SHEN LON - Rambo Loader

Track info
Rambo Loader
Arranged by:
SHEN LON Remixer
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Charts position:
6. in the year 2018
158. in all-time charts
Top Rankings

2 c64 charts May 2018

This is a very good remix. I thought I have heard every style of Rambo Remixes. This new approach is really catching.
Another amazing remix from Shen Lon. Keep up the good work!
Solid eighties arrangement!
I often stopped my tape drive during load to hear the tune repeatedly. Now it's much easier 😊 Thanks for a great remix.
One of the most classic SID's in a great version with a really nice arrangement!
First off, minus points for the nonsensical Morse code in the intro - a missed opportunity (yeah, I did decode it). Overall, I don't think it's quite as good as some of your other remixes. I find the lead too thin, and the arrangement is not as refined.
The sound is great, with the kick being a bit loud, maybe. But I do not find the arrangement particularly emotive. Still, very well made.
Amazing remix!!!
Probably not the most original remix in the world nevertheless it is perfect. Well pleased is well served.
Wow this was a fresh version! Really like it!
Brilliant Remix! Keep it up, SHEN LON!
Not my cup of tea, but technically very good!
Lovely conversion!
Very very nice.
Impressive that we can still be surprised by a Rambo remix, nice energy/flow, luv'it!
Review by mike_c64


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

This track made me create an account here, so that I could comment on this one. There are good tracks and then there are really really good tracks… and then, sometimes, once every third year a track like this shows up. I can listen to this like 15-20 times in a row. It gives me that special feeling every time. Thank you Shen Lon.
Review by PhotonMan


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Excellent, incredible. The nostalgic sentment rises. Galway is a Grand Master. This song remember my child period watching Rambo.