suso, 04/11/2003

I could listen to this one over and over and over. It's really great and a good break from all the dance remixes. I don't mind dance remixes and some of them are good too, but THIS remix is really musical. The accoustic sound is very nice. I think this is my favorite c64 remix. GREAT JOB!
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Wings Of Fury - arranged by JPH

Review by suso, 04/11/2003

Wow, this makes me want to go play the game. Or fly a jet or something. Too bad it's not longer. The piano counter melody is nice.
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Auf Wiedersehen Monty (Fruity Mix) - arranged by XOR

Review by wishbone, 04/11/2003

This is a great remix, with one major exception: the instrument used for the main theme is much too weak. It sounds more like a background string than a lead instrument. This is a pity, because otherwise, this is one of the best remixes I've ever heard of Auf Wiedersehen Monty. It manages to capture the feel of the original, while keeping its own distinct style. A real tribute to one of my favourite C64 classics of all time.
Artistic skill
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Sigh of The Eye (Analog Dust) - arranged by ifadeo

Review by infamous, 28/10/2003

I got a bit confused when i listened to this, the tune said sigh of the eye but my ear said platoon you buffoon!

so delving into mr dunn (ooer) i realise he obviously liked this tune so much he put it into platoon (or lifted it out and did a better sounding version) either way ifadeo has done something rather beautiful with it.
Its a very easy going sound that he has created, I can hear the usual trademark synths being used too good effect as ifadeo does, the tune was pleasent and very beautiful in the 1st place and this is pure lounge business.

The only gripe i really have is with the hi-hats in the background of the beat they sound a little too dirty but thats just a minor thing when the rest of the tune is as good as it is.
Not an essential download, you dont need this to have the definitive c64 collection but if you like good music and love easy going melodies then this would be for you.

As i said before a sociably acceptable remix that pleases my ear personally and i recommend downloading it, and for those that have never heard of the tune heed the words above it is platoon sid2 aswell as sigh of the eye so if u like that essential if you dont then trying things new never hurt anybody… except novice sword swallowers of course.
Artistic skill
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Overall rating

Martin Galways Symphony - arranged by Markus Schneider

Review by rafael, 28/10/2003

Magnificent - somewhat better than Markus' last effort, maybe because the melody is simply better. The percussion is improving too. I'm not a total expert for orchestral as many know (I prefer the mix of symphonic and electronica) - the soundscape is recognizably Markus Schneider and that sense of surprise seemed to have gone a little in the previous track but it's back here. I like it! Well done Markus!
Artistic skill
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Rambo and Bombo on Impossible Mission (unplugged) - arranged by Mahoney

Review by almightyc64, 27/10/2003

I'll definitely agree with the other reviewers, this one is strange, but in a good way It sounds like something out of a strange psychological horror movie. If I was trapped on a tropical island somewhere with a psychopath hunting me, this is the music I'd expect to hear in the background.
Artistic skill
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Boing (FutuRetro Remix) - arranged by Sonic Wanderer

Review by cirdan, 25/10/2003

I really, really like the stomping rhythm and the way that the track starts. It reminds me of some good old Laserdance and other synthesizer dance acts which I'm very much keen on. The bassline is simple but cool and effective.

Unfortunately the leads aren't very interesting. Some vibrato could
bring those leads more alive. Also, it may could've been better if sid-arpeggios were replaced by normal chord-stabs.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Breaker - arranged by Sonic Wanderer

Review by infamous, 25/10/2003

Having never heard the sid here i am listening to its remix.
and smiling like the cheshire cat looking up alice's skirt and seeing she's gone commando.
A very bouncy little tune, the production is as usual for sonic wanderer (impecable) it sounds a little like it should be in something like marble madness, very bouncy… thats the only word i can use to sum this up.

I like the use of some very c64 sounding synths and booo! noises throughout as usual its just a very proffesional sounding effort from a very talented artist.
Not exactly the most famous of sids im sure but still a very good remix and one definetly worth downloading.
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Forbidden Forest (post-rock remix) - arranged by Gammagumma

Review by maindrian, 23/10/2003

I love how Gammasutra has arranged this remix. Its got an hypnotic quality about it. The rythm suits the tune perfectly. Dark and mysterious deeds are afoot! I particuarly like the lead guitar, very… Um, twangy. Exotic.

