The Cosmic Gerbil - Fairlight (thrash version)

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260. in the year 2007
5028. in all-time charts

This version of Fairlight was written with Guitar Pro 5, converted to MIDI format, and then converted to MP3 format using the Direct MIDI to MP3 converter.   I tidied it up in Wavepad.


After reading the comments I have received, I have to say something.   I’m not complaining about getting bad reviews; I know that the conversion sounds fuzzy and primitive and that MIDI guitars are notoriously bad to convert into MP3 format.   I am now cutting out MIDI completely and working only with WAV to MP3 conversion, as I have found this improves the sound quality of my remixes greatly.   But I don’t appreciate those comments that have been impolite.   There’s a difference between saying that you don’t like something because it is of poor quality, and just being downright rude.   And also, to romeo_knight…don’t make assumptions about me with no basis of fact.   I have been listening to thrash for years now.   So thanks to everybody who has offered me constructive criticism, as it has been useful and it will help me to write better remixes in the future. No thanks those people who have been insulting; it is not at all welcoming or helpful for newcomers on the scene.   Oh yes, and it's Miss Gerbil to you.



Not great to be honest. The idea's there but the execution and bad mixing let it down, it sounds really comrpessed. And the guitars aren't "thrash" enough!
Eh, "thrash"? It's very muddy and midi like
Hello midi hea.... Ohh HELL I mean.. First off.. This is so NOT trash. Second.. It sounds totally crap in my ears. With real guitars and some work it could've been something.. This is just something for the garbage bin.
Agrees with dimmignatt
This one's really trashy. I don't like it.
Agrees with the rest I'm sorry
Well, nice try.. Up on the horse again.
Woulda been cool about 15 years ago in a b grade platformer. Bring yourself into today and get some rockin samples and try again, and I think you'll do ok...
Uh, need much mork work on it. Average.
Drums clip horribly, the guitar noises are terrible.. Kinda sounds like midi to me too, which in this day n age.. Seriously, bit more effort next time mr gerbil.
YOUCH! Sounds like a horrible SID-to-MIDI conversion. BAAAD!
Constructive criticism? ! 1. Delete song and start anew from scratch, there's almost nothing done right here, musically and technically.2. Before, listen to thrash metal alone at least a year more. Listen carefully to get how it really sounds!
I like it. Muddy/midi, just a software issue. How about some constructive critism.
Trash as the title already told... :-( Nope... Not meaning trash-metal or anything similar here! ;-) ) Simply CRAP!
The sounds are too midi to have any appeal
Ignore romeo, he's always like that ;-) I see some potential, but lot of work ahead... The idea itself is not a bad one.
Too much negative comments. Come on boys, this is a newby in mixing and for a first effort it isn't that bad! Keep on practising and listen carefully to the work of the more experienced mixers around here!
What are you complaining??? This was my favorite version over here. It's definately not thrash, more like rock, however, its cool
If you ever needed proof that females are crap at music, Miss Gerbil states her case... Thrash LMFAO

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