DJ Skitz - Megasweet

Track info
Arranged by:
DJ Skitz Adept
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Original SID:
Original composed by:
Charts position:
48. in the year 2005
1674. in all-time charts
Vote distribution
Nice to see someone (at last) do PVCF justice with a nice sweeping trance mix. Very enjoyable and keeps the soul of the tune intact along the way. Yaay Skitz!
Not my cup of tea... Sorry! Too repetative (as usual in this kinda music style!:-( )
Hadn't heard the original before. It's a fine conversion. How can the remix be blamed for beeing too repetative, when the original is exactly that?...
My favorite skitz remix so far it just reminds me of every saturday night from the last year for me.. All I need is a beer and 100odd ladies in short skirts ignoring me :D
It's a bit ironic that the original sounds just like the remix. The remix is all what the original tries to be. Listen to the original and you'll understand what I mean!
Hello Skitz... You must know that the piano in break down was a keyboard not a stupid midi... Bye
Straight forward techno mix. Love it.
Well, the theme itself is a bit boring but very well remixed ;)
I dunno how I could have skipped voting this one. Skitz did a suberb work in remixing this "looks simple but it's not" SID. Massive hardtrance in his finest form. Fantastic work.
Well done, but too trancy for my taste.
5 years past it's due date, it's still trancin'!
Love it. Phasers, trance, volume swells. All good. Makes me want to drive rally cars for some reason!
Review by LMan


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

There's not enough praise for this remix. No doubt this is among the very best techno remixes ever released at Remix. Kwed. Org. Technically flawless, extremely driving beat, and great synths. If you dig that style, this is a must-listen.