Listener's Reviews

all c64 only Amiga only

Displaying Reviews 1831 - 1860 out of 2736


Apidya Level 1 Trance 2K4 Remix - arranged by Awesome-A

Review by infamous, 15/04/2004

heh awesome really does like his apidya tunes dont he… this is the 2nd one ive heard from him and frankly i hope for an entire set.. GET TO WORK MR AWESOME!! ..

right anyway… yes… review… here goes.

ive heard this on midi time and time again and absolutely LOVE the 1st line, its got trance written all over it and hearing it in full lovely syntho power made the hairs stand up on my arms.. this is a tremendous remix i want to say that now so that we establish that im not going to diss this very much.

the tune slowly builds up like a trance tune does, it has a very whispy feel to it, kinda like chicane crossed with matt darey.. then after a lil drum roll drop we come back to that beautiful main line. and a slowed breakbeat/normal bpm combo which works great. then your normal bog standard drumbeat, that despite being tried and tested does as usual work well here.

the synths are nicely reverbed, not too deep not too long, it all moves along nicely, its not quiete a tune you could get up and dance too as such but as a listener you are in my opinion drawn into the tune, its not a total work of art.
but for what it is it is bloody brilliant.

my only tiny gripe is that it does take a while to start and the mainline isnt used to much effect.. BUT what is used and what is there is brilliantly done and i recommend its download forthwith.
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Sweet (feat. Elsa & Karin) - arranged by Markus Schneider & Mahoney

Review by graylightning, 14/04/2004

The orchestral stuff is incredible. Hands down some of the best I've heard. I would like to congratulate the participants involved in this. The orchestration, composition, production are all great and demonstrate a level of professionalism that I can only admire. The voice overs and (Karin and Elsa?) angelic vocals also completely fit the piece. As a piece of music, perfect work. Love it, love the nod to Eurythmics. A fantastic piece and one that I will be listening to for a very long time to come. Thank you.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Silk Worm Amiga Attempts - arranged by Snmalone

Review by infamous, 13/04/2004

silkworm… ah what a great game that was eh!
aslong as you was the chopper and not the completely useless truck thing at the bottom that just got itself brutally murdered constantly.

The soundtrack albiet all in its one tune greatness isnt the best tune in the world, pretty basic in layout and in all honestly seemed to be more of a rock tune than what im presented with here.
but hey! … this isnt a bad old remix at all, i love the drum work straight off, nice breakbeat style… good use of cut up drums etc… its a pleasure to listen to.

the quality is pretty standard affair, as is the arrangement but considering he didnt have much to work with in the 1st place, the chopping and changing of instrumentation manages to make sure it doesnt get boring too quickly so is quickly forgiven.

this is a pretty decent effort and a very good start for the arranger and i do really look forward to hearing more from this fella/lass.. never sure anymore with these nick names ha! ..
now if someone will just remix swiv… mumble mumble…
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Lightforce 2002 - arranged by Allister Brimble

Review by M.A.F, 13/04/2004

Well here i am, almost exactly 2 years since i discovered Remix64, writing a review of the FIRST '64 remix I ever downloaded. Alister Brimble's mix of 'Hubbards Lightforce.
I listened once and was i was enthralled. I listened again and I was almost driven to tears.
Maybe this was nostalgia? Maybe those, almost tears, were the culmination of finding the site and hearing possibly what i'd hoped to hear. A modern beutifull rendition, without too many BANGS and WHISTLE'S, of one of my favourite Rob Hubbard soundtracks.
When playing Lightforce, Hubbards soundtrack smacked of the pinacle of his '64 writing career, it was modern to me, it was progressive, i loved the filter sounds, i loved the slow attacks of the "lead" sounds and the general organic feel to the flow of this soundtrack!
And yet Mr Hubbard hates it!
Maybe it wasnt commercial enough for him to realy apprieciate what a grand and elegant track he had created(possibly unintentionaly?)
But who am I?
Alister 's version seemed to capture all i had hoped for in a '64 game music remix at that time, and, to be honest ive still to hear any other '64 remix that makes me feel the same way.
Am i a bad listener? Do i have terrible taste in '64 game music?
Listen to this remix and make up your own mind.
Who am i to say what you will enjoy…
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Sanxion 2002 - arranged by Lou Gray

