Listener's Reviews

all c64 only Amiga only

Displaying Reviews 1861 - 1890 out of 2421


Target Renegade - arranged by Peters

Review by hbasm, 01/04/2003

Not a typical arrangement, but new things are welcome. Maybe a bit too much reverb and echo. Some instruments sound too far away. It reminds me of the music I did 10 years ago…

Sounds a bit odd at the end, like it's too abrupt. Maybe the upload broke? Anyway, keep up the good work.
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Shadow Skimmer - arranged by Markus Schneider

Review by tom, 30/03/2003

Yes, it is a great orchestral remix indeed! It shows that Markus perfectly knows how to work with Strings, Woods, Flutes and stuff…
I gave it only a VERY GOOD vote for the Chart-system - not an OUTSTANDING because even when the Sound-Samples are brilliant and of course the arrangement as well, there is some depth missing technically.
Markus knows what I mean, the overall sound is too dry for my ears but maybe that's a question of taste, but it was the only reason to give it not an OUTSTANDING VOTE!
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Shadow Skimmer - arranged by Markus Schneider

Review by beldin, 30/03/2003

Compared with the original sidtune, which is among my favourites, Markus' attempt at creating an orchestral remix based on it, works extraordinarily well. The quality of samples is outstanding and sounds really professional. This alone is worth the download. Many arrangers would be happy if they could use such equipment.

At the same time, the remix could be described best as over-ambitious, which is likely the reason why this particular remix has caused some controversy in public discussion.

The sidtune is a completely different style. It's a fast-paced, powerful and drum-heavy music. Turning it -- or parts of it -- into an orchestral soundtrack is an extremely tough job. Professional equipment alone (and the ability to use it) is not everything. Orchestral arrangements should raise specific emotions and capture you through-out the entire track. This is where the Shadow Skimmer source material was not the best choice. The clearly recognizable theme is there and is the highlight. But it is surrounded by elements that don't focus on a specific atmosphere and which don't raise any emotions except when the fairly majestic Shadow Skimmer main theme kicks in from time to time.

Overall, this is one of the best remixes so far. Markus should not be put down if he expected only outstanding votes. He did an awesome job with this one and we all hope to see more like this from him in the future, whether on CD or not.
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KikStart 2 - arranged by IceXuick

Review by eliot, 30/03/2003

This is IceXuick's best attempt so far. The original is very poor but he managed to improve it. Due it's a dance-track it has a lack of variation but overall it's worth to listen. Nice attempt.
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Aztec Challenge - arranged by IceXuick

Review by eliot, 30/03/2003

The original tune has a gloomy touch that completly went away. It's not always a good idea to transform a tune in something happy-electronic-80ies. For me this tune does not work, next time choose a tune that fits with your style.
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Hawkeye - arranged by IceXuick

Review by eliot, 30/03/2003

A nice happy tune but for my taste to much repeatations, the stereo panorama is quite small, the end of this tune does not fit when you set your player on loop and the MP3-tag, is quite empty.
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Overall rating

Target Renegade - arranged by Peters

Review by eliot, 30/03/2003

We always welcome new arrangers to RKO and I prefer to write a nice, heart-warming review. I'm sorry, there is no reason to do so. This tune is really boring with serious lacks of inspiration. The rhythm of the bass/drum-line does not match with the lead… very curious and I guess not a stilistic purpose. This song ends very abrupt, when you have set your player on loop, it sounds really awful. And besides that: MP3-Tags should contain more useful information.
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Giana Sisters Hiscore (D-Flingern Mix) - arranged by ifadeo offline

Review by eliot, 30/03/2003

The soundfx do not good on the tune, as I have experienced in some other of ifadeo's remixes before, because they feel wrong. I recommand a more classical approach and leads should lead not drowned by drums and fx.
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Thrust (Magnificent Worlds) - arranged by FeekZoid

