Yoshi - Ocean Loader Four

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Arranged by:
Yoshi Veteran
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Charts position:
183. in the year 2003
4151. in all-time charts
The drums are so damn cool! Unfortunately, this is not enough to make this remix stand out from the rest.
I had this as alarm tune in my cellphone for two years! Great song.
Review by eliot


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Do you like to kill my ears with your drums? Seems so. Instruments and drum-line are out of shape… is it a dance remix or something different? The drum-line make me guess it's dance-style, while the lead instruments make me guess it's trancy. I also miss variations… The spirit of the original was completely lost.
Review by craigg


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

It's always odd to see how poorly many of the classic C64 tunes fare when remixed. This tune is no exception, with several mediocre renditions for every success. Unfortunately, this version tends towards the former category.

It starts well enough, with a suitably squelchy bassline, and crunchy drums reminiscent of Ambra Red's rhythmic style. Regrettably, the lead sounds rather weak in comparison; consequently the drums tend to end up overpowering the rest of the mix. There's also a distinct lack of innovation in evidence here--these days people tend to want more than straight covers of C64 tunes with new voices.

It's not all bad news though. The notes are accurate, and the use of SID sounds works fairly well. However, for me, this is no longer enough to excite.
Review by LaLa


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

A solid average remix, nothing surprising, nothing exciting, nothing outstanding, but nothing bad, either. The thumping base drum is rather overwhelming, but I like the choice of lead instrument.