Traxer - Rolands Ratrace (The quest for Jarre)

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Traxer Remixer
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Charts position:
132. in the year 2005
3417. in all-time charts
Well, this is mighty strange. Think the jarre effects are slightly too loud at times and a little out of place... Less is more I think. It's a strange concept and I'm not entirely sure if it works very well.
Great idea but not as smooth as it could have been, take a look at Marcels work to see what I mean
The Jarre effects are too loud - a bit of EQ tweaking is needed. It also sounds a little out of tune in places. That said, it's a very different idea and for that alone I quite liked it.
Jarre stuff again.. Been done a thousand times before and better (quality wise) but for me this sort of stuff never really gets off the ground and is a tired and old genre that should have been left in the 80's.. Show's artistic potential though.
A pity! The best about RRR is the great groove and bassline. I can't find them here. Though it is a nice electronic effort.
Please, no more Jarre'ing up random tunes. It doesn't work.
Unbalanced but like it anyways ;-)
A lot of Oxygene-esque effects alone don't make Jarre, his tunes are a lot more complex than that. A nice effort, as an exercise it works fine, as a final product it lacks direction, cohesion and emotion.
Too soporific
It doesn't sounds like jarre, maybe marcel could do a jarre version of this track...
Well done synth tune.
Nice idea and a different take on the SID.
It's OK, but a bit dull.
I rather find the drum track misplaced. The jarreish and the vocal works fine together, the drum track is perhaps out of "fear" that if it hasnt got drums, no one will listen.
Quest not fulfilled! The electronic bird twitter is nice, the female voice too, but still something's missing. Not Jarresque enough to be named like that.
Review by xgener8or


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

I like the Jarre'ing. Nice sounds and a cool piece. I like the style and the 80's synth feel. I am unfamiliar with the original game but I am a fan of Jarre and as such, it's great.
Review by immacolata


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

A rare remix of the much under-appreciated Roland's Rat Race sid, it self being a nice cover of the tv show's theme. This remix suffers a bit from the clichéd synth intro. Takes the author about one and a half minute to tell us how much he likes Jarre.

Once the introductory lull is over, I do believe the song picks up. I have rewritten a bit of this review, because upon several listenings, I tend to favour the tune more. Only niggle I have here is the drum track. Not that it is bad but I found that the song worked very well on its melodical parts and synths, no need for any artifical sweetener in shape of a drum track.

The overall impression is therefore that the song is a fair job, but intros is perhaps something the author should work on, at least to make them shorter. I still think it beats the a capella version by a long shot. More Roland remixes, however, and the best roland remix of the lot.