Warphead - Last Ninja 2 The Street Loader Remix

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Warphead Remixer
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Charts position:
92. in the year 2016
4940. in all-time charts

I am kinda rookie when it comes to making and that was made 2009. That was cut kinda hastily to get rid of all the weird parts because I uploaded it to school-server also. Could maybe edit it sometime, at least change that sound mentioned by kwed and Spavatch. Hope someone would like this.

Starts out as a delightfully refreshing non-rock take on LN2, but around the 1:50 mark shrill sounds and bum notes start ruining the experience.
Let's sum it up: interesting first minute, maybe minute and a half, then a savage attack of ear-drilling pipy noise and finally... Wait, what's with the sudden stop? However, it's still salvageable, it just needs fixing these flaws.
Finally a Last Ninja remix :-/ The ending was a surprise though!
Lots of things wrong here and hardly anything right. If the remix being off-tune was intentional, I do not like it.
Oh, the ringing sound is annoying as my baby's cry...
Wackyness of Notes
Not really a good peace of music
Average at best
OMG... My ears!
Nope, this made a few too many mistakes to be enjoyable. Sorry...
Review by symbols


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Some nice sounding instruments and all, but the compositions is half-assed and well just a pick and mix of stuff-you-like. It's squidgey and all overy the bit but kind of cool at the same time for its wackyness! Some bad tone mixes and Harshness over softness… feels like a weird dream at times, not sure if you heard much of the original tracks growing up, or maybe you did and just mashed it all up. Next time try choosing just 4 instruments and balancing them and making a good composition. 3/10