Stuart Wilson - Not Another Comic Bakery Remix

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Yawn. Next, please! This has been done so many ways in the same style that it's just another boring version to my ears. Mixing is fine though.
Not bad. Sounds very retro. Pretty well mastered.
Decent, but not worth a whole lot of re-listening I'm afraid...
Quite straigh forward, faithful remix (I sense alot of original SID in there). Nice mixing, but not very original.
Easy listening, very true to the SID, nothing much new in it.
I cant help it, I sense a lot of sid, and its fun to listen2
Okay, I love Comic Bakery! Solid Remix, sounds happy, has lotsa SID. A good one, alas not very special.
Best remix of the best C64 song! Very Good!
Nice track, but the looped drums get on my nerves.
You can't expect to earn much here with yet another Comic Bakery remix, especially when it's basically just SID+drums. But it's not bad, there are many versions on RKO that are worse.
I could never have enough Comic Bakey mixes, especially when they sound like this!
Sounds a bit overlayed to the origonal, and quiet. Maybe I dont like the tune, but the mixing is fair dooz.
Decent enough, no surprises, straightforward, arrangement is too simple (basically SID+drums).
This song is best when you watch his video at But else I feel this a remix of Instant remedys excellent remake.
Something new, but not really
>>ffw ;)
Average, average this average that just plain good average

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