Listener's Reviews

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Displaying Reviews 1681 - 1710 out of 2736


Max Headroom (November Regen) - arranged by ifadeo offline

Review by andy_g, 21/02/2005

Very nicely done. It stays true to the mood of the original and uses some relaxing soft tones. Perhaps its not supposed to be but I perceive it as being easy listening in a trance-like fashion. Good stuff.
Artistic skill
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Think Twice III (santa's got a new knob to tweak) - arranged by Wobbler

Review by bar, 18/02/2005

While i don't really like the Kraftwerk sound too much, and while it's easy to recongnize a standard Reason refill "riff" and drumpattern beneath the tune shape, i really love this remix.
Wobber is a great remixer and his tunes always sound catchy and clever, played with crystal clear and "sexy" sounds; anyway this time his music sounds a bit different, probably darker and quite cold, but the result is as usual very unique and, by all means, unforgettable.
I must repeat, i really love this remix; every time it happens that i listen to it on Slay Radio it's like a cold blow of wind in my face: if you prefer hot summer days keep away, otherwise try to "feel" this Wobber's work, i think it deserves your attention.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Spy vs Spy (Metalized) - arranged by RBT

Review by andy_g, 11/02/2005

Nice work RBT. The timing of the two guitar riffs in harmony is nice and tight. It gives the piece that orchestral metal vibe.
Artistic skill
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Lord of the Rings - arranged by Markus Schneider

Review by are_be, 28/01/2005

For me this remix doesn’t break any new territory. In most parts of the track it sounds like a stock standard midi file. I not a big fan of synthesised orchestral instruments, as they sound too plain and artificial. The strings at the beginning also hang a little too long for my liking. A subtle build-up or rumbling bass along side this would of helped. Try and be more daring next time, and experiment with alternative instruments and sounds.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Supernerd Lightforce Remix - arranged by Jurek Raben

Review by M.A.F, 28/01/2005

Lightforce. What a soundtrack that was. One of my favourite Hubbard soundtracks of all time. I loved it and still have dirty thoughts about it now and again.
A soundtrack it most definately was.
Jurek Raben's version of Lightforce is most definately a remix. For me its a remix in the true sense of what i believe a remix IS. Take the music, break it down to what you want to work with and do your stuff on it, or take parts of the music you think will work in the mix you have planned and add your own structure, composition, style… just what comes out of your own ideas in the process. Lets face it its easy to cover a tune, its much harder to create something new from the bones of your chosen tune that works, even for the remixer himself always doubting his own work(not you Jurek).
Lightforce is a soundtrack, there are many elements to the music of this track that cant be singled out in my opinion and mixed elsewhere to create a new different track thats still as powerfull and recognisable.
That aside, Jurek has gone his own way with this, technically its very good, artisticly its very good, nostalgicly its good because i love Lightforce, all in all though its still not as wonderfull as the original, but its GOOD as a TRUE REMIX. I like those.
Its good.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Cobra (9mm remix) - arranged by Infamous

Review by M.A.F, 24/01/2005

Well Infamous?

I really love this bass you have created, sounds like something from Reason.

The sound for the main Cobra lead you have used i like very much.

You have changed the original Martin Galway melody though. If you want to change a melody then fine, but remmember its the melody that makes a tune.!

Try to keep the original main melody then build your own version around it. Make it your own.

All in all i still like this mix just for the mad bass!

Its a good,
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Anal-ogue (to the higher state) - arranged by Mixer

Review by DJB, 23/01/2005

Like Mixer said, Soren Lund is a genious when it comes to C64 Composing. I'll also say that I've known Soren now for nearly 10 years, and even though I've never had the pleasure of actually meeting (and boozing hehe) with him, he is one of the greatest composers / programmers I've ever known on the C64 scene (for people that didn't know, he wrote his own code to play and edit his c64 tunes as well, which a lot of ppl don't do these days).

Now, on to Mixer's cover of this great track. I've known Mixer for a little while now (gotta love IRC hehe) and has always had my respect for his musical efforts on c64 aswell. But, this cover of what is one of the hardest hitting c64 tracks has left me stunned.

