Slaygon - Never Die (Skitz lives forever)
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Slaygon Veteran
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1. in the year 2015
61. in all-time charts
61. in all-time charts
I asked around for a SID that could be remixed in the style of Hans Zimmer's Time
. Lagerfeldt suggested this one.
However, it didn't quite want to be in the style of Time, so it became this instead.
It felt appropriate to dedicate it to Skitz, who passed away almost exactly 4 years ago.
Vote distribution
Top Rankings
1 c64 charts 2015
1 c64 charts February 2015
ROTY 2015
1 Best c64 Remix
Nice twist compared to the original SID which still can be recognized in this very enhanced state. Too bad it's a bit short, but I think this requires a play in a Cozy Corner in the future. :) Well done!
Bass came in and so did the goosebumps! Insta-Red. 'Nuff said!
This is an amazing track!
Fresh off his win at ROTY 2014, Slaygon drops another beauty on us. Wonderful cinematic emotions - I only wish if it was longer...
Sweet, sweet violins.
This is simply brilliant!
Describe emotions with music. I am excited! Simply brilliant! Good Work!
This track is made of harmony, musicality and honour. Maximum respect, man!
I've always loved Lover why by Century, but this one is right up there with it. Brilliant remix!
What an amazing mix. Early favorite for Best C64 remix for 2015. Can't wait to see what this year has in store.
An incredibly emotive piece
Oh.. Yeah my film composer do it again! He really are on fire..!
The source sid is top itself, well arranged here with top sound quality. But its a bit short and the ending is quite uninspired for me.
This is seriously fucking beautiful, Slaygon! (In my head, Skitz will never die.)
Incredible. Touching. Inspiring. Simply beautiful...
Solid work! Reminds me a little of the Terminator theme by Brad Fiedel.
This is the power of Commodore 64 people.
OMG, this is awesome Slaygon. Well done in memory of Paul. Pls, extend it!
Incredible remix!
Too short. I get the idea but it feels half hearted.
Beautiful track!
Review by Nickenstein
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating
Having now just listened to the original SID, I'm quite stunned at how expertly you have turned it into a very modern piece without loosing the essence of the source.
Also, the dedication you made to Skitz in the title made me remember my time with him as I listened. There are tears on my desk.