Review by bar, 10/04/2004

If you are looking for a perfect Sanxion remix, download this one from Lou Gray: is absolutely fantastic!! This very rich electronic version of the Hubbard classic sounds like a real J. M. Jarre production, a must if you (like me) love electronic music.
The only problem with this remix is in the ending: the music fades too fast, without any reason: it seems like has been cut or, worse, unfinished. I'd like Lou would give a better ending to this, otherwise, masterpiece.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Nicky Boom 2003 Clubbin It Mix - arranged by M.A.F

Review by rafael, 09/04/2004

Nicky Boom was definitely not my favourite Amiga game - at a time when platform jump' n runs were an overkill on Commodore's machine of the 90ies, I used to prefer action and action adventure games, so needless to say the tune from this game did not stick in my head (hence the grey smiley for nostalgia…). A lot of games from the UK (and this one was if I'm not mistaken) used dancefloor sounds and sample-o-ramas like Renegade's Magic Pockets, Xenon 2 and Gods, which is where this take on the Nicky Boom tune takes over from. Some strangely detuned sounds kick off the track followed by a dance environment suitable for destroying your hi-fi's sub-woofer alright. There's some straightforward arrangements here, neat production - it just lacks the bangs & whistles however. I would have liked to hear some more up to date dance sounds… Nevertheless, the track does make me smile from about half way through, with the actual melody taking over and spreading its "feel-good" vibe. Michael, my suggestion would be to re-re-mix this track, remove the slow build up at the start and throw in some more moderns effects and bass. Check out the current batch of tracks from Paul Van Dyk or Blank & Jones to see what I mean. That would probably make the yellow smiley turn into an orange one - if done correctly. Nice work, nonetheless.
Artistic skill
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Shadow of the Beast - arranged by Gigatron

Review by selectanovel, 07/04/2004

This is a quite decent remix. I don't get into it too much, but it certainly has some potential. What I like best about it is the mood in the beginning and the immense use of filter fx throughout the whole track. I think that you didn't succeed entirely at mastering insofar as there seems to be something missing between the background pads and the leading synths. A truer bass-sample could have worked there more properly.
A nice thing is the distortion on the leading synths, that make the track kind of dirty and agressive. What definitely kills the production is the clipping at several times. You really should have fixed that. The ending is just a fadeout. I have no problems with fadeouts, but in this case, I think it's conducted too fast.

Good Smiley
Artistic skill
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Overall rating

Unreal ingame Turbo Galeazzi Cut - arranged by N-Joy of TsW

Review by M.A.F, 07/04/2004

I was forced to listen to the original Amiga version of this track to truly apprieciate what NJoy had achieved by vastly altering just one musical component.
And what a transformation it is!
The new bassline grabs this track by the horns and takes it to a new musical level. Above the bass is the spacey vibrato lead which i think fits just right, the crisp percussion, that punctuating snare which further drives the tune, the added effects and wobbly bits as i like to call them, and of course the production which, to my ears i cant fault.
While there is not much variation melodywise throught the tune, it doesnt detract from listening atall, the tune is so well produced you hardly even notice.
And THAT bassline makes sure you want it to keep playing and playing!
All in all my only question is.

Whats next NJoy?
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Cannon Fodder 2004 Remix - arranged by Infamous

Review by Tas, 06/04/2004

Set the scene… Your in a nightclub playing dance music… However there's a small room hidden in one corner of the club. You enter it. Inside you find a dark almost intimadating smoke filled dance floor and eminating is a smell of wacky backy. A DJ stands infront of you playing some rather obscure sounds and beats. People are dancing in a way that could either mean one of two things… They are Drunk or most probable they are high in cookoo land and somewhere with the fairies. Somewhere within all this confusion lies a strange, almost captivating jolly cheecky tune. If you imagine that, then your as mad as me. But this is something you would expect being played in such a place.

