Listener's Reviews

all c64 only Amiga only

Displaying Reviews 1201 - 1230 out of 2736


Last V8 (short version) - arranged by FTC

Review by Xenix, 05/05/2014

Nice tune, good nostalgical value. But please fix the bass loop (did you use one long sample for that?) as it's just out of sync with the beats.
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Moon Patrol - arranged by dor-x

Review by Xenix, 11/04/2014

Yeah.. it's just a blues in fact. Well done, although it keeps being a bit slow-motion. I hoped you included the sound effect that the car made when eh.. a new level was reached (the whoop sound ).
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Project 11 (An Angels Love) - arranged by Hazel

Review by Xenix, 11/04/2014

How the hell did you invent this 5/4th funky beat! Well invented. Took me a while to notice it even.
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Battle Valley (Dream Team) - arranged by Dr Future

Review by Xenix, 11/04/2014

Excellent choice on intro! Just wonder if you got the first notes of the Battle Valley tune starting correctly? It should start off-beat in my memory.
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Last Ninja 2 - The mansion - arranged by Alias Medron

Review by Xenix, 11/04/2014

Nice but predictable. please check on the beat loop, you're just a few bytes off which gives a clipping
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Stormlord (String Orchestra Cover) - arranged by John Novak

Review by LaLa, 25/03/2014

This is a very admirable effort, I quite like its emotional bend, and how this piece intentionally lives within its self-imposed limits.

What I miss is more dynamicity: I don't feel much difference between the sections that were probably intended to be forte and the softer sections. For example, towards the end at around 4:32 I think it should get louder, more forceful in a crescendo fashion to finish it off with a bang.

Also, this sounds more like a chamber string quartet than a larger string orchestra to me, but now I am really nitpicking.

Great piece of music, thanks for sharing!
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Rings Of Medusa - The Last Crusade ReMIX - arranged by seVeneleVen

Review by Grant, 11/03/2014

This remix feels like 3 takes which have been bookended into a single song.

The first 2 minutes of this remix sound like what the original Amiga version was trying to be.

The middle portion is decently composed. The original was a more emotive, haunting tune that doesn't feel quite right turned into something so up-tempo and energetic.

The intermission at the 6:40 mark seems to have no purpose except to stretch out an already too long song an extra 2. 5 minutes.
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Rings of Medusa - arranged by Max Levin

Review by Grant, 26/02/2014

Rings of Medusa re-imagined as a raver tune.

The original ROM was haunting and cries out for a modern, polished remake. This mix is the opposite of that.

Frenetic bass dominates the song. An organ opens with the classic ROM hook, and makes a guest appearance near the end, but otherwise the tune is mostly banging. Any other melody could have done as well in its place.
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Platoon (Inexperti belli) - arranged by Slaygon

Review by khisanth, 20/01/2014

LOVING this!!!!!! Industrial sounding awesomeness, that was superb in the preview and is even better now. Good work mate
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Lightforce (Massive Analogue Mix) - arranged by dEViLOCk

Review by Ursina, 30/12/2013

Master of the tunes! Can hear his music all day long. So chilly, easy and it always pick you up and takes you with it. This is realy outsranding! Theres no better one to win this title!
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JT In Space (Twolegs Remix) - arranged by Metal

Review by balloonhead, 10/12/2013

I listened to this song about 100 Times or even more. Running through my daily playlists every time JT in Space comes up my face takes a smiling position. This track has all that is needed to make a listener happy. Sounds with a nostalgic flare and a modern rhythm with a bodytouching beat. I think you cannot listen to often to this track.
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Harlequin - Coming To Chimerica - arranged by Binster

Review by Matt Smith, 09/11/2013

Oh. My. WORD.

I've absolutely adored this tune ever since I first played Harlequin more than 20 years ago (lordy, that makes me feel old), and I've longed to hear it remixed in high-definition digital NICAM CorBlimeySound for yonks. I'd honestly given up hope that anyone might turn their talents towards it, and then suddenly this appears, and it's magnificent. It perfectly captures the simultaneously bouncy, spooky, cheerful and mysterious nature of the original composition and expands upon it in truly majestic fashion; I've given it more than a dozen listens already, and it's just as fresh, exciting and joyous every time.

This is, I can safely say, my favourite piece ever uploaded to Amiga Remix, and by golly it's in some fantastic company. An utterly wonderful piece of work, and I for one would be overjoyed if the remixer were to give his take on some of the other Harlequin tracks, or indeed any less-frequently-covered Amiga pieces. Superb!
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Turrican 2 - Freedom - arranged by Nerious

Review by Ryrynz, 08/11/2013

Ziphoid hit the nail on the head, I want the epic Turrican chuck in some better mixing too.

