Tim Forsyth - London Demo (Christmas at Reyn's mix)

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Tim Forsyth Veteran
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Charts position:
161. in the year 2021
2766. in all-time charts

There's a party at Reyn's house and you're all invited!


I'm sure this one is going to be divisive as I'm essentially Rick rolling you into listening to Wham!


Returning from a family holiday last week, feeling festive, I gave myself a challenge.


Make a novelty Christmas remix in 5 evenings. No agonising over the mix, instrument choice or questionable ideas (!), just run with the inspiration snowball.


Unfortunately, this snowball picked up wham along the way when, after listening to London demo (as a result of listening to Eivind Sommersten's excellent chilled out remix), my brain noticed it shared the same chord changes.


As a result, this is probably the remix mashup no one ever expected or wished for Christmas 😊 . I found a guide on reverb for recreating the Juno 60 synth sounds from the 80s hit and that set things in motion.


Fembot wham face exists because I can't sing, I wanted a sad Christmas tale about someone losing their SID chip to an incident with an unmaintained power supply.

At this point I realised I had a very silly remix and decided to theme this as a party at Reyn's house. The atmospheric opening referencing his amazing church session literally exists to hide the surprise that awaits. Sometimes surprises are good, sometimes they are bad.


Sometimes, all you need to do to cheer you up is to lay down some party horns on a track.


Deploying these made me genuinely laugh out loud, this was a fun track to put together and a fun experiment.



Last Christmas
I gave you my SID
But the very next day
You blew it away.
This year
To save me from tears
I'll re-cap your worn out PSU


Just because it's Christmas and I'm feeling generous, not too generous, this literally took me 10 minutes, I can gift you this track with a 95% no wham guarantee. Here it is:



I've also used a selfie I took on the holiday 😊

It's nice enough, technically speaking... But. Why did it have to turn into Last Christmas when it could just have stuck with the original London Demo tune??
I quite like the concept in the intro. I also like the 80s soundscape from 1:00. But I think that vocoded/synthesized singing voice is a miss.
The Voice is not good
Overall very nice! The end part makes it outstanding! I could listen to that for minutes long!
I like this - and enjoy that it is festive and not so serious! BTW - George Michael wrote "Last Christmas" in his childhood bedroom - much like (I'm guesssing) Reyn did with "London Demo" 5 years later :)
It almost felt like I was Whamageddon'ed. Kudos for a brave idea though..
Review by LaLa


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Since I wrote my shout, I listened to it a few more times. I still like that flashback style intro, the 80s style instrumentation in the rest of remix is near perfect, I get the whimsical nature of this remix (and I embrace it) - but somehow it just still doesn't gel in my mind as a whole. I prefer the 95% Wham-free version on Soundcloud…