Review by eliot, 30/03/2003

It's long ago since Paul's last upload but it was worth waiting for this release. The charme of C-64 revived while he managed a grandious melt of different styles. The only technical disadvantage are some crackles… Besides that there are no more words to discribe, just listen this stunning remix yourself!
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Shadow Skimmer - arranged by Markus Schneider

Review by eliot, 30/03/2003

Sometimes it's a great surprise arrangers can make a poor original to something extraordinary. Compared to Glyn the instruments do not sound like cheap midi giving the tune a authentic touch. Awesome work and the best orchestral remix so far.
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Delta (Concert version) - arranged by Noviello Pippo

Review by eliot, 29/03/2003

Concert? Hmm… I like the first half of the tune, the second is quite a mistake or shall I say junk? Mixing different styles is a hard task and this time it went to out of direction. And yes, once again there is an empty mp3-tag
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Shadow Skimmer - arranged by Markus Schneider

Review by q__, 29/03/2003

This tune might be; by lack for a better word; perfect, but i find the emotional aspect in orchestral music more important than the technical aspect. That's what i'm missing in this piece compared to Gordians Tomb and Firelord. It has it all, but it's missing just a little to be qualified 'beautifull'.

And maybe it's a little 'over-equalized' cause i could swear i heard instruments 'slide' a little depending on the frequency?
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Overall rating

KikStart 2 - arranged by IceXuick

Review by beldin, 27/03/2003

It's impressive how the arranger has turned the IMO weak source material into a modern-sounding dance-floor track which gets more interesting towards the end. If it just would not take a full minute to build up. A full minute without any drums or percussions. And even when the drums kick in finally, it takes another 90 seconds to get to the first variations. That and an additional 30 seconds of silence at the end are two drawbacks.

I had to look up the sidtune in order to not misjudge this one, the nostalgic value is not considered in the overall rating.
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Thanatos (In Love Mix) - arranged by DJ RETROGrade

Review by beldin, 27/03/2003

First of all, what's the goal of adding 12 seconds of weird babbling at the beginning? Something like that is a definite NO! for C64 Remix playlists, for instance.

The rest of the 5:20 long remix is a straight-forward and very repetitive cover-version which adds some monotonous and questionable percussions, such as noise in the background. Why it's called In Love Mix is beyond me. The remix has absolutely nothing to offer and is disappointing.
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Aztec Challenge - arranged by IceXuick

Review by beldin, 27/03/2003

With a total playtime of 5:46 (!) and a distorted voice saying Aztec Challenge again and again, this remix is very repetitive and close too the border of getting annoying. Unless of course the listener is into such stuff. What else to add about this remix? It contains lots of drums which change the rhythm of the original version quite heavily, although the well-known bass-line is there and recognizable. It doesn't capture you like the original does. The flute-like lead sound would fit better into a more calm (and maybe orchestral, again) arrangement.
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Samurai Warrior (Usagi Y Mix) - arranged by Majkol

Review by craigg, 27/03/2003

Neil Brennan's catchy, oriental-tinged tunes have produced a wealth of excellent C64 remixes and Majkol's treatment of Samurai Warrior is no exception. From beginning to end, it mirrors the inherent energy of the original, overlaying several simple melodies to great effect. The drums, while following the same basic pattern as the original, have a number of important additions, which help to carry the track through its four-minute length.

While this mix wins few points for innovation, it's practically flawless in every other respect and, as such, comes highly recommended.
Artistic skill
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Overall rating

Target Renegade - arranged by Peters

Review by Tas, 27/03/2003

A curious tune that spells disaster right from the ofset. A strangely mellow backing to a fast paced lead (barely audiable) which isn't such a bad thing as it sounds terrible. The background and the lead sounds very much seperate which doesn't help matters. i can only guess that he's simply pasted on the lead over a simple backing as they don't come together at all. Also another downside is a lack of variation (especially concerning the backing, it's just the same old loop being replayed over and over again).

nono, it's droll!
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Hawkeye - arranged by IceXuick

Review by Tas, 27/03/2003

A bright and chearful tune here from IceXuick. Now why does this kinda remind me of the TOP GUN theme?!?! i've no idea, but it does.