Its not perfect. I could swear there's a guitar out of tune somewhere in there at the start, right of centre. Could just be my hearing of course, but it doesn't spoil the tune in any way. Sound quality is good, not great, although it is hard work arranging guitar based remixes just so.

Overall, it makes for compelling listening. Certainly worth a look for fans of both Forbidden Forest and slightly off-the-wall rock.
Artistic skill
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Martin Galways Symphony - arranged by Markus Schneider

Review by infamous, 22/10/2003

ol markus is at it again! .
caught the orchestral bug and big time this fella, and he does do it pretty well, unlike his last few efforts this one does have feeling within, and in my opinion sounds like something you'd get during LOTR so that must be a good thing.
i can see pippin n merry saying something epic over the top of this remix before everything goes quiet and the war is won at the end of the tune.
this is just once again a recommended download from a very talented musician and a brilliant remixer.

go now.
go download.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Thundercats (Nervous Gattuso Edit) - arranged by N-JOY

Review by infamous, 22/10/2003

come to expect this level of proffesionalismn from the likes of the soundwavers.
the trance/dance kings of RKO as far as i am concerned and once again one of the 2 turns up and causes my ears to do a little jig.

the tune is trance in its purest form, beautifully melodic with some well thought out and harmonic noises, sounds a little like the cynic project (which is not a bad thing).
i emplore you, if your a dance fan go now and download this you wont be dissapointed… if your a music fan go download this, hell just go now and download this.

Artistic skill
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Overall rating

Bubble Bobble (Live!) - arranged by Hampshire Regional High School

Review by Tas, 15/10/2003

HA HA!!! welcome to the perhaps-a-doobie band. This is just magnificent and for one reason and one reason only, for being completely different and being completely original. Arranged by the Hampshire Regional High School, haha! i never did this in band practice!!!! but then i never went to band practice😉

This tune actually escaped me first time around and if it wasn't for some wise words from some of the reviewers i would have missed this. Now thats what i call entertainment!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Bubble Bobble (Live!) - arranged by Hampshire Regional High School

Review by bruce, 15/10/2003

This is fantastic! I laughed my head off the first time I heard this. Imagine Bubble Bobble played live by a Salvation Army band and you're getting close. Not a great recording, nor great technically, but top marks for the arrangement, the originality and simply having the nerve to make this happen!
Artistic skill
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Target Renegade - Title Remix - arranged by CZ Tunes

Review by mattsid, 12/10/2003

Wonderful Track, the bass are fanstastik… very great work on this fantastik cover! better then the original for me
Artistic skill
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Crazy Comets (Komet Non-Stop mix) - arranged by Makke

Review by mattsid, 12/10/2003


I Love C64 Musik and Kraftwerks! 2 Miths in one! Wonderful track!

M-U-S-I-K- N-O-N S-T-O-P, T-E-C-H-N-O-P-O-P!
Artistic skill
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Spy vs. Spy II (Profound Mix) - arranged by Zyron

Review by almightyc64, 11/10/2003

A decent mix of the sidtune with a drumbeat make this one enjoyable to listen to as an enhancement of the original. Not my favorite remix of the Spy vs Spy II music, but it's a decent effort.
Artistic skill
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Commando (2001 mix) - arranged by Jarno Beumer

Review by Tomsk, 11/10/2003

There's something about this mix. Ask me if i'd thought the style suited commando and I'd have said no way. But this tune just bops along, and soon you'll bop with it. Special mention to the drums and bass, very original and I suspect they hook a lot of people into this jolly version. It's old now, but still it gets a play from time to time because it's one of those tunes that I can't help but enjoy. In 2001 this would warrant an orange smiley, but standards have increased so much - maybe I should have reviewed this back then. Having said that I'm still listening to it - that's a great acheivement as a lot of tunes show their age with-in a year or so. Good work!
Artistic skill
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Lightforce (Existenz Mix) - arranged by MistaDistah

