Visa Röster - Rambo (feat. Hanna Kappelin and Larsec)

Track info
Rambo (feat. Hanna Kappelin and Larsec)
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Visa Röster Specialist
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Charts position:
11. in the year 2006
364. in all-time charts
Rambo. I still don't believe how unreal the movies were, all of them. But still, the Commodore 64 game rocks! It's always fun to blow the roofs of buildings, you know!

With Larsec doing the synths and Hanna Kappelin doing the vocals, this remix tries to capture the mood of the brilliant loading music of the game by Martin Galway. (God, if you didn't know it😉

If you like this, there's more to find on the CD "READY. Vocally too" by Visa Röster. 18 Commodore 64 tracks, remixed with the lovely voices of Swedish a cappella group Visa Röster. Read more about it at Visa Röster's homepage at

Visa Röster are: Hanna Kappelin, Karin Öjehagen, Elsa Persson, Sofia Åberg, Johannes Lindén and Pex 'Mahoney' Tufvesson.

We hope you'll like this song. We had loads of fun making it. Enjoy! / Visa Röster
Rambo (feat. Hanna Kappelin and Larsec)
Vote distribution
Top Rankings

2 c64 charts April 2006

ROTY 2006

2 Most Innovative Remix (c64 or Amiga)

Can't fault it, except it should be a song, as LMan says. /me gets lyric writing
Hanna for president! I love this track, though LMan has a point in what he say about lyrics. Though writing lyrics to fit the Rambo lead might be hard.
There's something so wholesome about Hanna's vocals for the lead which just makes the whole thing work, where in lesser hands it might not work so well. Epic and excellent all round.
Just epic in every sense of the word, it works SO perfectly
Lovely stuff.
I must admit --- this one really ROCKZ!!!
This is my alltime favourite. Soooooooooo sweet!!! And the end is wonderful!
Really nice lyrics, but I must agree with LMan that the ooohs and aaaahs to tend to fill up too much of the song.
You Rösters are some bad muthas!
This is what happens when a remixer and an amazing vocalist meet. A match made in heaven but keep your hands off Hanna 😊
VGJ (Very Good Job) 😀 😀 😀 😀
Ok, but nothing special… A bit to slow and empty… Wont really remember it after 5 min
Lman - I think many of us would like to hear more oohs and arghs of Miss Kappelin - the work IS amazing, but Yes if only someone could put true vocals to it - but still my FAV remix at the moment. Well DONE!!
Blinkin excellent!!
GORGOUS vocals and a nice remix of a great sid track!!!
Very cool mixing and style! Feels fresh and full of power! Really cool effort on a classic SID again! Great voice (as always!!!) and carries the real spirit in it overall! Simply GREAT! 😃
Close to perfection
No doubt there's some great vocal talent here, but I found the song itself boring.
This remix made me register, just so I could cast my vote. When I played this game back in the 80's, I never would've dreamed that I one day would regard this tune as sensual. Kinda disturbing in a way 😀
Cannot fault the vocal talents of the ladies involved or the arrangement talents of those behind the scenes and its a winning formula but this isnt my cup of tea and I too would love to hear more done with them voices. Ill probably be outcasted now heh
Excellent. Agree it will just disappear from the mind after it end, but! Good music shouldnt be remember, or els it will get stuck in the head and you will going nuts after awhile. Good tunes is like a dream, a good dream ofcourse… Yeah
Big minus for 128kbps (should be 256 at least), the intensity/punch I expected is missing, but still a very good tune…
Wow just listened on my brandnew highend stereo-machine /OUTSTANDING/
Phantastic vocals, oozing of emotions. A bit unusual from Vista Röster to have a non-vocal backing, but the arrangement works very well. Very, very good. Can anybody make out the Morse code at the very end?
What a voice Hanna has. I could listen to this all day.
Much too long for my taste and a tad bit slow, but still very good.
Very, very beautiful.
Oh my God… Utter musical beauty = Goosebumps++
Beautiful remix of my all time favorite song
Just lovely, like they all are! Actually it's grown on me the more I've listened to it.
OUTSTANDING!!! This song and Thrust (also feat. Hanna) are some of the greatest in here!
I see wings… Wings… Behind her back… Can't you see?! CAN'T you see?! ! Oh my God! The light… THE LIGHT!!!
Rambo has been Great Gigged in the Sky! Sweet. Marvelous work!
Very, very nice and beautyfull vocal! Well done!
Perfect, I just utterly love these collaborations between VR and guests, and I love these wordless vocals (reminding me of the performances by edda dell'orso on these dozens of fine 60s/70s Ennio Morricone soundtracks), no lyrics needed here!
I REALLY, really love this… Driving up on the dark roads from the CRC in Copenhagen with this cranked up to the maximum in the car made the trip a pure joy. Excellently done!. … And Hannas voice… OMG!😉
Extremely Amazing and Outstanding. I never thought Remixes of C64 games could reach this level of quality.
Drool… Wow! Lyrics… Yah well would be nice but it is outstanding as it is!
Omigosh, could this be my favourite mix right now?! One of the all time most excellent SIDs flawlessly arranged in an incredibly powerful peice. It doesn't need lyrics, no way. That voice is all the feeling and personality we need. Beautiful & moving
This is Rambo? I heard a slow dull song, with vocals (not enough alone to impress me). I didn't even realise it was Rambo. Rambo is supposed to be full of life. Well produced, but simply NOT Rambo in the slightest!
Very moody one, very pretty and full of emotion voice here, I love those kind of remixes. Outstanding job
Lovely haunting vocal over a well produced (slower) Rambo theme. Lala, I believe the morse is AMIGA (.- --…--…-)
I must have missed something. Where's the Rambo melody?
More power to a song like this is not possible
No rambo, but beautiful voice 😉
Very atmospheric with great vocals that makes it even better!
Review by LMan


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Top notch vocals as usual by Visa Röster, and Larsec's style is distinctive in the arrangement. Technically, this piece is flawless.

On the other hand, I would really really appreciate if there were some lyrics for the melodies, and I would not mind if it was in english, or in swedish or any other language I don't understand; the point is, lyrics would add a lot of personality and texture to the singing.

Without doubt Visa Röster have the finest vocalists in the whole scene, it's a shame all we get to hear from them is Ooooohs and Aaaahs, if you know what I mean. 😊