Xenobioz - Hero Quest
Track info
Arranged by:
Xenobioz Specialist
Original composed by:
Charts position:
73. in the year 2007
1521. in all-time charts
1521. in all-time charts
Vote distribution
Too much reverb. Most of the sounds dont fit the song to make the mood. Some better mixing would help.
Oh, I hear what you're trying to do here, X - and I quite like that, but some sounds are just not up for the task.
First I thought this deserved 'good', but after a while the lead instrument started to getting on my nerves :-) Some more variation in instruments and style please.
Better instrumentation and mixing and also some more interesting parts in the arrangement would definately make this track score a lot higher in my book.
It starts good, but then it gets boring. Did you put a reverb on everything?
Gets on my nerves after 20 secs :(
Could have made it all the way to a yellow one with less reverb and better instruments.
God dammit! Where is the feeling!? The original does start where calm and then like going nuts after the big smashes.
This is what happens when you simply load the mod and change the instruments to new sounds
Not bad at all - but I`m a little bit bored, sorry
Good attemps are in, but could be much better.^^
Review by Jackal
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating