Stafford and Clayton Marsland - Ocean Loader 3 - Rockin' Mix

Track info
Arranged by:
Original SID:
Original composed by:
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Charts position:
54. in the year 2004
2083. in all-time charts
\m/ In your face and well executed
Nice work, but not really my cup of tea :D
Not bad at all, this. Maybe could have done without the SID like intro, and it is improvised a bit, but good fun nonetheless.
Very nice! Even if the whole tune sounds like it was played live in the bath ;)
Ahh, the mix needs some serious work
Ocean on steroids. Snare is a bit too loud?
The beginning like the SID, then this aweful drums.. And as always: missing mp3 tag - is it really so hard to fill it in?
Quite mediocre, but at least it's a rock cover. Where do all the rock arrangers go? And it's my fave SID tune, too.
Very, very good... It just has that garage rock feel...
I LOVE THIS!!! The quality isn't the best but it just captures the original so damn good.. I can listen to it for hours and not get tired even once!! Do MORE
The intro is boring, the rest is recorded in very bad audio quality, spoils the fun!
This carries the energy of the original forward very well. Some of the synth instruments could sound better, but the arrangement is pretty good.
This is amazing and 100% hit the nail with this one, best since Machinae Supremacy!!!
My all-time fave version.
Rockin'! I would love to hear Daxx do a rendition like this, with his mixing skills oo yeah.
Review by retrovertigo


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

I'm well impressed with this one. Only niggles are the mix could be better and the drums just don't seem to sit very well in the mix. It's balls out, total rock and extra marks have to go for putting so much energy into what would be a technically difficult arrangement to play. Especially on guitar! Short, sweet and to the point. More please!
Review by countzorg


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Good job here. Listening to this made me think.
I wonder if Mathew Bellamy (Muse) had a CBM64?
I like the way this has actually been re-made (at least it sound fresh).
Good job.
Review by DJB


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Man, I LOVE this!!! GREAT C64 REMIX!!!

Hearing the actual SID at the start of the tune brought back memories of the days when I would wait 4 minutes or so for a game to load from tape (hehehe).

The drums come in (good choice of drum samples I must admit too), although maybe the first snare hits couuld've been faded in a little, as it does seem a little too loud, even though from memory the original was supposed to try and catch you off-guard anyways.

I LOVE the guitar doing the lead in this, sounds so awsome!! It's a real blessing to my ears. A nice combination of instruments used too for the background. The new solos were a surprise at first, but really good! The technical side of the solos wasn't too bad either, there were some sections that lacked a little but overall very nice.

Probably one of the only downsides is that the song wasn't covered completely correct, there's bits there in the actual song structure that shouldn't be, but this is only a small imperfection.

Well done on this one, the term Rockin' Mix definately doesn't disappoint!!