Tho the tune doesn't blow you away, there's something strangely apealing about it, there's no fancy gimicks or anything, it's just a damn fine piece of music and an enjoyable listen at that! Thumbs up!
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Human Race - arranged by Markus Schneider

Review by craigg, 27/03/2003

Schneider's take on Hubbard's classic composition proves that even a fairly unremarkable remix can work wonders if the original source material is good enough. Despite not really straying from the original, the instrumentation is well chosen, and the addition of occasional, haunting female vocals adds some much-needed atmosphere to the mix, helping to move it into the? chillout zone'. Because of the dreamlike state induced, the repetitious nature of the track isn't a problem, although the lack of bass and over-emphasised mid-range sounds sometimes make the mix feel a little flat. Nevertheless, this is generally a good effort, and a perfect track to relax to.
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Overall rating

Aztec Challenge - arranged by IceXuick

Review by craigg, 27/03/2003

Despite sometimes sounding like an Amiga MOD, and some bum notes sitting within the bassline, IceXuick provides a different spin to Aztec Challenge. The frantic nature of the instrumentation and arrangement bring to mind the original's feel. To my mind, this is more appropriate, if perhaps less accomplished, than the orchestral Aztec Challenge arrangements that many remixers seem to favour. The result is a track has plenty of energy and atmosphere, although I could have done without the metallic voice constantly repeating 'Aztec Challenge' over and over again. In conclusion, a decent effort, if flawed, but something that Paul Norman fans will most likely enjoy.
Artistic skill
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Overall rating

Aztec Challenge - arranged by IceXuick

Review by Tas, 27/03/2003

We are normally used to hearing Aztec Challenge done orchestrally, however this time around it's more upbeat. The concept isn't a bad one either as it does seem to work rather well. The overall feel to this tune is 80's Electro even down to the metal micky styled vocal which repeatedly informs the listener thats it's Aztec Challenge. A nice addition, but massively over used.

Though this remix is a good effort, it doesn't really pull you in, and sometimes the instruments just seem to not quite pull this together like they could. The score at times feels empty and thin which i think is part of the problem. it's a good effort tho, and a nice attempt in bringing a new flavour to Aztec Challenge.
Artistic skill
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Shadow Skimmer - arranged by Markus Schneider

Review by DHS, 26/03/2003

This orchestral cover is absolutely amazing.
Huge, menacing, powerful.
The orchestration itself is impressive, Markus made this like a real pro.
The best c64 orchestrated cover since today.
Artistic skill
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Overall rating

KikStart 2 - arranged by IceXuick

Review by craigg, 26/03/2003

Due to the twee nature of the original, I never thought I'd see a quality KikStart 2 mix grace R:K:O. IceXuick has managed the seemingly impossible by creating a chart-worthy dance track, based on the title screen music of the classic budget game.

It takes a while to get going, but once the relentless rhythm is introduced, its momentum effortlessly carries the rest of the track. While this commercial sounding entity may be too repetitive for some, club aficionados will most likely lap it up, and the track bodes well for future IceXuick mixes and 'Sout' takes alike.
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The Last Ninja 3 Intro - arranged by IceXuick

Review by craigg, 26/03/2003

This is almost a one-to-one cover of the original Ouwehand piece, and includes some SID-like chord pulses to good effect. Elsewhere, IceXuick has wisely decided to move away from the orchestral sound-set used by Ouwehand and several others since, instead concentrating on powerful synth sounds. This has resulted in a rich, emotive and powerful mix that is worthy of the original composition, although anyone looking for an original and innovative take on this track would do well to look elsewhere.
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Thrust (Magnificent Worlds) - arranged by FeekZoid

Review by craigg, 26/03/2003

While not being a direct cover of Thrust, Feekzoid's Magnificent Worlds manages to eek out the power of Hubbard's C64 original and intensify it. Clever use of muted SID sounds are melded with powerful drums and industrial sounds that slowly build and encapsulate the listener. A break at the mid-point finds Thrust giving way to an alternate reality version of Arcade Classics, performed with pseudo-orchestral charm rather than the breakneck guitars of the original. Thrust's crunchy goodness then makes a brief and welcome return to complete the remix in fine style.