Dance intro was okay, enough to get me interested, then at 1. 30 The Turrican cometh and I was like I'M FEELING IT, THIS IS TEH TURRICAN And I waited for the continuation of more epicness but then @ 3 mins it was back to dance and I was like OH :'( missed opportunity.

Give me the Turrican feels dude, I know you can do it, just balance it out right, it doesn't quite have the same impact as the original or perhaps quite the same impact I want it to have. I don't think anyone has quite nailed Freedom yet, you might be able to give it the attention it deserves.
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Great Giana Sisters - arranged by machinae supremacy

Review by Ryrynz, 03/11/2013

Obviously one of the best remixes of this tune ever. No wonder it was used in the Giana Sisters:Twisted Dreams game.
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Krakout - arranged by SIDrip Alliance

Review by BenDaglish, 29/09/2013

Actually - my technical review is pretty much the same as LaLa's - the actual recorded sound itself could be better, and I'd like to hear more bass maybe, but the arrangement, and playing itself is marvellous. What's nice is that you can tell it's a *live* piece - personally, I'd love to see that performed. In fact, if you chaps ever fancied getting together for a gig…
Artistic skill
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Wizardry (Are you ready) - arranged by druu

Review by Alcoholocauster, 20/09/2013

Werke der Opernliteratur offenbaren das Innerste ihres Charakters am besten dann, wenn man sie des Mantels repräsentativer Hochkultur völlig entkleidet, wenn man den ganzen angeblich nötigen Apparat zu ihrer Aufführung samt symphonisch besetztem Orchester, schwerem Samtvorhang, Pausensekt und Programmheft weglässt.
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Turrican 2: Freedom - Western Remix - arranged by AmiGamer

Review by Ryrynz, 04/09/2013

Look at the end of the day this sounds pretty good.. I don't get you guys bashing the nostalgia and the technique which are obviously actually not bad. I've decided to up my vote to a review to offset just how ridiculous many of you have voted. Ugh I hate it so everything gets bad faces type reviews.. Just listen again.. breathe and actually review it on it's merits not on your disgust.. As AmiGamer said I was hoping for people to vote for the idea of combining these two songs, rather than for the technical performance. And that's what I'm doing.
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International Karate - arranged by Rune-Bertil's

Review by LaLa, 17/08/2013

Well, first of all, I really admire that you've tackled the entire IK tune, not just a part of it. I also really admire the unbelievable effort that must've been put into this remix, it's obviously a work of love, a work of art. It's a great production with lots of wonderful details.

Having said that, like others, I also think this is not a perfect marriage of source material and style. Maybe it's my existing knowledge about prior IK remixes that gets in the way here, maybe it's the perceived awkwardness of the way the melody is fit onto a swing beat - dunno, but somehow it just doesn't gel together in my brain.

Does it make my legs move? Yes. Does it bring a smile on my face? Yes. Maybe I should just be content with that.
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Ghost'n Goblins (Cathedral Mix) - arranged by Isacco Garcia Peveri

Review by Dethme0w, 28/07/2013

I listened to this about 4 times in a row after downloading it. Put on headphones, close your eyes, and you almost think you're in a vast, cavernous cathedral - except they're playing Ghosts & Goblins! All I can say to Isacco Garcia Peveri is: More please!

Note: I have revised my Technical Merit rating down one because I am in agreement with another reviewer that proper organ music does not fade out - it either ends with an eruption of fireworks and awesomeness that leaves you breathless and mindblown (and half-deaf), or walks you and your bleeding heart down a convoluted path of melancholy that leaves you in tears on the final note, which is still as loud and clear as the first. But never fade it out like a cheap early 80's pop single.

Other than that, this remix is made of awesome. More please! (Hint: Galway)
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R-Type (Doppelganger Summer Remix) - arranged by Lagerfeldt

Review by NecroPolo, 27/07/2013

Time is passing, nice remixes come and go but this one remained 'THE' R-Type remix to me during the years. There are many flavours around but this one still has the best vibe to me. Besides the big picture, it also does so many little things perfectly that makes this track something like a nice rich summer cocktail with an awesome, timeless aftertaste.

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1942 (Orchestral) - arranged by Miguel F Ettema

Review by Ryrynz, 19/07/2013

I think this is quite possibly the best remix ever done.

Everything is pretty much perfect.

Takes the original and makes is golden.

