Listener's Reviews

all c64 only Amiga only

Displaying Reviews 1 - 30 out of 2792


The Seven Gates Of Jambala - arranged by Glyn R Brown

Review by Poke16384, 06/03/2025

Woah! This is why Glyn is considered to be the top remixer in the scene.. Arrangement, Soundscape and Dynamics.. He's the master of all.. This is so beautiful & so emotive.. The power is used to the max but never gets out of control.. and the whole track is a wonderful journey..
Artistic skill
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Hi Fi Sky - arranged by Eivind Sommersten

Review by LaLa, 04/03/2025

I've been a big fan of Hi Fi Sky, both as a piece of music, but especially after I learned about the technical wizardry that created it. Here you've captured the atmosphere and spirit of the original so well, and you even managed to embellish it (those lush reverbs: my gosh, so wonderful!). I just can't stop listening to it. Really well done!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

PCW-Tune 88 - arranged by Glyn R Brown

Review by Eivind Sommersten, 28/02/2025

What a suprising choice of original and genre from the grand old master, and happily so!

The mix contains lovely SID-sounds and this is a great production overall. It just builds and builds upon the original and is an excellent example of how a relatively simple and short (and awesome) SID-classic can be expanded into a dynamic story, in the end being an addition to the original as well as of course a huge homage to both composition and composer (RIP).

Love the break after about two minutes, what a signature - no problem picking out the artist/remixer in a lineup there! 😊

By the way I also like the audio quality and mastering, I think you've done a good job overall!

I don't want to disregard DMC ( who also made a great version of this SID but I feel this is now the truly modern variant of it!
Artistic skill
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Soulless - arranged by K8-bit

Review by PhunkyData, 08/02/2025

Just came across your stuff on Slayradio with their latest show.
Love it!
Brilliant arrangement.

Here is the last bits we need to fill to reach 64k (and are allowed to place this review) Oh my.!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Scratching Zwaantjes Returns - arranged by Eivind Sommersten

Review by LaLa, 31/01/2025

There's just something about this remix that really appeals to me. Maybe it's those SID toms (in 20CC's signature style), maybe it's that strong hitting, subwoofer shattering bass line that kicks in at 0:56, maybe it's those occasional sax licks, maybe it's the staccato line at 1:49 that seems straight out of Vangelis' Dervish D - it's all one great package!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Funk (embellished) - arranged by Eivind Sommersten

Review by PhunkyData, 23/01/2025

What a funky remix. brilliantly done and outstanding executed.!

Love it….herm…15 more words… i guess we made it by now.!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Supremacy (Encore64 V2) - arranged by Peter Clarke

Review by C64_Gamer, 20/01/2025

This is a really great interpretation of Supremacy. As with a lot of Peters remixes you never quite know where he will take you.. The orchestra arrangement here is wonderful in the way it shifts gears while sounding very authentic and I have to agree with others here, the closing watch chimes are pure musical emotion. Super remix Peter.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Supremacy (Encore64 V2) - arranged by Peter Clarke

Review by C64_Gamer, 20/01/2025

This is a really great interpretation of Supremacy. As with a lot of Peters remixes you never quite know where he will take you. The orchestra arrangement here is wonderful in the way it shifts gears while sounding very authentic and I have to agree with others here, the closing watch chimes are pure musical emotion. Super remix Peter.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Turrican 10 Anniversary edition - arranged by Tony Fluke73 Wiren

Review by pathfinder1985, 17/01/2025

Tony streams regularly and engages very well with his audience. He is really good at playing by ear and provides a weekly event to look forward to. If you like retro gaming music from the 80s and 90s you can't go wrong!.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Trap in the War of the Simulations (Instrumental) - arranged by 7DD9

Review by LaLa, 15/01/2025

An instrumental version for LaLa… Haha 😁! Okay, now that you got rid of the voice-over, finish this track! 😉The deep drone and the arpeggio in this piece sets the perfect mood, complimented so well by the fat lead of the melody. But at 3 minutes this feels short, especially since the original is almost 10 minutes long, and only 'gets going' about 2 and a half minutes into it. Your remix ends just at that crucial moment… But it's a great piece even as is!

(By the way, you could keep some of the voiceover, say, as an intro… 😉)

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Artillery (Encore64 V2) - arranged by Jogeir Liljedahl

Review by PhunkyData, 08/01/2025

Love the Remix. pure nostalgia.!
Definately a fav.! love it.

***Need to write some words. We still habe 60 bits to go.!***
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Bayliss' Cauldron - arranged by Eivind Sommersten

Review by PhunkyData, 08/01/2025

love the guitar in the background…just adding that little pad-ish sound that makes it whole.
Overall a tremendously good remix.
Love it.!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

TLI Intro 1 (it's kaos) - arranged by Tim Forsyth

Review by PhunkyData, 08/01/2025

Love the whole flow.
Brilliant arrangement, technically speaking. Sound extremely ballance.

Banger of a tune mate.! I love it.!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Green Beret (Encore64 V2) - arranged by Bass Cadet

Review by PhunkyData, 08/01/2025

Overall a superp experience. But i can imagine how much effort you did put into the lead.!
Top Notch.!

love it.!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Supremacy (Encore64 V2) - arranged by Peter Clarke

Review by Poppykuk, 05/01/2025

A different take on Supremacy to all the others out there… Cinematic and Epic.. The orchestra work is superb and the way it comes full circle with the gradually slowing watch chimes to finish is super emotive and really clever.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Obliterator - Live Performance - arranged by Tony Fluke73 Wiren

Review by Kayna, 30/12/2024

well played, live as well, respect. the memories came flooding back playing this back in the 80's
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Draconus - arranged by Eivind Sommersten

Review by tim_forsyth, 25/12/2024

I love this tune, especially since spending many hours covering it. I always felt the opening section of Draconus is perfect as a blank canvas for a remix and I think you've done a wonderful job of slowly, carefully telling a story and leading us to a peak that made me feel the way I did about the original SID.