Even though the track does seem to go a little longer than what is needed, it not only sounds great on a surround system, but it's a good example of how a Dance / Techno styled tune on C64 can be taken to "the higher state" (in this case Cubase) and blow you away.

Damn good job you've done here Mixer, I'm proud of you
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Parallax for Piano - arranged by Linus Akesson

Review by ayman, 21/01/2005

Linus did realy understand this composition. From my point of view Parallax lives - more than other c64 songs - from it's melodical patterns. It reminds me to Mike Oldfields early stuff, like "Hergest Ridge" or famous "Tubular Bells". These songs develop melodical patterns step by step and transform slowly theme into theme. To discover the straight way to the soul of those pieces, it's a good idea of bringing them down to the piano.

Linus' piece even inspired me to do it myself this way
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Ocean Loader V2 - arranged by Instant Remedy

Review by tchbrutal, 18/01/2005

One very cool tune.
I am affraid I have some songs mixed up, but this one rules!
It reminds me of musics created by Reyn Ouwehand when he used to call himself Mac Magics!
This sure is one to my liking!!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Alibi (steady-state remix) - arranged by Patrick [Major Minor] Ceuppens

Review by tchbrutal, 18/01/2005

Great version of an excellent song!!
One of my favorites when working on something new!!!!!!
Tunes like this should be used more often as a base to create a remix!
Especially for all those people that were not into games that much!!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Ghosts n Goblins (Revised) - arranged by LMan & Larsec

Review by tchbrutal, 18/01/2005

This remix is wonderful!!
I´ve always enjoyed the game a lot, probably due to the music, but this version simply rules!
It makes me think of Bram Stoker´s Dracula.
Superb choise of instruments!!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Galactyforce (Go West-Edition) - arranged by Putzi

Review by chocky, 11/01/2005

This is a review not as a remix, but as a stand-alone track. i haven't ever heard the original, but as a piece of music in its own right, this track is almost awesome, but for one critical failing. It's got a great sound, juicy fat bass and a very effective emotional buildup from the beginning to the end. But it has this one critical failing.

The track is too short. It builds up very nicely, raising the temperature and quickly breaking down between the 1:49 and the 3:21 mark when the awesome synth surges back in. This extended buildup sustains the pace and the keeps the anticipation high. The whole thing meshes extremely well and several neat musical themes are deftly introduced. Cutting the whole drum part at 3:06 expertly pushes the temperature that bit higher in anticipation of the return of the melody line introduced originally at 1:03. But then only a minute or so into this almost euphoric synth it starts the fade out! Why?! It was so good, why stop there?

As i wrote, Putzi introduces the musical themes up until the fadeout point very skillfully, but the fade out leaves them all unresolved. I really think it needs at least another 3 or 4 minutes to bring in the sounds and melodies from the initial buildup and blend them in with the main synth line from 1:03 and 3:21. The piece really needs to see them reintroduced and resolved before the end. At the moment, this track is like a mountain with a sheer drop on the far side: you go up the mountain and see an amazing view, and then you fall of the other side and die

Remembering that I haven't ever heard the original, consider my Nostalgic vote just an average of the whole. And I had to decide whether to count the Technical and Artistic Impressions as being measured for the track as a whole (which is missing its second half) or for the part we have, which is awesome.

I couldn't decide. So please ignore the scores in the box and pay attention here: if this is all there will ever be to this track, I'm desperately sorry because it just leaves me feeling cheated, like an incredibly hot girl who takes you back to her flat, lets you take a shower and then kicks you out. I've been there, I know what it's like, and if this is the case, I can't ever listen to it again. If, on the other hand Putzi is going to finish it off and leave me relaxed and happy, then I'll have to give it a massive score.

Situation 1 (go home empty handed): 40%, and I'm really angry
Situation 2 (go home the next morning): 90%, and I'll come back that evening for another helping
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Trolls (Evil trolls from the dark forest mix) - arranged by X-formZ

Review by hbasm, 09/01/2005

Here goes a well-balanced mix between C64 arpeggios, distortion guitars and punchy drums. I hear some live guitar work as well.