I don't know how some of you guys only rate this as good for minor things, I've seen good remixes sound nowhere near what this manages to pull off. Good for not being perfect? C'mon!
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Ghost'n Goblins (Cathedral Mix) - arranged by Isacco Garcia Peveri

Review by LaLa, 04/07/2013

I'm always glad when a pipe organ remix shows up on RKO because I like organ music, which is why I am probably more picky about it. I see a few issues with this interpretation:

1) It needs a more throaty pipe organ sound. The one you used sounds a bit whiney.

2) The arrangement could be a bit more complex, I'd love to hear this more in the style of Bach.

3) Fadeout with a pipe organ tune? Not a good choice at all. It needs a big, window-rattling crescendo ending!
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Supremacy - arranged by druu

Review by Jeroentel, 30/05/2013

This is clearly a very good remix of one of my tunes. The dubstep style is really pleasing to the ears. I only wish that all the original melody notes would have been considered. Right now it's an interpretation, but it still does a lot of justice to the original tune. Way to go druu! Keep 'm coming.
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Bros intro (M.A.C.C.) - arranged by Terminal Storm

Review by Jeroentel, 30/05/2013

When I started to compose Commodore 64 music I never contemplated that it would have this impact on the world. I was a kid just doing what I loved doing and played around with music on the Commodore 64 SID chip. When a remix tune like this appears I get excited and the kid in me gets goosebumps. I applaud this tune for it's remix value and danceability. Great melodies and awesome beats. Thank you TStorm for taking the time and effort!
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Tristesse - arranged by Mordi

Review by Alucard, 01/04/2013

This one is difficult to jugde…

Technically, this is top notch. In interpretation, use of instrumentation, executing them the right way and mixing them together. Even the clear and transparent production adds up to it.

Personally, for my taste it is too much stuffed with this wahwahish flanging lead synth. A little bit less of it here and there would have added greatly to the atmosphere of the song.

Although the music isnt really my side of town, i admit that to judge this song fairly i have to put back my personal taste and rely on the overall outstanding technichal part instead. And for that alone, you get the top notch.

I hereby confess i listened to a bunch of Mordi RMXes now and if there is a clearer contestant to ROTY i havent found him yet… 😉
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Cooperation Demo (Peter W RMX) - arranged by Peter W

Review by Alucard, 01/04/2013

This is the reason i subscribed on this site here! I am not a remixer, just a humble user listening to some great music here.

The intro doesnt keep up with the part that begins after it. A little more precision in timing would have been nice. But thats criticism on a high level… comes outta my boxes juicy as hell… and the female spoken parts should have been extended in the rest of the RMX!

This piece made me tap my toes in rhythm. Great work on the dominant drums, extremely spacy feeling with the synths.

Two minutes into the remix the really outstanding part begins… those out of this world intergalactic synths made me feel like i am dancing between the stars… pure eargasm.

I am writing as a humble listener and i enjoyed your work. Great stuff. Thumbs up!
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Training (Kicks with a punch Remix) - arranged by AcidBlock

Review by LaLa, 16/03/2013

Finally, a remix of this underrated JCH tune! The kick drum has such a punch, it hurt my stomach even thru the headphones! In a good way!

The raspy lead instrument is a bit off-putting. I am not a fan of the arrangement, either, maybe I need to listen to it more to appreciate it.

BTW, did I mention I love the punch of its kickass kick?
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Coloris - daXX Remix - arranged by daXX offline

Review by Ryrynz, 01/03/2013

Melody lead is crap? I don't think so! I'm pretty picky about such things and I feel it suits quite well. There is no denying that the background beat effects are what makes this tune, so punchy, invoking and interesting.

One of my favorite Daxx tunes right beyond his Lotus remixes and Paranoimia. The last minute's synth reminds me a bit of Flashback in some ways which is nice. I think with some tweaking this tune could be amazing but what it is right now I still consider to be top notch, I do wish it had a bit more clarity though,

Daxx, any chance of getting something a little less compressed and in a high bitrate? I want a V2!
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Ocean Loader 2 - arranged by Mordi

Review by Ryrynz, 27/02/2013

I love how this remix progresses it really brings you into the song! Totally mellow but powerful too.

This does the SID proud, it's the best Ocean loader remix so far, yes you have topped Instant Remedy with this one.
I love that it's over 5 minutes long too! And that progression at 3. 45,, OMG.

Chick chick chick… CHICK AHHH.
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Outrun (Splash Wave daXX Remix) - arranged by daXX offline

Review by AdSalusNonAptus, 15/02/2013

This is even better than dubstep commando, brilliant sound, catchy and nice to your mind and your ears (mostly). However there is this problem again - wrong notes and modified harmonies. The latter is propably a matter of taste and its the choice of the author. A more faithful realization would do your tracks some good though.
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