vurtX - miami vice (myambient vices)

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vurtX Adept
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Charts position:
217. in the year 2008
4048. in all-time charts
This is my first ever C64 remix, and I did it entirely with Reason …. I rate Miami Vice as one of Martin Galways best ever tunes, it has a Philip Glass element and dare I say it, is even better than anything Glass has ever done! Galway is indeed a God.

If you want this in lossless 24bit 96khz FLAC audio quality (size 229 mb) you can get it here >

Pretty good remix but there have been way too many versions of this and this is far from the best IMHO.
Massive. A hard track to keep interesting all the way through, and this falls a bit on the repetitive side.
Overall a good remix but too repetitive...
Like Amok said: Too repetitive.
Decent, by all means! Keep it up, and try to use more flavor/variation. The original is also pretty repetitive, so you didn't make it easy for yourself :P
Well... Okay. But I think it's rather average.
Sounds quite like Reyn's version. Not as good though.
Good backgroundmusic. Well... Not more.
Hmm, not too bad but I'd skip the drums completely or redo them from start, the current ones just drag the rest down.
Dont understand whats so good about this. It´s way too long... And for a remix it could have some drums/percussions in it... Sorry
Reminds me of Jean Michel Jarre in some way. It could use some more variations, but keep up the work.
A repetitive mix for a repetitive sid. The snaredrum is just too much in my face here, ruins the ambient feeling.
Needs more variations on the theme (changes in instrumentation, arrangement, filters, whatever) to keep my interest and to enhance the ambiance. What's there is nicely done, just too boring.
My humble individual vote for the month... Lenghty, just like the original, just as it should be.... Koyaanisqatsi...:)
Too repetitive & boring needs more of a Miami Vice feel to it!
Ok, the main tune is good, but the rest is average. Imho the drums doesn't fit in, and some of the transitions are pretty awful.

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