Shock - Goldrunner 2 Remix
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Shock Remixer
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Charts position:
95. in the year 2008
1230. in all-time charts
1230. in all-time charts
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I really like the elctronica-style of this track, but somehow it doesn't get to the next level. The mixing could've been better, and some minor improvements here and there...
Shock seems to love weird electronic sounds - personally, I don't find the minimalistic approach very appealing. That short orchestral intro was a nice surprise though.
"Good" for the intro and the ideas involved. No good mixing though and the style doesn't fit the song too well.
When I heard the intro I thought: WOW!!!! When I heard the rest... Technical good but it just doesnt fit...
That intro is amazing... I had expected a song that style :D Some instruments are too sharp and some are too loud! Rest is pretty normal I think (imho)
As everybody said it, intro is *stunning* but... It truely was a shock :)
The first 20 seconds and the part from 3:30-3:43 save this remix from a green one!
Today I like this song very much. It's a pleasing distraction from all these common remix-styles. Mixing is unusual but not bad IMHO. And I love that once-in-a-while-hold'em-off-beat-gap in between. Just the first 20 seconds are boring ;))
This one got me in two halfs. Some parts are Great, some Parts not. But all over all a good one and a interesting version of that very often done mix.:-)
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