Listener's Reviews

all c64 only Amiga only

Displaying Reviews 1771 - 1800 out of 2421


Last Ninja 2 Central Park (full direct cover-mix) - arranged by Putzi

Review by wwwwolf, 15/05/2003

Not bad. This is definitely among the greatest synth-sound versions I've heard. Usually synth versions tend to fail to amaze me - my Nostalgic Impression score can't go above average unless you make a rock / heavy metal remix of this. And truth to tell, I've grown so used to the original's amazing sounds that this modern synth-stuff sounds awfully hollow in comparison.

But as a whole, to give the opinion on the song as it is and not on the style merits, not only does the synth stuff *not* annoy me, it's actually pretty listenable. On a bad day with nothing else to listen to, I might even call this excellent.

Not bad. Not bad at all.
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Last Ninja 2 - Central Park (ingame) - arranged by Puffy64

Review by wwwwolf, 13/05/2003

Okay, first a confession: I really, really, really love the LN2 Central Park tune. It is in my opinion one of the greatest SIDtunes ever made. Nay, the best!
Ever since I first played Last Ninja 2, I had one idea in my mind. The central park tune needs to be done with a real orchestra.
Far later I got to the net, slowly found sites that had game remixes. Most of them did have remixes of the central park theme, but not good ones. Let me clarify: Rock. Or heavy metal. *Not* goddamned techno.
And then I found this Puffy's remix (or earlier version of it, actually), and I was completely blown away. Here's a remix of a song that really does *everything* on the song right. It uses instruments well, and leaves the Matt Gray's original guitar voices there in parts (in my opinion, the greatest-sounding synthetic electric guitars ever made =)
The tribute album version is very good also, and in my opinion even more faithful to the original (even when the said synth-guitars were toned down a little).
If there's anything to criticize, it sounds just a little bit cluttered at times. Sounds completely drowning behind the guitars. And I wish the tribute version had had just a little bit more of the said synthguitars.
But even with its flaws… This is how the song should sound like! This is how game remixes should be made! This is how to cut to the essence of SID music!
Artistic skill
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Miami Vice Loader (Miami Gecko Mix) - arranged by Gecko Yamori

Review by Tas, 08/05/2003

As you'd expect from the SID, Gecko has tried to emphasise the calming influence of the original with this remix in an organic ambient synthetic version here, while placing a gentle beat within.

It sort of reminds me of Ouwehands work with the CD Galway remixed, but without the heavy sid orientation. Maybe lacks one or two extra elements to make it stand out, but it's a very good attempt.
Artistic skill
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Scumball - arranged by Dan Tootill

Review by Tas, 08/05/2003

Not a bad overall composition here, but is plainly let down by the sound quality which fits the bill of Early Amiga Mod. The tune is very short and repeats itself 3 times with little or no variation to the 1st pass. Not enough of the arrangers own influence here, and the tune is quite plainly dull and uninventive.
Artistic skill
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Sacred Armour of Antiriad - arranged by GZILLA

Review by Tas, 08/05/2003

A decent attempt here by GZILLA, but you do have question his choice of instruments at times and their cheap sounding quality. The track changes direction constantly bringing new styles and feels, something i'd normally welcome, but this time i have to say it hasn't quite worked on this attempt as it tends to lose focus and direction.

The remix starts with an piano and string symphonic section, before coming more synthetic in nature, leaving you thinking that Gzilla kinda got side tracked whilst developing the piece. At 2:10 he then brings in a beat and changes the direction of the piece completely. Whilst some of the ideas are to be comended the overall composition kinda leaves you feeling a bit disjointed.
Artistic skill
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Overall rating

Sacred Armour of Antiriad - arranged by GZILLA

Review by guru512, 07/05/2003

I have played this game through a few times, and listened to the title song about a 100 times I guess.

Listening to the original sid gives me a creepy feeling. I can feel the danger ahead, hear the mysterious machines waiting to kill me, getting uneasy because of all that radiation around me. But then the song really starts getting powerful with some tempo increase which tells me I can make it to the top if I give my best, and take out that alien-machine.