The remix is very clever and gives you just that feeling i stated above. Some very nifty bass work and drums mixed with those ever so cheeky vocals. One major gripe is that the mastering isn't quite upto scratch and often tends to mash together creating a jumbled state of noise and distortion. However saying that i really like this remix. One day maybe Infamous will go back to this and clean it up a bit more. Til that day i will enjoy this version and hope that i will hear a version 2.
Artistic skill
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X-Out (Level up mix!) - arranged by Awesome-A

Review by rafael, 22/03/2004

This track is strangely captivating. In general, X-out is a Huelsbeck classic and much ignored really - what a shame. The mighty intro tune is pretty well known but this little gem from the loading theme has its moments too. So at the core there's enough music in here to make for an interesting tune. Technically speaking it is, as said above, strangely surreal - I actually find the jungle-esque drums very fitting, getting the track off to a good roll. It somehow misses the spot by just a little bit, making you hope that it *really* kicks off with some fat beats and more bass, but then, instead, it calms down again and… ends? A typical case of more would have been… erm… more.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Wizball Hiscore (Bossa Mix) - arranged by Eric Delos

Review by hamstero, 11/03/2004

I could not belive my ears when I heard this through the Slay Radio.
This was one of my favorite song on the allmighty C64.
I have been listening the old sid version with emulators and sid-players but this… this is something so wonderfull!
Beautyfully following the original score but with just the right real instruments!
Thank you!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Grand Prix Circuit (Medley Mix) - arranged by Makke

Review by Waz, 10/03/2004

I love the orignal by Kris Hatlelid, so here was me hoping. The sampled drums of the original SID start it off, to give away to a rousing rock number, that really gives you enough passion to kick some ass. Maybe the guitars needed to be a little dirtier, but it's the right way to do it. The organ bit that shares the lead doesn't quite cut it, but it's hard to get that right anyway and he did a bloody good effort. It blends nicely into the second part of the medley (subtune 2) and gives you that feeling you're in some heavy metal concert medley, with the guitars kicking in nicely. Now, it also blends nicely into the last part of the medley, which technically although a cover, is done pretty well. Nice to see a tune treated in this way and rocking.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Cybernoid (Unknown Ambient Level Mix) - arranged by FTC

Review by Waz, 10/03/2004

Nice ambient piece starts to kick in, reminding me a lot of those under the sea type TV documentaries that you see on television. All very nice, and all very nice sounding too, but you can't really recognise the cover parts of Cybernoid. The instruments that actualy make it sound like the C64 are so low down in the mix that you can't really hear them too well in parts. It's a very very loose cover indeed, probably too loose in places for it to be justified as a C64 mix in the first part. FTC must have realised it himself as about half way through there's a part that sounds much more C64-like that breaks up the ambience. However, overall I'm just not sure about this one. On the one hand, it's a different idea and I applaud him for that. On the other, I'm not sure whether it actually works best as a C64 mix or as a standalone piece of music in its own right.
Artistic skill
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Last Ninja - The Wilderness (dance mix) - arranged by Marcus Geelnard

Review by Waz, 10/03/2004

Now, the only good remix of any Last Ninja tune in the last year was Sonic Wanderer's, and that's now the standard. So, what about this? Well, there sounds suspiciously big chunks of the SID in there, and if it isn't, it's close. Although I appreciate the faster speed change, in reality it doesn't do anything for me other than make it easier for the remixer to create a dance mix out of. Bit of a cop-out, that. It's not bad, and it flows pretty well, and the instruments are okay, even if it _doesn't_ flow exactly in the same way the original does. I'm not sure though if I could really stomach another mix of this for much longer than one listen, unlike with Sonic Wanderer's one.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Shape - arranged by LMan

Review by Waz, 10/03/2004

Well, it's not quite on a par with Reyn, but if Reyn hadn't have done his version this would have been the best remix of it. It's really nice and catchy with a lead that sounds very very like the C64 version (nice synth work if it's not a C64). There's again a nice feeling of space, and even if the bass isn't my cup of tea, I'm sure it will be a lot of others'. There's even a bit of an electric guitar sounding instrument coming in later on which actually does work in relation to the rest of the tune. In short, damn good.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Drive! - arranged by Juha Kaunisto

Review by Waz, 10/03/2004

Great remix of great PRI tune, with good use of guitars and sensible use of own ideas to make the tune sound longer than it should be without ruining it. It develops nicely, there's enough freedom for the guitars to really go for it, and definitely you could drive you car with this in the background. Great stuff from Juha, again.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

720 Degrees (Still Loading) - arranged by Juha Kaunisto

Review by Waz, 10/03/2004

When I used to play 720 degrees down the arcades, I used to really enjoy the loud guitar music pumping from the cabinet. Here Juha has taken all the best elements of one of the main themes, added some crunching real guitars, which always sound much better when played live, and a distorted vocal about how long it takes the tape to load.

