Spiral - Hymn To Aurora Horace Wimp in a box Remix

Track info
Arranged by:
Spiral Veteran
Original composed by:
Charts position:
25. in the year 2008
410. in all-time charts
I only remember the first part of the original, so I'm not sure if this is a cover of the whole thing, but I felt it did go on a bit too long. However, the arrangement is really nice, clean and basic, but very effective. I really like the style.
I like it. Nothing wrong. Could've been beefed up a little, but that's picky.
This again sounds too much like the original and not a remix including using pretty much the same instruments throughout.
Very nice stuff!!! A bit too close to the original. And I miss some more bass! (I'm not sure, but there might be some wrong notes at 2:32?)
Starts very promising but then, it sounds there be wrong notes (? ) occasionally and tune just gets nowhere.
Catchy easy-listening stuff. Well done!
The original track had more drive if I remember right. Also the main tune sounds a bit off-tone to me. Nice job though!
Very well done.^^
Awesome! Just awesome! IF the tuned notes at 2:32 are on porpose then it sounds pretty interesting!
Guys guys guys... All you complaining at 2:32... It's true to the original. The notes are just like that, and thats whats so great with this song. Those... Half notes or whatever they're called. Great job with this one.

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