Aside from the choirs, staccato violins and epic feel at the end, I love the little nod to the original melody around 2:25.

This was a Christmas day treat for me
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Artillery (Encore64 V2) - arranged by Jogeir Liljedahl

Review by milasoft64, 07/12/2024

I played this today at high volume no less than 10 times while at work. Can't get enough of Jogeir's mixes!!
Artistic skill
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Tetris [Mariko's Tale] (Encore64 V2) - arranged by Barry Leitch

Review by Waz, 06/12/2024

To take on the whole of this lengthy Wally Beben piece, which was outstanding to begin with, takes some effort. But add to that the expertise shown here and it's an absolute winner. Beautiful choices of instruments and recreation of the likes of the C64's organ sample blend perfectly together, and the Oriental twist with its thunderous drums really underpins the whole thing so well. You simply have to listen to the whole 27 minutes plus to appreciate the love and craft that has gone into this, with surprises at every turn which make you feel uplifted when the next segment beautifully blends in. Outstanding.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Supremacy (Encore64 V2) - arranged by Peter Clarke

Review by Poppykuk, 05/12/2024

I am a fan of Peter's remixes in general. You never get a plain old version of anything his fingers touch. The orchestra in this remix is both detailed and emotional and it takes us on another one of those journeys that is his trademark. Supremacy is one of those tunes which has been remixed a few ways but this lifts it into cinematic territory and adds an epic element. And I have to say, that ending, the gradual wind down of the musical watch chime, I almost had a tear in my eye. Real musical emotion.
Artistic skill
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Pooyan - Medieval remix - arranged by Totta

Review by LaLa, 02/12/2024

What a fantastic idea! And it's done so well! So much fun! When this plays I imagine a bunch of people in a tavern dancing to it. Or shipmates dancing on a ship in the middle of the ocean. Pure joy!
Artistic skill
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Overall rating

TLI Intro 1 (it's kaos) - arranged by Tim Forsyth

Review by Eivind Sommersten, 30/11/2024

Fantastic intro - the piano could be better, NOT because of the performance, which is great, but because of the sound/mix and general feeling. I concede it could be down to personal taste but taking the piece as a whole I would want a softer, higher sound for the intro. It would serve as a great contrast to what's coming (it already does, but would be more pronounced). Love the brass of course - how could I not 😊 When the synths come in and the drop, OMG Tim! Holy crap! Given even more listens I think this might become my new Favorite Forsyth™!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Tetris [Mariko's Tale] (Encore64 V2) - arranged by Barry Leitch

Review by NinoMegaDriver, 30/11/2024

I've been a huge fan of Barry's since the first time I discovered he was the author of my favorite game tunes. Barry is such an astonishing music creator, he's methodical to details and incredibly innovative in his melodies and use of scales. It doesn't surprise me at all that he remixed (afaik) the longest C64 tune. I can listen to this all day and not just 27 minutes.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Nemesis (Encore64 V2) - arranged by Mattias Brian

Review by Dees Productions, 29/11/2024

This sounds so rich and bold. Feels like the music from the arcade version. The spirit is there and your additional notes and texture are just enriching the tune even more! Awesome!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Fist II [Song 2] (Encore64 V2) - arranged by Mattias Brian

Review by Dees Productions, 29/11/2024

Many have tried to extend this tune but a very few managed to do it like this! You've added so many extra bits that fits in the whole tune. Now I will only hear this version when I play Fist II LOVE it!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Last Ninja 2 [Street Loader] (Encore64 V2) - arranged by Jogeir Liljedahl

Review by Dees Productions, 29/11/2024

I am out of words how sweet this sounds. Again deadly close to the original but then you take it to another level with your JL signature! I love how you blended in Matt Gray's drums, small detail but made it shine that extra. Just outstanding!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Bitter Sweet (Encore64 V2) - arranged by Tomsk

Review by Dees Productions, 29/11/2024

Great take on one of the most emotional SIDs ever written. You've taken it to a different place. It feels like you gave all the players freedom to improvise parts from the original SID. Nevertheless it keeps close to the original! Perhaps a bit too much at some times, but hey that's what remixing is all about.
Artistic skill
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Xenophobe [feat. Necropolo] (Encore64 V2) - arranged by Teo

Review by Dees Productions, 29/11/2024

Great piece of remix. Sounds are well produced and has it all. Good work 😊
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Illumination (Encore64 V2) - arranged by Glyn R Brown

Review by Dees Productions, 29/11/2024

The original SID is a masterpiece itself. But this is beyond SID imagination. This could be Vangelis meeting a drummer! The sounds are a journey themself! Excellent is a weak word for how dazzling catch and release this remix is! One of the best!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Compleeto [feat. Romeo Knight] (Encore64 V2) - arranged by LMan

Review by Dees Productions, 29/11/2024

Love the soundscapes and arrangement. All is there and the tight sound makes it awesome. And to have Romeo creaming the guitar like a god is just what we want! TB-SIDoSID with talkbox! This is it!
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