This remix of the side doesn’t bring up much of those emotions in me though.
It starts with a piano played a bit too calm/soft/emotionless and some
strings (of the type I have heard in too many songs).
The mood is more that of a sad lovesong than a journey into the unknown.
I guess I’m also deeply missing the second piano voice.
At 0:58 where the song should really get going, it just switches instruments instead and repeats the starting part again (including some echoes, which sounds amateurish to me).

The part starting at 2:10 brings back some of the sid's creepy atmosphere, and is artistically much better.
The sample of the powering up of the Antiriad-Suit fits very well in the end.

This is my 1st review. I’m neither good musician nor native English speaker, but I loved to play that game so I had to review this remix -guru
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Last Ninja Remix (Armakuni in New York) - arranged by Yoshi

Review by Tas, 06/05/2003

An almost dreamlike attempt here from Yoshi. I find sometimes the instruments however tend to get muggled up with each other creating a mix up with the ears, but those drums are really cool and very much effective. The lack of variety with the instruments tends to keep this moving at a lazy pace.

The real problem for me is that the instruments are too similar as they tend to collide creating a mish mash of sounds which detracts from what could have been a better remix.
Artistic skill
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Thanatos (Chemical in Your Brain Remix) - arranged by Peacemaker

Review by Tas, 06/05/2003

Peacemakers attempt at a chemical dance remix has actually worked out very well. Although there's not a great deal of Thanatos in here, the break where the thanatos tune is used is very welcome and seperates the tune nicely as it becomes more smooth from what is essantially a very agressive dance mix.

The original parts from this remix are also done very well, if maybe a little repetative. This will go down well in any nightclub and is also good for the home.

A very inventive way of tackling the thanatos, but because this is essentially an own tune with a snipit of Thanatos, purits will hate it. Those who welcome a little more diversity will enjoy this remix.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Suicide Express - arranged by BaR

Review by Tas, 06/05/2003

Not quite the approach i would have expected for suicide express, a mellow trance experience. Very reminiscent to some of the work from Enigma without maybe the heavy beat.

Exceptionally well produced and very inventive and creative. Purists will hate, music lovers will love it!

I, well i love it!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Last Ninja 2 Central Park (full direct cover-mix) - arranged by Putzi

Review by Tas, 06/05/2003

In this electronical version on Last Ninja 2 Central Park, putzi has tried to remain true to the original as described in the title i guess. Arguably maybe a little too close. The remix suffers really from having a lack of direction or feel and often sounds flat and lifeless.

There's a noticable lack of oomph or wholeness here that despite a nice background beat fails to meat its mark. Generally it's a nice remix, but nothing that you'd miss if it was stolen.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Miss ParkPatrol takes a Break (feat.Elsa Persson) - arranged by Mahoney

Review by rafael, 05/05/2003

Ok, Mahoney strikes yet again. And he does it so differently each time. The whole thing with Mahoney tracks is that they are always surprising. This one for instance, is a stroke of genius - picture a funky jazzy voice to a break dance beat and add some superbly recorded vocal effects with some amazing singing (can you call it that even?) - that's what this remix is about. Even the first time I listened, I ended up tapping my feet uncontrollably to the break-beats and smiling. Yes, smiling. Good music makes you smile. This guy is one of the pearls in our remix scene and this tune goes to prove that. 'Nuff said.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Last Ninja 2 Central Park (full direct cover-mix) - arranged by Putzi

Review by ifadeo, 05/05/2003

Well, this is NOT just another Last Ninja 2 remix…
A good selection of Sounds and a clever way to place
them, putzi catch the spirit of 80's and it sounds in
my Ears a little bit like, New Order esp. the bassline.

From all Last Ninja remixes which appear in the last time
at R:K:O:, this is one of my favorites!!!

off-topic: btw. did you know subtune 1 has exactly the
same bassline, funny…😉

cheers ifadeo
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Last Ninja 2 - Park Loader (Rumbler Remix) - arranged by Maindrian

Review by Tas, 05/05/2003

While nicely done, i really couldn't make my mind up if i liked this remix or not. While the guitar is yet again really cool, i found the remix a little bland and the remix just didn't pull me in.

This remix is by no means a bad remix, it's quite cool. But there's that empty feeling you get that makes the difference between great and good.

