Spiral - Tomorrowland (Gates.of.Heaven.Remix)
Track info
Arranged by:
Spiral Veteran
Original composed by:
Charts position:
24. in the year 2009
447. in all-time charts
447. in all-time charts
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Man, this is sounding sooo 80s... Nice lush pads (a bit too loud imho). Nice remix, but the mixing/mastering could have done better.
I really like it
The sound quality and skills of the composer gets an orange face, but the composition gets a sad grey. I am sorry to say that the tune is very monotonous - close to humdrum and the choice of lead instrument is too 80 to me... Sorry...
Love it!:-)
Gotta go for red from orange cos it's one of my fav amiga tunes ;)
Goes in the one ear, goes out the other... Just too easy to sleep to.
Nice tune
Enjoyable, welll mixed, dreamy, moody track, almost flawless
Well done!!!
Nice, but it sounds a bit unbalanced.
Fantastic classic Amiga era tune!
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