Vincenzo - Billig oel
Track info
Arranged by:
Vincenzo Veteran
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Original SID:
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Charts position:
36. in the year 2010
687. in all-time charts
687. in all-time charts
This is an entry for Arok Party 12 remix competition. It reached the first place, yaaay!
I had a free afternoon 1 week before the party so i decided to make a quick remix. Everything is
Oh, and don't forget to check SIDrip Alliance releases in the very near future!
I had a free afternoon 1 week before the party so i decided to make a quick remix. Everything is
hand-made, no loops used. Enjoy!
Oh, and don't forget to check SIDrip Alliance releases in the very near future!
Vote distribution
Overal a good song, but reminds me of Seinfeld which makes my skin crawl >.<
Well done.
Full-sized coolness :) Instatnly revives the AROK party fun there! Well deserved #1 place, took my vote, too.
This is a really funky tune! Great effort!
Love it! So organic, so funky!
This is realy #1 place. Grat.
Love it, top funky stuff going on here with klaus wunderlich on the organ!!! LOL great
Great music. Very cool funky beat and arrangement. Great one - chappeau!
YEAHHH!!! How coooool funkyyyy!!! :-D (Oehm... And did I tell already that THIS IS WAAAAAY TOO SHORT (sadly)!!? Damn it!;-) )
Fantastic tune!
Gonna step out ladies night, Steppin' out ladies night!;-)
Sounds just right!!:)
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