Overall a damn good effort and worth the download time.
Artistic skill
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Overall rating

Very Short (Very Sweet) - arranged by Maindrian

Review by Tas, 05/05/2003

1:49 of pure jollyness. A nice little tune here from maindrain thats a welcome addition, if nothing to light the embers much. It's simple but effective, the guitar segments are really well done giving a feel of The monkeys. anyone remember them?
Artistic skill
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Overall rating

Very Short (Very Sweet) - arranged by Maindrian

Review by immacolata, 04/05/2003

Our man with the guitar does a good job again. I have no idea what game this is remixed from, apparently a SID cover of some old kid's tv show. However, Maindrian manages to make a cheery little song that reminds me of the 90s
power pop/rock band Weezer (don't know what genre you'd call those guys). Lots of crunchy guitars and a speedy happy beat on it all.
Artistic skill
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Overall rating

Sacred Armour of Antiriad - arranged by GZILLA

Review by immacolata, 04/05/2003

A nice remix on the tune, that alas suffers from a bit of a dodgey piano sample in the beginning. But around 1:25 it gets interesting as Gzilla weaves extra on top of the old tune. He uses some groovy low pitch rumble samples and string kind of samples in a long transition till about 2:15, then he changes style to a more complete, and brooding song with a really wicked background synth sample to make the beat.

He mixes in a bit of sound effects from teh game to some succes. Overall I like the remix, especially how it is very light on the drum track, other instruments are the major players. I cannot easily put a genre on this one, but it's worth a download indeed.
Artistic skill
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Overall rating

Wizball (Electronica) - arranged by Gustav Taxén

Review by hbasm, 04/05/2003

I'd say this music is New Age and Gustav has got the hang of it. I don't think it's related to Wizball or the C64 however. But I think the idea here is to stimulate our fantasy. If you've ever heard of Jonn Serrie, you'll know he is considered to be the father of space music. I think he's very talented at using sound to connect us with the vast emptiness of space. Clever melodies and/or sound effects.

This remix of Wizball has potential but I think it still has a way to go. I see no connection to the C64 so it may also be slightly off-topics here.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Ocean Loader 2 (Dance X-Periment) - arranged by Sonic Wanderer

Review by gator, 03/05/2003

It begins very, very cool, creating a unique atmosphere, but too soon enough the dated sound of the C64 takes over and the whole thing collapses. A shame considering it could have been a classic.
Artistic skill
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Overall rating

Thanatos (Chemical in Your Brain Remix) - arranged by Peacemaker

Review by craigg, 03/05/2003

While I think it's safe to say Peacemaker's rather taken liberties with Hubbard's original (he himself describes it as a 'remix in a mix') this isn't immediately problematic. The piece's atmospheric and upbeat start made me think I was in for a quality, Chemical Brothers style, electronic remix, but around the half-way point, the entire flavour of the remix changes in a rather uncomfortable way. It becomes cleaner, and directly ports the original's lead, but in doing this, the track becomes fragmented and disjointed. This eventually gives way, again returning to the crunchy opening sound.

Therefore, while both parts of the remix are pretty well done in their own right, the piece comes off more like a medley than a 'whole' remix. In conclusion, good but flawed.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Suicide Express - arranged by BaR

Review by craigg, 03/05/2003

With Crowther's original being a big old Blade Runner rip-off this track rather fits in the 'cover of a cover' category, but is none the worse off for it. Taking a squarely trance/dancefloor approach, BaR's remix comes off like an accomplished Vangelis 12".

