Listener's Reviews

all c64 only Amiga only

Displaying Reviews 1621 - 1650 out of 2736


Ghouls n Ghosts (The Errant Ghost) - arranged by load_error

Review by Nada, 14/07/2005

Very good remix. I had no idea how the particular SID tune could be remixed, until I heard this one. Hard work.
Artistic skill
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Wizball Hiscore (Bossa Mix) - arranged by Eric Delos

Review by Nada, 14/07/2005

Very good attempt. Nice bassline, real chill-out sound. It somehow reminded me of Jeff Sharel's tunes. Never gets boring, ideal for summer loungin'.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Spy Vs Spy 3 (Arctic in the Space Frozen Mix SP) - arranged by Yamazaki Kato

Review by Nada, 13/07/2005

Nice sounds, very "icy". The intro bit seems to be a semitone down the actual phrase - it doesn't sound odd though. The only problem is repetition; it doesn't keep the listener's interest through the whole track.
Artistic skill
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Overall rating

Parallax (4 A Leone Western Mix) - arranged by MistaDistah

Review by rudwolf, 12/07/2005

Well, I like ambient tunes… this song doesn't remembers me kraftwerk but Mike Oldfield tunes instead… you can't define if its exactly "something" because it has no ABSOLUTELY defined genre… but I liked it a lot!
Artistic skill
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Selfmade .EXE (z3ta club rmx) - arranged by Dafunk

Review by XPEh/LKR, 09/07/2005

Very nice progressive remix with professional sound! It's sound like my favourite musics of 95-96 years… Do more remixes like this! Superb!
Artistic skill
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Spy Vs Spy 3 (Arctic in the Space Frozen Mix SP) - arranged by Yamazaki Kato

Review by load_error, 06/07/2005

Considering this kind of music repetitive is like to judge a metal tune too… metallic…
This hypnotic suite is amazing and involving… nice stereo sounds and nice spacey atmosphere.
I understand people who dont like the style, but to be objective this tune is underrated by the RKO crew.
Artistic skill
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Spy vs Spy - arranged by Kjetiln

Review by LaLa, 28/06/2005

The fake vocals in the beginning sound awesome - keep'em! There are some great ideas in there, but it appears you fell in love with them and couldn't bring yourself to change them - therefore, this remix sounds repetitive. Either make it shorter or make it more varied to make it more appealing. Other than that, a very decent effort!
Artistic skill
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Impossible Mission (Impossible Vocal Experiment) - arranged by load_error

Review by LaLa, 27/06/2005

Very avantgarde, definitely different, a very original remix. But where's that "Aaaah"? And where are those electronic blip-blops of the robots? At least the "feeling" of the game is there: this would definitely work as background music for a PS2 version of Impossible Mission. =)
Artistic skill
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MOTR-HiScore (Garage Band Mix) - arranged by X-Klang offline

Review by LaLa, 27/06/2005

Those who say 80's music suxx obviously lived in the wrong 80's, right, SID fans? …

Nice attempt at adding lyrics to MOTR, but unfortunately, the singing is completely drowned out - as far as mixing goes, this is a great example of how NOT to do it when there's singing, too.

I am generally not fond of the "garage band" sound (there's just waaay too much of it out there and most of it its garbage), but as instrumentation goes, this is pretty decent. The MOTR tune melody is not always there, but that's okay with me.
Artistic skill
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Spy Vs Spy 3 (Arctic in the Space Frozen Mix SP) - arranged by Yamazaki Kato

Review by LaLa, 27/06/2005

Very reminiscent of "Antarctica Echoes" by Vangelis, captures that stereotypical "antarctic" feeling very well. But it's too repetitive and thus, it feels drawn out. Successive repetitions of the theme should've been more varied to keep the listener interested.
Artistic skill
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Overall rating

The Human Race (Melodie Eine) - arranged by Das Karl Werk Projekt

Review by LaLa, 27/06/2005

Very, very good electro cover of Hubbard's famous tune. The technical quality of it is just superb: it's well-balanced, the instruments are great, etc. I think it should've gone a bit further to bring out the Kraftwerk-feel, but it's a very good piece, regardless.

