TmX - LastNinja 2 The Mansion - remastered Type 4

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TmX Remixer
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Charts position:
35. in the year 2007
583. in all-time charts

This one is for everyone who looked beyond my so so sounding guitars and gave me good ratings on arrangement.

Like remastered 3rd go this one also have a very different feel compared to the original. Lots of changes but at the same time a lot of the original is still there in the background, like the original bass line you can hear has been used in the background for guitars but with some added variation to make it work with my remix


This song comes from heart. When I started it all fell into place so it's a very simple song.

I hope you all like it as much as I enjoyed making it.





Top Rankings

3 c64 charts April 2007

Now is this rather special. It rocks hard with some excellent guitar work and keeps the feel of the Mansion tune intact, even the opening Tangerine Dream part is well done. I think he's raised the bar for this tune hence the red.
Great rousing rock, just what I needed when I got out of bed this morning :)
Awesome guitars and feel, has the spirit of the original. Rock on!
Nice one.. But again the lead guitar sounds VERY computerish to me.
Good tune, but I haft to agree with dimmignatt on the computerish sound on the guitar.
What can I say... Erm... It's very good guitar version of the Mansion track, when I wasn't sure guitars work that well for it.
Not bad at all!
Not being a big fan of Rock style I still cannot fault this remix technically. Extremely Well Done!
The idea is good, but the execution is a bit messy. Especially the drums and the loud guitars are strenuous to listen to and jolty. The quiet guitar in the intro makes it worth a listen though.
Like it! Keep 'em coming...
Beautifull start. But, where are the strings?
Very nice work indeed, really has alot of life too it and drives you along nicely.
I quite like the guitar lead in this one. This has a lot going for it, I can just imagine Metallica playing it. To me it's just a hair short of being excellent due to the relatively weak drum beat.
Too heavy for me but very good in terms of execution.
The drums come in too uhm... Computerish and strong too here. The mixing isn't quite fitting for my taste! Agree with the others about the lead guitar as well. The other guitars are sounding way better! Beginning has GREAT feeling but it looses it later o
I am not a big rock guitar fan, but this track rocks very very spechial!
May be an origina sid I like it more :)
No clue what these people mean by "computerish". This track is freaking AWESOME!
Love it. Mean and moody in all the right places. Air Guitar never felt this good.
Pretty amaizing and outstanding tune
This is pretty much what an overrated tune is. The lead sounds stiff and the arrangement is boring as shit. This remix needs more instruments something to fill that empty space.
Finally someone did it in Satriani style. I'm so sorry I haven't discovered this years ago.
Strong 90's rock feeling (and by that I mean a GOOD thing ^^)

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