Remixes - How Were They Made?
Videos provided by members of the remix community that show how they made a particular remix.
Tutorial: Some tips for digital audio mastering
by LMan
I made this quick crash course tutorial to share a basic impression of what's important for mixing and mastering on digital gear. There are some pointers, tips and hints to help you getting the most out of your freshly composed tune. I've got some info about compressors, mixing, and mastering.
Getting started as a Remixer
by Chris Abbott
You want to remix C64 or Amiga tunes yourself? Read about the tools you might need, and the sequencers you might want to use. Gain awareness of the "dos" and "do not's", and become inspired to start on own successful remix.
You want to remix C64 or Amiga tunes yourself? Read about the tools you might need, and the sequencers you might want to use. Gain awareness of the "dos" and "do not's", and become inspired to start on own successful remix.
Tutorial: The Basics of Guitar Tone
by ruiner
A good guitar tone is vital, it helps set the mood and overall feel of a song, and a number of variables go into the sound you hear coming from your speakers. I hope to give you enough information here that so that you can understand what goes into it and how each element effects the final sound.
A good guitar tone is vital, it helps set the mood and overall feel of a song, and a number of variables go into the sound you hear coming from your speakers. I hope to give you enough information here that so that you can understand what goes into it and how each element effects the final sound.
Tutorial: Recording and mixing vocals and still having fun
by Mahoney
Everything you wanted to know about recording vocals, compiled in this elaborate and entertaining tutorial by the master of vocal SID remixes, Pex "Mahoney" Tufvesson.
Everything you wanted to know about recording vocals, compiled in this elaborate and entertaining tutorial by the master of vocal SID remixes, Pex "Mahoney" Tufvesson.
Tutorial: Some thoughts about beats
by Rauli
SID tunes seldom have the drums to brag about, and the melodies can easily get most of the attention while remixing. So what about the drums? In this tutorial I allow myself to express some ideas about how to digitally play around with them.
SID tunes seldom have the drums to brag about, and the melodies can easily get most of the attention while remixing. So what about the drums? In this tutorial I allow myself to express some ideas about how to digitally play around with them.