Except for the piano at the end. I have no idea why that was needed there. I mean, it's nice piano playing by itself, but together with the electronic first half it's just out place. Thus my lower score for artistic impression.
Artistic skill
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Overall rating

The Human Race (Melodie Eine) - arranged by Das Karl Werk Projekt

Review by load_error, 14/06/2005

I usually think that a remix shoul be a re-interpretation of the original (adding own touches and alternative melodies, trying to keep the original feeling in), while this one is more or less the same as the original, with the sounds replaced. The work is saved from an average vote by the technical purity, the excellent mixing, the nice sounds and by the lovely piano ending. After all, relistening once again, the overall tune sounds splendid… and i feel captured by this mix.
Artistic skill
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Athena (Sweetness Of Being A Siren) - arranged by load_error

Review by LMan, 13/06/2005

I really love this remix. It's the kind of music I used to listen to a lot in the 90s, and I still occasionally do. The tune's length is just fine, couldn't be long enough for me. It builds up nicely, has a mellow atmosphere, and fitting sound effects in the background. The rythmic part is well made, and even production values are high. Relistening, I simply can't praise this one enough. Oh the sweetness of being a siren!

Very decent ambient remix!

More of that please…
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Deflektor (In Your Face Mix) - arranged by KryogeniK

Review by sidvicious, 13/06/2005

I like it. I don't usually like the rockier interpretations, but this one does it fine. I think the slightly rambling guitar actually aids the interpretation of the piece. Being a hardass i only give it a "good" because of the nature of the piece; this goes further to convince me that the rockier adaptations have something to them.
Artistic skill
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Rambo 3 (Loading) - arranged by Raven Squad

Review by Tas, 10/06/2005

An impressive laid back piece with some useful and interesting drums patterns giving it a little life where maybe it would have been a little too laid back otherwise.

The only thing that prevents me giving this the RED smiley is that i feel something is slightly missing like an additional harmony in the background that emphasises the main lead and the already nice backing. It's so close to being awesome!
Artistic skill
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Rastan - arranged by Glyn R Brown

Review by mfe, 10/06/2005

Just the choir sample in this was unfortunately cheesy. Everything else in this is about as faultless as it gets. Brilliant sense of orchestration and a wonderful flair for the dramatic makes this a keeper, and fully deserving of the No. 1 position in the ranks.

I would love to hear this piece remastered with a more faithful choir sample. When everything else is so brilliant, it sticks out like a sore thumb, or like a mole would on the Mona Lisa.

Kudos all the way!
Artistic skill
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Great Giana Sisters - arranged by machinae supremacy

Review by mfe, 10/06/2005

I'll start with the bad: I'm not a rock/metal fan.

That said, I can say that this arrangement smacks of professionalism, a brilliant sense of timing and creativity, mixing skills that rival most if not all commercial outfits and studios, and actually got me nodding my head along to a familiar SID.

Hats off to machinae supremacy…
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Ghouls n Ghosts (The Errant Ghost) - arranged by load_error

Review by mfe, 08/06/2005

I actually like this piece. It blends industrial and electronic in a style that is reminiscent of Jarre's "Miss Moon" and "Rendez-Vous V/VI". The original SID is repetative in nature, and this arrangement reflects that while developing upon the original idea.

I don't mind the lack of any real lead tune; it's an ambient/atmospheric piece to my ear, something perfectly suited to backing a video collage or a piece of arthouse post-modern cinematography.

For the most part it is well constructed, though the percussion balance is inappropriately loud in places. What I feel is missing is a coheseive bass sound to complement the percussion, even if it were something so simple as a pedal drone with the appropriately grungy feeling to it. The breaks in the "melody" are well timed, but the transitions could be better effected to lead from one to the other; as they stand now, they are a little too short, and are more jarring than Jarre-ing (if you'll excuse the pun).

It just misses out of a red from me for the aforementiond reasons, but it's still very much worth the download for me. Kudos!
Artistic skill
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Giana Sisters (They are punks and they are back) - arranged by X-formZ

Review by romeo_knight, 07/06/2005

Mmmh, I'll try to explain why this is 'only' good for me though I normally love guitar orientated remixes:
1. There's already a far superior version of this sid in almost exactly the same style: Machinae Supremacy
2. I know it's always difficult to program drums that ought to sound like live drums but here it's too obvious, e. g. only 1 crash sound that's repeated over and over sounds awkward.
3. The guitar sound is too grainy and digital. There are ways of getting proper higain sounds without miking tube amps nowadays.
The guitar playing itself is really good and has decent timing.

