Zyron - Ghosts'n Goblins (Unfinished Swing Mix)

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Arranged by:
Zyron Adept
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Charts position:
99. in the year 2005
2742. in all-time charts
The Cubase project got lost in a crash. All that was left was this mixdown which I decided to share. It was a work in progress that is no more.
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Has its moments, but doesn't really work for me, sorry. It being unfinished doesn't help either.:)
Not quite sure what the point of an unfinished tune is but I like what has been done, slightly original and it all works.... Where is the finished version???
Good effort. Unfortunately Zyron lost the masters in a HD crash, so he couldn't finish it.
Sounds unfinished as it suggests. Shame, could have worked.
Acoustic with a swinging beat to it. Me like!
What's Bubble Bobble doing in there?
Sweet remix. Very cozy. I wouldnt mind to hear more tunes like this.
Too bad it couldn't be finished. I actually thought this came together nicely. Minimalist but a VERY nice groove. Can only dream about how well this could have been, but that's not to discount how good this is. Suprisingly pimp.
You have to LOVE this.
What a great remix, I could listen it all the day!
Good idea but gets boring soon.
Why anyone must released unfinished work, even it starts very promising...???
If this is unfinished, then how would've the finished mix sounded like? ... Pretty cool to hear a different style in a SID remix for a change.
Not just a cover, adds a new feel too. Love it
Maybe the best remix of G&G. Is it just me, or did the arranger mix up GnG and BubbleBobble in the intro?;)
Hi Zyron (it's BB from 'ogs :-) this sound very fresh to me! Keeps the funny/horror feelings of the game! Well done!
Fun idea :-)
You can guess what the idea of this remix was, but the execution isn't well enough. Kudos for innovation, though!
Okay, I confess, I'm addicted to swing, otherwise this would maybe not so outstanding for me.:-)
... This doesn't sound like swing to me... Nice attempt but the drums are too "artificial" and bland. Sorry...
Totally disharmonic.
Sleek cool and classy
Review by Popalazarou


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

This is a really nice version love the bass groove, wish it could be finished and see what it could become.