Yoko - Target Renegade (Re-Mix)

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Arranged by:
Yoko Remixer
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Charts position:
163. in the year 2006
4180. in all-time charts
A bit too obvious trance-by-numbers to really sustain that much interest. There's nothing drastically wrong with it, but the drum patterns etc are just overdone to death and it needs more invention.
I'm not sure we should punish people for cliches, or for being part of a particular style, no matter how old/new. My main problem with it is that it's not very atmospheric compared to something like "Children".
Plain boring really. Def nothing to make it stand out in todays standards
Ah well.. We all gotta start somewere, this aint a bad effort and at least its well mastered and clean sounding.
Straight forward trance remix. Nothing particularly wrong with it, but this whole piece is a 90s trance clichée - a saw synth, an off-beat bass, and used-to-death 909 drum patterns.
I like it... Flawless & trancey tune.
Heard it before, but still sounds good!
Too 'normal' for me in the general. Too 'chart-like' mass-style without any real 'spirit' it seems... ;-) Sorry...
Nice try... But a bit boring :-)
It starts out very good, but is maybe a bit "heard it before" for the rest.
Mixing is messy, sound is too wannabe-Vengaboys! The pitch change at 2:37 is as necessary as a crop.
What a nonsense, I like it, and it makes me kinda happy. Good work!!

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