Totta - Hero Quest - Pophousedub remix

Track info
Hero Quest - Pophousedub remix
Arranged by:
Totta Specialist
Member profile:
Original composed by:
Charts position:
16. in the year 2012
247. in all-time charts

So… a friend of mine challenged me to take on the Hero Quest ingame tune which was interesting since I had never even heard the song before. I listened to it a couple of times, got a few ideas, started Renoise and spent a couple of days making it.

Hero Quest is quite a simple song but it's also quite complex too at the same time: It's pretty thin in it's original arrangement and consists really of 5 different tunes strung together. I did my best to keep all parts but had to throw one out (it was in 3/4 where the rest of the song is in 4/4) and I had to add some melodies of my own to flesh it out.

This is the first time I have created a song too complex for my computer to render in real time and it's also using up almost all memory in the machine so it was quite a challenge to finish it at the end. Especially the dubstep part in the middle was way too heavy for my computer. It consists of no pre rendered sounds but it's created from scratch with simple wave form sounds and heavy distortions, filters and usage of the built in LFO device in combination with manual filtering and fiddeling.

The remix is made with Renoise 2.0 which I like very much, however it's far from the ideal tool to make dubstep. That's for sure but I believe it came out pretty good anyway.

I'm happy with it and so is my friend. Are you?

Top Rankings

3 Amiga charts December 2012

Some really nice tweaks in this one. Keep it up!
Impressiv piece :) like it very much
Nice instrumentation, Melody got a bit lost in the mix in places. Love the dubstep segment and great ues of piano's throughout
What`s so special about this new trendy thing called dubstep? I don`t get it. But this one over here is pretty good.
Very pro. Almost broke my speakers tho. Make next one softer.
Sounds pretty rad!

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