C64 arpeggios are in my experience difficult to implement in non-C64 music but here it works out elegantly. I credit musicians for at least trying to use the C64 sound, to mix old with new, and create a branch of music that is unique.

I do think the bass-guitar is slightly too dominant for too long, so it drowns the lead instrument. I think the leads should take the lead but here it's more like all the instruments want equal attention.

But the drums have perfect presence. Bottom line is, this tune is elected to a personal favourite.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Galactyforce (Go West-Edition) - arranged by Putzi

Review by DHS, 04/01/2005

-Technically is very very good: every sound is well placed, both positionally and dynamically. Some sounds have too much stereo presence for my tastes, but that's probably only me.
-Sounds are generally very good, with the only exception of the toybox at the start that's terrible.
-Dunno if this is a 1:1 conversion. In that case, it should please the purists between us (except the ones with allergy to unz-unz, but that's a their problem, not your).
-Lasting appeal: as i said, it has nearly nothing negative in my POV, except for the fact it leaves me a cold feeling, maybe because it features no memorable moments (and that may be a flaw of the sid, dunno).

At the end, in my point of view, it doesn't deserves all those average votes. But tastes are tastes.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Battle Ships (U-64 Remix) - arranged by Lagerfeldt

Review by mahadeva, 03/01/2005

'Got Any Magic Mushrooms? ' 'No, but I've got some dwarf mush, it's gonna really blow your head off. Look at this, last time I took it, I saw fairies for three days! ' 'Haha! Nicee nice! Roll us a Giant! '… Nothing more to say: I love this tune!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Master of Magic (faerytale mix WIP) - arranged by Saul Cross

Review by zoci, 23/12/2004

I simply love it! Interprets the original nearly perfect, not only coz of some of the melodious oriental instruments (e. g. flute/oboe). Some technical and artistic deficits, but still very nostalgic at all! Just close your eyes and go down to that dark cave again!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Supernerd Lightforce Remix - arranged by Jurek Raben

Review by infamous, 21/12/2004

Jurek raben.. seems this man has a golden touch at the second because everything ive heard from him has made my ears prick up quicker than a fox sensing a rabbit.. or visa versa.

And once again here i am sitting here listening on repeat to another one of his tunes.. this is just absolutely brilliant.. taking a tune and "remixing it".

not covering it and adding the odd trance effect or sticking a vocal over it that mimics the main line.. nor does it cover itself with high processed drumloops and crap like that.. it goes out in the yard with a chainsaw during a barbeque and begins to hack up the rest of its family… bear with me here.. until there are peices of them laying all over the place.. then it hacks itself apart and then with its only working arm.. calls molly mcmastery.. the worlds greatest seamstress.. who comes and sow's him back together.. just with the wrong bits attached.. its the same tune… just with different limbs.. get what i mean? .

probably not.. but then you dont have the same medication as me…
let me put it simple.. its lightforce right.. but its not lightforce 1:1 and for that.. i like it and if it was a woman id sleep with it AND marry.

Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Body Slam - arranged by Romeo Knight

Review by zoci, 19/12/2004

Great stuff, very funky & groovy! Remembers me the days playing Interstate'76 like hell! Maybe RK got otherwise inspired by Robbie, Tobbi und das Fliewatüüt (or the cover from Frank Popp Ensemble), a german 70s tv-series?!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Zoids Revisited - arranged by Juha Kaunisto

Review by zoci, 18/12/2004

Hey, Zoids-remixers: Here is the point to stop your WIP-remix of zoids, coz this could'nt be done much better! Definitely not really my fav style, but i'm very flexible about music and THAT's how zoids/anchestors must sound! Hard and deep rockguitars with smashing drums. Rob Hubbard and Larry Fast sure will be amazed about this excellent interpretation! Great work, sumppi!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Angel (Merry X-Max) - arranged by Lagerfeldt

Review by zoci, 18/12/2004

Man, THAT'S a remix, a really mainstream song! After lagerfeldts cool R-Type and Dutch Breeze/Robocop remixes his latest called Angel is now my favorite remix. It could be played in every club/disco and would be - without a doubt - a top ten hit in the real charts (here in germany, my opinion)! It's incredible what the unique lagerfeldt created out of the inconspicuous but impressing melody of the 1993-song from Danko/Decoder. With loads of creativity he produced a powerful, happy and VERY danceable partytrack in the style of the german top ten acts Dune or Mark Oh.

