Tim Forsyth - Rambo First Blood Arp 2

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Tim Forsyth Veteran
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Charts position:
2. in the year 2023
5. in all-time charts

This was my entry to the Back in Time Live! 2023 music compo and somehow it came 1st place!


Although I was surpised given the quality of the other tracks, I am delighted people liked it enough to vote 😊


Most of the time spent on this tune was trying to get the mix right.


I rebuilt the last part twice from the ground up and while I'm still not entirely happy with the inital impact of the second half, the arps and end make up for it I think. Inspiration for the final race to the end seemingly came out of nowhere. Until I realised I had subconciously ripped off Muse, so I had to pare back the melody a little. I think I got away with it 😊


I am getting more obsessive over the bass in my remixes, and spent far too long trying to get the right shape and sound. (I'm becoming conviced I'm a bass player in another life!).


A few notes about the instruments - the arpeggios were made in a brilliant modular groovebox called Drambo.


Yes, Drambo helped me make Rambo. You couldn't make it up.


Lastly that lazy dreamy synth lead in the first half is from Baby Audio's BA-1.

Top Rankings

2 c64 charts 2023

1 c64 charts November 2023

BIT Live 2023 Remix Compo

1 Best Remix

ROTY 2023

3 Best c64 Remix

Hell yeah! This is exactly what I needed on a grey and dull November day!
Great, just that
Nice interpretation of the first SID I fell in love with!
What an absolute orgy of arpeggios - fulfilling the competition theme to the max! Beautifully mixed and underscoring the whole arrangement too. This is also incredibly Galwayesque - only better!
Awesome! Great work Tim 😉
The Ultimate Vintage Retro C64 REMIX. It can't be any better!
Great remix of a fav SID, especially the 2nd half is a knockout! Well done Tim, it's arp-tastic!😉
Awesome remix, Mr. Forsyth! 1st place well-deserved!
Fanatastic Tim and Congrats on the win!!
Bang on the money, Tim!
Outstanding mix of one of my all time favourite C64 tracks.
Rambo of the 21st century!
The ultimate Rambo remix? Delighted to see this won C64 ROTY 2023 - would've got my vote!
Review by wobbler


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

This was my #1-vote on the norway compo. Love the mellow lead (among other things)
Review by LaLa


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

A very deserving winner of the BIT Live 2023 Remix Compo! It fulfilled two rules of the compo to the max: 1) arpeggio-heaven, 2) it is [b]exactly[/b] 4 minutes long, which was the compo limit. 😁 An absolutely fantastic rendition of Galway's classic, loved it from the moment I first heard it. Congrats, Tim!PS: Drambo - haha, that's quite a coincidence! 🤣PPS: My favorite part of this remix: the break at 3:12. Totally makes the rest even more impactful.PPPS: I get it, 4 min compo limit, but I feel the end is a bit rushed and this could've used a longer outro for the RKO release.
Review by Elro


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Fantastic remix. Some nice fat synth sounds and plenty of variation from the original to keep us interested. Super!