Review by Tomsk, 11/10/2003

I luv Lightforce me! Reet luv it. Which I why I felt compelled to write this review of one of my favorite sids. If you took all of the good stuff out of this mix and cut it down to a more respectable length then I don't think this would be half bad. As it is, it's certainly not unlistenable - there are well done bits, but not enough to make this a smiley i'm afraid. I have to pick on the drums in particular which do sound… well, crap.
Most of the synth in this tune is quite good, but the remix element (i. e. the original non Hubbard bits) sound like they were thrown in as an after thought.
A shame really. Oh, and the samples at the beginning/end add nothing - perhaps another after thought? Loose the midi stuff and get more creative MistaDistah, I'm sure you'll crack it in the end, as there does seem to be potential there.
Artistic skill
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Suicide Express - arranged by BaR

Review by Tomsk, 11/10/2003

Most professional and most pleasing to listen to. What suprised me most is that this really isn't my type of music, but the whole package is so sweetly put together it's difficult not to like it. The backing in particular, stands out for me as a high point of the tune. This could have easily been 'overdone' and spoiled the mix, but it's perfectly placed, with varying effects so not to become tedious.
Suicide express like you're never likely to hear it done again - and if you don't like trance type music, have no fear. It's quite mellow and melodic despite the style suggesting otherwise - I think you'll enjoy it as much as I.
Artistic skill
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Out Run (2 Acoustic) - arranged by dor-x

Review by Tomsk, 11/10/2003

Very good. I love the warm sound of acoustic guitar, and there's no doubt this is played by a hugely competent individual. A little on the short side, leaving you wanting an extra minute or so, this mix sounds great and is possibly the best acoustic attempt on R64 so far. More like this please!
Artistic skill
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Firelord - Symphonic - arranged by Glyn R Brown

Review by Tomsk, 11/10/2003

Gosh, I remember downloading this with a very negative attitude. Having enjoyed other mixes by Glyn I was sceptical about this one mainly because I hadn't heard the sid. After hearing it, I was not only astonished with this piece of music, but it also changed my attitude in regards to listening to sid tunes I'd never heard of before. Quite a dramatic effect to have on some one I remember thinking. The tune itself is quite simply the most beautifully crafted piece of Sid remixing on Remix 64 thus far. Initially you have no idea what's going to hit you - the first couple of notes or so, then… well, you know what happens. There's just so much professionalism to every element of this mix. Listen to the backing and pick out all those beautifull voices - wonderfully woven together. Startling.
The reason this review comes in so late is because I hadn't heard this mix for so long. My girlfriend was out at work, I had the volume pumped up and I fired it up. If you haven't heard it yet, please do yourself a favour and get it now.
Artistic skill
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Cauldron II (claustrophobic edit) - arranged by Infamous

Review by Tomsk, 11/10/2003

I'll start off by saying I like this mix - quite alot actually. The build up of the tune and the way the drums develope is most enjoyable and professional. I also think this tune has a lot of originality going for it, and that even included the ripped 'Prodigy' sound. Infact the only thing that spoils this mix a bit is the harshness of the drums when they fully develope at 1:43. And again later in the mix. Just a bit too rough sounding and they tend to overshadow the tune when they play. However, judging by the title Infamous might have them just the way he wants them - so don't let my small gripe put you off what is essentially an extremely professional and enjoyable mix.
Artistic skill
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Cauldron II (claustrophobic edit) - arranged by Infamous

Review by Tas, 09/10/2003

In a very underground feel, almost akin to Prodigy a very unusual yet creative remix appears. In typical Infamous style the the breakbeat which for me he sometimes over does works well on this occaision. The main gripe i have is with the effect that sounds like a muffled recording of white noise which tends to make the listener cringe somewhat.

As these types of remixes go there's little to beat it but then there arn't many of these remixes out there. Good/bad thing i'll let you decide… Personally i quite like this remix.
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