After a mellow beginning (lullaby-style with breakbeats and female voice) it turns to an explosion of filtered and voluminous synthsounds and a stomping beat, that your feet can't stop tapping. A drumkitbridge (Safri Duo-like) in the middlepart moves over to the final refrain-lap and leads out with a few seconds of the original sid. Ok, the main melody is repeating through the whole song, but it's going over to the listeners blood (like eric prydz' call on me)! If you don't like it the first time listening, give it a try, loop the song and hear it twice or more times in one piece. Maybe the Angel-virus will get u too (hey, do you already whistle the melody?)!?!

The overall impression ist superb, technically and artistic perfect, just a grey one for the nostalgic impression, but that would be hard to realize, if you heard the original song, that turns part away from the main start - so no full score.

One word: I'm just a newbie in here, this is my first review, but i think we've to put lagerfeldt on a higher socket soon. What he did and does for our (still) more or less small scene compared to others ist outstanding! Supporting sites, doing remixes and reviews at the remix64 and the Lemon-sites. My biggest repects for a guy who is a professional musicproducer (dozens of gold and platin records) but still having much fun going back to his roots… Holger, keep up your exemplary and great work, we can't await your next remix! You should contact Danko/Decoder to release a single of Angel! SIR Holger Lagerfeldt - even outstanding!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Uridium (OneForTheBossMix) - arranged by Jason and Emma Page

Review by mrt, 13/12/2004

This is good background but… main lead voice (at 0:44) reminds me Jon Well's Zynaps99. I dont like layered voices with harmonica.
I think, there are clarinet harmonica bell here and it sounds like my little brother's keyboard. Anyway whole tune is good job.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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R-Type (Doppelganger Summer Remix) - arranged by Lagerfeldt

Review by tusy, 11/12/2004

This IS a professional electronic music. Mellow solo instruments with a nice sinthy-pop feeling, melting together in excellent harmony with the breakbeat drums!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Druid version (grassroots mix) - arranged by Christian Schüler

Review by lonegunman, 10/12/2004

Ich denke, dass dieser Song sich aus der Menge abhebt. Man grooved richtig ab dazu, stellt sich hier aber auch gleichzeitig einen Mittelaltermarkt oder ähnliches vor, wo auf der Bühne Live eine kleine Folklore-Gruppe ihr bestes gibt.
Besonders sei hier die Auswahl der Instrumente zu erwähnen: Passend zu dem Titel hat der Remixer Folkloristische Instrumente gewählt, die sehr real klingen. Man muss schon zweimal hinhören, um zu erkennen, dass es Synthesizer Sound ist. Etwas unglücklich dagegen ist der mittlere Part gewählt, da dieser eigentlich gar nicht zu dem Gesamtstil des Songs passt.

Fazit: Trotze allem, ein super Song, der sich sich extrem von den anderen Remixes hier unterscheidet, vor allem bei der Wahl der Instrumente.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Zoids Revisited - arranged by Juha Kaunisto

Review by infamous, 10/12/2004

(original review at vgm remix)

Does anyone remember the zoids? them HUGE great big toys that moved and flashed and beat the shit out of each other? .. great wasnt they..

Now to be honest the game attached to this tune was crap.. it was unweildy it was confusing and it was very very hard and the only thing that puts it in the hall of fame for c64 users is the tremendous soundtrack created by the one and only rob hubbard.. and we've all heard of him aint we.

so I come to this remix.. one knowing the tune VERY WELL.. 2nd knowing the person that wrote this tune quite well too.. and knowing the talent he has already shared with us.. and its no suprise that this remix is absolutely awesome.

