Runecaster - Monty On The Run (Highscore)

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Arranged by:
Runecaster Remixer
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Charts position:
301. in the year 2008
5006. in all-time charts
I really don't like that the melody doesn't fit the rest. Too experimental for my taste.
I seriously hope this disharmony is intended and not based on incompetence. ;) Anyway: It adds something strange to it, which makes it less boring than another 0815-remake of this over-remade title would have been.
This would have been good, but this disharmony gets kind of annoying.
It's like out of tune or something...
It's ok!
No way...
Way out of tune!
Horrifically out of tune and the drums sound so cheesy they should be on a pizza.
If you're going to disharmonize, at least make sure some of the notes interact in an interesting way. This doesn't one bit. Terrible.
I really like this remix! It's totally awsome ambiance music; but try to remaster some pieces; some instruments are too loud and wrong pitched and make it slightly disharmonic.
Could have been average/good if instruments were tuned correctly.
Maybe if you added some hooks to the melody..
The disharmony completely ruins this! Would be pretty good otherwise...
To bad it's out of tune... Otherwise it could be very good one.
It isn't so bad as they say it.. It is actually good in it's own style and class
Ah my ears... Sorry, but the notes really don't fit together. Its like you accidentally shifted out the notes to a different octave and never noticed it. I have zapped away from slayradion when this played...:(

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