Alltogether it's a respectable effort, but with Machinae Supremacy in the back just not good enough.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

The Human Race (Melodie Eine) - arranged by Das Karl Werk Projekt

Review by romeo_knight, 06/06/2005

At first I thought: Ok, another one of these mediocre remixed-to-death ones, but I was wrong. This remix is pure electronica without compromise and its arrangement and mixing shows a lot of professionality. The drumbeat deserves its name (beat!) and works perfectly with the rest. With its partly weird but always unique sounds and techno sfx 'The Human Race (Melodie Eine)' seems to feature the opposite mood of the ingenious original (2-voiced!) sid - but it is absolutely true to its origin anyway and original for itself at the same time. The piano end part adds another unsuspected dimension to it. No choice for me: Outstanding job!
The only tiny flaw: The end should have been a sustained chord, not just one wonky choppy note.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Ocean loader 5 (swing mix) - arranged by Kent Walldén

Review by 8_bit_fingers, 03/06/2005

Woah, Slooow Grooov, I like thit one a lot!
I already like the orginal Ocean Sids. So hearing this
"please wait now loading" tune.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Tusker - Finale - arranged by FeekZoid

Review by ikonsgr, 30/05/2005

It's pretty amazing that, so many years after Commodore era, a tune, based on the good old sid synthesizer, can create such a magic and mystical atmosphere! You can close your eyes and travel in outerspace! It is something that i never heard before: a superb binding of jungle sounds, sid bass, and modern synth sounds. I especially liked the short bell melody at the ending of the tune. Followed by the short 'rock like' ending made me feel a sweet nostalgia of the legendary pioneers of home computers, C64 and AMIGA the best computers ever made!!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Comic Bakery (feat Hanna Kappelin & Morpheus) - arranged by o2

Review by canuck, 27/05/2005

Okay, while I'm not the one to push forward and tell the world how much I love this or that… here and now I have to make an exception.
To date I thought no arranger could get close to Instant Remedy's mix of Comic Bakery (and please don't misunderstand, IR's mix is still out of this world and I have 'tortured' my wife by playing it at least a million times) but this one catches up and then some.
While I have to disagree with other reviews that this has Jean Michel Jarre written all over it it sure spells K R A F T W E R K. Rightfully so, Kraftwerk have defined electronic music like nobody else after them. Might as well aim at the best. Enough talking, time to rate:
Technically this is a work of beauty, the artistic impression is right on par but I deduct the obligatory point for nostalgic impression because the Acapella approach just doesn't bring those old SID flashbacks to mind.
It's a good thing because I re-learned how uniqe and cool this song actually is because the mix doesn't just COPY, it re-defines…
Artistic skill
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Future Shock - arranged by Romeo Knight

Review by LaLa, 23/05/2005

This is very cool! The original SID is a great piece of groovy, funky music and thankfully, this remix stays very true to that spirit. I think the instrument selection is spot on and the arrangement is excellent. Never fails to bring a smile to my face.
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Savage (sub 2 from 80ies 2 now) - arranged by Putzi

Review by LaLa, 23/05/2005

Since it is one of my favorite SID tunes, here's a longer review of this tune instead of just a shout.

The opening is kick-ass, the bass is really cool, but most of the lead instruments should've been selected more carefully. They sound tedious and they wear me down. Or they're simply thin and out of place.

Although the remix tries to be in the 80's style, I don't feel a lot of 80's radiating from this one. A better groove would've probably helped there.

All in all, a nice effort, but this tune deserves so much more.
Artistic skill
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Toy Bizarre - arranged by Chris Prattini

Review by Mecandes, 23/05/2005

A nice take on a great classic game that's always hard to remember how to spell.😉 Thanks again!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Ultima V (The Battle Begins - Time for Peace) - arranged by Chris Prattini

Review by Mecandes, 23/05/2005

Another great one! Your original bit towards the end reminds me of classic Enya… Nice! The Ultima series has so many great tunes just begging to be remixed…
Artistic skill
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Bard's Tale II (Subtune 3) - arranged by Chris Prattini offline

Review by Mecandes, 23/05/2005

An absolutely amazing remix. It brings me to tears to hear such an awesome rendition. Please, for the love of all that is holy, create remixes of more Bard's Tale tunes!
Artistic skill
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Last Ninja III (qso-mix) - arranged by Cirdan

Review by Tomsk, 19/05/2005

Another tune to pass me by - but I've had plenty of time to hear it over and over, and I happy to report that it hits the spot. Production is nice and choice of instruments good too (except the ahh-choir at the start… which sounds like a tracker sample). Everytime I hear this I picture a movie's opening credits - which I think it would sound great in. Very very good stuff!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Game Over - arranged by Kenz

Review by Tomsk, 19/05/2005

Gosh - this tune must have been out for ages before I finally managed to hear it (on a slay radio show - no less). Yeah I know there's a whole load of the original chucked in there, but it's very well balanced. To be honest, there's nothing I don't like about this - and lots of things I do. The Sid lead sounds fresh - as do all of the drums… and that bass line is superb.
This is one that nearly passed me by, and I can't really remember being a fan of the original, but this is a great little cover. Bang on stuff - and a current fav on my compilation at the moment. A bit of a shame that lovely bass and main theme couldn't have lasted a bit longer - but all in all I really love this.
Artistic skill
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