Starting off with the original sid 1st line and a decent military drum sound.. this tune doesnt take very long to get warm.. deep and powerful guitar strokes making your bass bins shake the raw power unleashed instantly upon your feeble computer.. this mix has teeth and its baring them for all too see… the guitar work througout this tune is exceptional.. it has real life and body.. it has feeling its own virtual personality.

the drum work.. considering its done by a proffesional drummer.. what can you say about it? .. perfect.. basswork.. perfect.. hell even the synths are perfect. look for clipping.. notice that? … cant find it.. look for a flaw here.. go on get your fine tooth comb out.. try and find one cos i gaurantee you wont.

there is very little i can say to fault this.. which im sure you just noticed.. the piano work is beautiful.. nuff said.

download this and dont look back.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Battle Ships (U-64 Remix) - arranged by Lagerfeldt

Review by mrt, 08/12/2004

Yes, I think it's a great track. The introducing harp over the riseing pads is very good idea and sounds very nice. The main lead voice is soft and fits with background perfectly. I thing M. Cooksey's vision of this tune is reached here. Mayby Lagerfeld will arange another atmosheric, Cooksey's tune? I hope…
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Angel (Merry X-Max) - arranged by Lagerfeldt

Review by Instant Remedy, 08/12/2004

Ok, this IS my cup of tea. Eurodance/trance will always be good when Lagerfeldt is producing. Great sounding female vocals, a perfect fit. Not too sure about the "bassdrum action" though, but it serves a purpose, the break is cool.
The tune have a very happy feel to it as it also states, but also enegetic and powerful - just the way I like it. Cool Safri Duo part too. Since I've never heard the original I have to put a green one on the Nostalgia.
I really miss this kind of music on the radio and the clubs! I'm sick to death of RNB and hiphop.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

The Human Race (Bando alle Seghe) - arranged by DHS

Review by stylon, 08/12/2004

An almost marvelous track from DHS although it is already quite far off the original tune. This has definitely already got one of my all time favourites.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Supernerd Lightforce Remix - arranged by Jurek Raben

Review by LMan, 07/12/2004

That's what I call a kick ass remix!

If you're looking for a straight cover version of Lightforce, you're looking at the wrong place here, and I think there's enough of those already… This one is a progressive house / bitpop styled remix (actually it's hard to pinpoint a genre).

It incorporates elements of the original in a very creative way, hacking and mincing them to flow with the grooving beat - still they are clearly recognisable. Although this tune may not be a crowd pleaser on a general scale, it would surely rock the house on any techno/house dancefloor.

A final word to Jurek Raben: stay faithful to your style!

(Now would you please excuse me, I'll go find a pair of really loud speakers to play this thing on.)
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Storm Warrior (subtune 8-1-2 compilation) - arranged by MRT

Review by sanguelia, 06/12/2004

I like the original instrument mix. The drums and the lead voices give this piece a doomy and spooky atmosphere, and together with parts of the melody this sort of reminds me of Goblin's theme for the zombie movie Dawn of the Dead, which is no bad thing. The transitions between the different parts of the medley keep things interesting and the classical ending is nice.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Supernerd Lightforce Remix - arranged by Jurek Raben

Review by sumppi, 06/12/2004

This could've been really, really good.

The first 30 seconds work really well and remind me a lot of the electroclash stuff (Miss Kittin & Hacker etc) but after the really promising start it breaks apart to an incoherent mess. The reason for this in my opinion is that too many melodies and synths samples (and filtering) drown the basic idea - sometimes less is more. Also, some of the sound choices don't work that well, especially the lead synth starting around 1:15.

All in all, the concept and idea works but the result would be so much better if done more in line with the genre style (disclaimer: I'm probably not the best person to evaluate this kind of stuff but somehow just the lost potential got me to comment). Waiting for the next remix…
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

1 2 3 ⋅⋅⋅ 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 ⋅⋅⋅ 90 91 92