Slaygon - Opus II - 100 years of demos (
92. in all-time charts
In 1921 Walther Ruttmann created some awesome animations with oil paintings on glass, which to the uninitiated would have appeared pointless.
Though, what he did was foresee the demo scene.
I made a remix of Tomas Danko's SID called Opus II, and by accident stumbled across the works of Walther Ruttmann in the process to find visuals, and they both have a very nice noir feel to them.
I did not expect them to line up so well some 100 years apart, but I guess people are people, and they do people things!
Each track has a short story that I had in mind while creating it. The story for this track in the context of the album:
THE LOSS (Opus II) - We organized and attacked. We failed. We had everything going for us, yet were out manned, outgunned and then overrun. We lost so many. All now seems pointless and a lost cause. But because we are humans, we do not lose hope. We strive for hope. We fight. Forever. Even in the face of total devastation, our world falling apart, we go forward.
Here's to a 100 more years of human exploration!
As for the track itself, for me, it was a story about a young person with anguish within that needed resolution, but did not know how to so he did music.
After a while, things crystallized and things started to fall into place with what goes where.
It is out of sync with itself somewhat at the start, but it finds itself toward the end, just like he did.
This track is part of the 8-Bit Symphony, regenerated, and taken back in time.

Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating
No, this is very emotional to me because I made this SID as self therapy in a very dark period of my early life. And Slaygon has managed to convey this impeccably.