The lead, which was harsh and hair-raising in Crowther's original, has been toned down, and sits comfortably alongside a fairly standard set of trance sounds. While lacking anything to truly dazzle, BaR's mix is nonetheless catchy and extremely listenable, with pleasant sounds throughout and an incessant beat to keep you engrossed.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Last Ninja Remix (Armakuni in New York) - arranged by Yoshi

Review by craigg, 03/05/2003

Ouwehand's Last Ninja music tended to take more of a filmic stance than the original tunes, and Yoshi's remix enhances this feel, bringing to mind the ideal soundtrack for the film of the game. The mellow sounds and occasional, carefully chosen samples lend the piece a warm atmosphere that encapsulates, while the dirty but effective drumloops effortlessly carry the track over its four-and-a-half minute length. Recommended.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Last Ninja 2 - Park Loader (Rumbler Remix) - arranged by Maindrian

Review by craigg, 03/05/2003

With the rock overtones evident in the original C64 track, Mandrian's choice of style for this cover is pretty logical. The electric guitar is turned to 'crunchy distortion mode' and its powerful edge holds the piece together. Elsewhere, sounds are largely well chosen, and their mostly electronic nature both provides a useful contrast to the relentless guitar, echoing the original SID.

While the mix is perhaps a little long and drags a little towards the end, it mostly manages to hold the attention and is well worth a download for Matt Grey and rock fans alike.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Last Ninja Remix (Armakuni in New York) - arranged by Yoshi

Review by datucker, 03/05/2003

Basically, this mix is not bad at all. The atmosphere is good but the mix could have been mixed somewhat more 'spatial'.

What makes this mix sounding not very good? The sounds used as snaredrum are very soon getting (very very) annoying in my opinion. If these are replaced, it would be a bigger pleasure to listen to this mix.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Suicide Express - arranged by BaR

Review by datucker, 03/05/2003

I'm impressed! This mix is good. Nice and gentle sounds with different effects which create a nice laid-back sphere. There's no overkill of sounds mixed together: the mix is quite plain and simple despite of the variety of sounds that is used in the mix. That is what makes it worth to listen to. However the snaredrums in this mix could have been a little more punchy, this remix is a great job done by BaR!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Suicide Express - arranged by BaR

Review by rafael, 03/05/2003

From the current batch of remixes, this one by BaR seemed to inspire me the most really. Ok, most people know that I'm a big fan of trance and dance orientated tracks (yes, in spite of my own work!) and actually, this sounds a lot like the Blade Runner trance mix from the charts a few years back.

The instruments usd are typical trance sets, yet they're implemented well and there is a dance-y atmosphere there for sure. Judging from the overall sound, well, it sounds a little like a pure Reason mix, which is not a bad thing - a great tool I haven't used myself before though.

Antony Crother's original Sid tune has been ported nicely, regardless of it's simple melody and it brings out the best flavour. All in all, I think I can sum up this remix like this: If you like trance stuff, download it. There's no big effects, no overwhelming oooh moments, the remix is just nice, nothing more and nothing less. Which is ok, because I'm in the mood for it. Nice work BaR.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Wizball High Score (Sax Solo) - arranged by markg

Review by ferris, 02/05/2003

Is it just me or is the saxophone out of tune? It sounds flat to me, however great idea… a bit more could have been done with the backing, it sounded a bit lame. Nice interpretation with the lead part, this could have been something really special…
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Wizball (Electronica) - arranged by Gustav Taxén

Review by tom, 01/05/2003

Well, this would have been a great Introduction for any C64-remix tune… But since there is really NOT ANY WIZBALL in it at all, it get's a very green face from me as well!!
Artistic skill
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Lightforce (another Lightforce mix) - arranged by J Lof

Review by andy, 28/04/2003

Being a big fan of the original 7 minute piece I much prefer to hear Lightforce in it's complete form. This remix is good but it misses out some good sections of the original piece. My favourite Lightforce mix is the Allister Brimble one because it's very faithfull to the original version I loved as a kid.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Delta (Mario edit) - arranged by Cicalone

Review by meletta, 27/04/2003

Sometimes minimalistic is a way to intensify.
Piano (and guitar too) is the best choice to make a melody pure, even if it is not unplugged.
Mario edit is of course a nostalgic and commemorative name, not only for fans.
Download it and try not to carouse.

Meletta alias Marietto (edit)
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

International Karate (Tasty Dance Mix) - arranged by Yzi

Review by foppy, 25/04/2003

I believe this is actually the second part of the original International Karate tune. As you would manage to stay in the running for long enough, the music, slower at first, would change into this more lively song, a real reward! The remix being close to the original is good; I like the melody a lot with its large number of mini-melodies. The drums make it even better. A great remix, one of my favourites!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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