Runecaster - Commando Hiscore

Track info
Arranged by:
Runecaster Remixer
Original SID:
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Charts position:
249. in the year 2009
4871. in all-time charts
Slap bass seems out of place here, maybe fretless? Nothing special..
The lead piano is out of tune!
Too much bass, and the music is overall out of tune...
I have to admit: I've heard worse, but I'll have to be blunt this time. The instruments sound like cheap mod samples, the piano is off-key, the vibrato effects suck and the tune is so bland that the original seems like UNZ. Sorry, better luck next time ;)
Whoa, everything is out of tune here. At first I thought it was an artistic choice... (It's not.)
Not THAT bad. Not that good, either. Oversized tune lenght, little variation, off-key instruments, lack of excitement. That version could be summed in 2 minutes.
Agreed with comment above
Not the best remix, but a really good idea. Has a relaxing feel to it. Keep them comin'!
Maybe not the best produced but I think it has a good feeling to it. Well done!
Too Long! I fell asleep without knowing But 10/10 for trying
OK, a good for the idea, and because I very like the original tune. Technically I agree with some of the others (out of tune) but anyway: I like it.
The accompany melody is all wrong, the use of that bass sample is an insult.
Overall impression is great (at least on me). Very good chill-out version where length is a positive for sure. I also believe the 'out-of-tune' feeling to be intended, making it different from other remixes. I like it.
Something's wrong with this tune...

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