Although there have been wilder remixes in the past, Feekzoid's lack of adherence to the original tune is a breath of fresh air, and he successfully manages the difficult task of combining two very different styles. While there are a few technical niggles here and there, it would be churlish to overly criticise a remix that proves to be inventive, interesting, listenable, and still remain at least partly true to the original. Recommended.
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Delta (Concert version) - arranged by Noviello Pippo

Review by craigg, 26/03/2003

This remix clearly has a case of too many ideas fighting for space within a limited amount of time. The start of the track introduces the familiar Delta melody, as played on piano. While nothing spectacular, this is pleasant and fairly engaging, but things start to go awry around the halfway point. A few cymbal clashes introduce a clapping crowd that sounds fake and out of place. Twenty seconds later and the sedate, clapping crowd begins cheering wildly as the entire remix is wrenched uncomfortably into pseudo-techno mode, complete with cliché drum patterns and dance sounds.

It's difficult to succeed when creating a remix that tries to marry two such diverse styles. This remix ends up feeling half-finished, and sits neither in one place nor the other. As a curiosity, it also lacks the ingenious oddness of a Dead Guys remix, and, as such, I'd have much preferred to have heard an extended version of the first minute… without the clapping.
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Ocean Loader Four - arranged by Yoshi

Review by craigg, 26/03/2003

It's always odd to see how poorly many of the classic C64 tunes fare when remixed. This tune is no exception, with several mediocre renditions for every success. Unfortunately, this version tends towards the former category.

It starts well enough, with a suitably squelchy bassline, and crunchy drums reminiscent of Ambra Red's rhythmic style. Regrettably, the lead sounds rather weak in comparison; consequently the drums tend to end up overpowering the rest of the mix. There's also a distinct lack of innovation in evidence here--these days people tend to want more than straight covers of C64 tunes with new voices.

It's not all bad news though. The notes are accurate, and the use of SID sounds works fairly well. However, for me, this is no longer enough to excite.
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Shadow Skimmer - arranged by Markus Schneider

Review by Tas, 26/03/2003

Glyn has possibly meat his match here, as Markus Schneider produces an earth shattering orchestral remix of Shadow Skimmer. The remix is also possibly the first truely authentic orchestral score available at RKO, from the instruments to the composition itself.

Everything about this remix says, Quality! . Even if you do not like orchestral music, you'll apreciate this remix never the less. In One word: AWESOME!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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The Last Ninja 3 Intro - arranged by IceXuick

Review by putzi, 26/03/2003

A very close remix of the original, and with it's more powerfull synths and bassy base I like it more than Markus Schneider's orchestral approach of the same SID, which is a bit thin sounding compared to this one. The original SID samples are quite fitting here, especially the SIDed fade out of the end of the mix. A Last-Ninja-fan-pleasing-remix!
Artistic skill
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Overall rating

Thrust (Magnificent Worlds) - arranged by FeekZoid

Review by Mayhem, 26/03/2003

Not many people got to hear Feekzoid's original take on the Thrust tune. This newer remix actually manages to improve on it. If the tune solely concentrated on Thrust, it may have been even better (if that's hard to believe). A raw, pounding guitar laden riff/dance version of the main theme hits your ears… before giving way to a more melodic cover of Arcade Classics and some very ethereal vocals. And then returning to the main theme and finishing off on a dynamic note. Having listened to this countless times already, it doesn't get boring and still demands attention.
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