TmX - Last Ninja 1&2 - Remaster
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TmX Remixer
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Charts position:
148. in the year 2007
3147. in all-time charts
3147. in all-time charts
Ive done countless remakes of this song in the past mostly in mod/xm format (never released)
But this one is made in Buzz.
There are no samples except for the drums. Guitars are not real either, and I guess you can tell as they dont sound all that natural.
I do have an updated version where the overall sound is a fair bit better so perhaps I can have this one replaced some day.
Vote distribution
There's obvious talent on that guitar, but the whole somehow is less than the sum of its parts. Gets an orange from me for accuracy of guitar playing, but the rest underwhelms slightly. Plus there's a lot of work gone in here.
An intriguing mix of the Last Ninja first level tunes, and it actually works really well. The guitar playing is fine, just that the rest of it falls down a little in parts - sometimes the SID-like arpeggios don't work. However, it is enjoyable!!
Anybody who can play the electric guitar like this gets my vote - very nicely put together remix.
Great guitaring and whilst nothing else is outstanding or pushing the void the amount of work and slickness of the mix gets an orange
Lots of effort in this one, I hear a sid in it and a distorted guitar making it ok for me(hearing to few SID anyway in most tunes these days)
Nice axe work, it falls short of a red because the rest of it sounds a little on the thin side and some of the instrumentation goes a little out of tune (ie the piano) but its still a damn fine tune.
Good energy but not best samples
I know this isnt perfect, but I just love Guitars to damn much :)
I do like this one a lot. Not a very organic sound to it, but otherwise, it takes two great tracks and rocks them out.
This tune is good, not more, even when the guitar work is outstanding.
Yet another Ninja remix. Nice try, but too "dirty" and "thin" for my taste. Some flaws in the chords and the lead.
I really have to appreciate the effort on this remix! Bravo :)
Enjoyed it to bits!
Great remix man!
So well arranged and played that even I would like it, but the mixage is poor and 128 Kbit not enough to capture a good tune in all its glory.
Would have likes to give it a higher rating here... But it felt that the mixing wasn't quite correct in various places. Sounds a bit like a 'band-room-live-recording'. That put it down a bit for me. But the version in general is surely quite nice!
This is a very good Remix! Thumbs up, man!
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