TDK - Maintheme 2 Remix
Track info
Arranged by:
TDK Remixer
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Charts position:
11. in the year 2007
297. in all-time charts
297. in all-time charts
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3 Amiga charts June 2007
Solid and crisp production. I really like the sounds used (a bit of QuadraSID in there, no? ), making it really catchy. Would def have been worth extending a bit.
Sounds good and very computerish. Me like.
Old school style :-)
Nice mixing and crisp sounds. I like the overall happy feeling of it all, which is kept and enhanced from the Amiga version.
Lovely! I love when the original authors remake their own tunes :) That simply means this tune is meant to sound like this! Just a very cool tune!
Sounds powerful and fresh! Thumbs up!
Kicks butt - nice use of instruments keeping it close to the original - close your eyes, relax and remember when you were younger feeling - nice work
Nice work TDK! How about remixing some other's tunes?
I cant help it! I just LOVE CHIP MUSIC!
Ah, another bright and clappy one, yet well-rounded - more a 64 feeling than the usually quite dark-sounding bass samples that dominated many Amiga tunes.
I simply love the intro but in the end it feels kind of repetitive.
Wheee well done.:-)
Classic tune a bit more upbeat
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