XxDUSTYxX - Echoing 2k8 (GUITAR REMIX)

302. in all-time charts
Echoing 2k8 GUITAR REMIX
In contrast to my previous remixes this one took me a few weeks. I said GOODBYE to my old Tracker-Editor, grabbed my guitar and borrowed a bassguit from my buddy Sascha. (THANKS ALOT, BRO!)
After adjusting my metronome to 144bpm I started recording the rhythm-guitars. I had to use the Line-Out of my PEAVEY Triple XXX instead of putting a microphone in front of my Mashall-cabinet for this, otherwise my pain-in-the-neck-neighbor would have killed me. Complete! Time for some BASS! But…oh my god: The bassguitar is fretless! After practicing a few minutes, I got used to play without frets, too. The next day I edited the Drums for hours. One day after I refused the most part of them and did a revised version with more punch. Next day: Leadguitars. I connected my KORG AX300G Effectboard to my soundcard and let my fingers fly over the fretboard. To get it more atmospheric, I added a plain keyboard-accompaniment. Then the days of mixing, re-editing and mastering passed… 'nuff said! pump up the volume and enjoy!
2 Amiga charts April 2008
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