For those who complain it's too short, that's the whole point! Punk style tunes are meant to be this way, and it's been arranged with a lot of care and with those who enjoyed the original game in mind. Quite simply, thoroughly fun and enjoyable.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Ghosts n Goblins (Revised) - arranged by LMan & Larsec

Review by echoxbass, 08/03/2004

Spooooky this one… if there will ever be a PC-3d-FP-shooter-RPG, this is the tune for it
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Golden Axe (Christmas Edition) - arranged by Markus Schneider

Review by echoxbass, 08/03/2004

orchestral… epic… try to think elves/dwarves.. maybe a mage and a prince… and then sum little hobbits walking or rdiing into a snowy hobbiton… very moody
And of course, Markus just shows how to make the instruments fitting, loudness harmony and a great ambient just put on the right time-line. A Must Have!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Terra Cresta Remix - arranged by Razmo

Review by Kenz, 04/03/2004

After hearing this remix I just couldn't resist putting finger to keyboard and tapping in some enthusing about this fantastic reworking of Galway's mighty Terra Cresta title theme.

Razmo has delivered a pounding remix with a solid beat that always induces foot-tapping from me, superb atmospheric sound effects and cool vocoded speech (which I always enjoy hearing injected into remixes). There's some nice Jarre-esque noises in this mix too which also gets the thumbs up from me (as I'm a huge Jarre fan).

It's always nice when a remixer produces something that does justice to the original SID tune and Razmo has hit the nail firmly on the head with this baby. This comes close to surpassing the Back in Time 2 mix of this tune which I've always thought was be the definitive remix of the track - and that's saying something!

Very nice work Razmo, I look forward to hearing more remixes from you.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Ghosts n Goblins Valse (Lost Chopin Recording) - arranged by Bluefugue

Review by larsec, 02/03/2004

I think this remix deserves a lot more credit thatn what it got when it was released… It is indeed funny It's only one minute long but the idea is brilliant and the old scratchy record sound completes the picture… Thumbs up for a great idea well done…
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Terra Cresta Remix - arranged by Razmo

Review by larsec, 02/03/2004

I have special ties to Galway's original of this tune. I am not one of those people who believes you should necisarilly hold true to the original when making a remix… But to me Terra Cresta is one of the rythmicly most brilliant SIDs I have ever heard. So to hear Razmo take that rythm and totally disregard it, exchanging the 3/4 measurement for a 4/4 and then not change the rythm of the lead the same way… It makes the melody sound totally chaotic and random. To me it sounds like he has no idea what he is doing, as if he doesn't know the original is 3/4 measurement. This might not be true, but that is what it sounds like…
If you like that sort of thing I suppose this would be a good remix, but when you hold such a high opinion of the original because of the rythm, this remix is just awful…
So eventhough it's nice to see someone trying to experiment with this SID I feel this remix is a total failure…

On an ending note: Razmo's original additions, however, are brilliant, I love them… I think he should take those and make an original track based around those…
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Quadrant Subtune6 (My Endless Silkroad) - arranged by Peacemaker

Review by tom, 29/02/2004

What a nice touch to this little sid!
I really like the movie-feeling it has to me, it's a bit like an Ennio Morricone Movie-Theme! As i wrote in my email 2 THUMBS UP!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Terra Cresta Remix - arranged by Razmo

Review by lagerfeldt, 28/02/2004

It's not that often a remix is on par with the original, often missing essential ingredients of the original in terms of atmosphere, groove, etc.

It's extremely rare to see a remix improve on the original, or add original elements that can stand alone.

I feel Razmo's remix of Terra Cresta is one of those very rare occasions.

It succeeds in terms of both atmosphere, technical merit, and especially originality.

The robotic intro speak is a real nice touch that sets the scene right away, and builds up perfectly for the first introduction of the main beat.

My favourite parts are actually not in the original SID, at 1:49 min. & 3:11 min., a new theme by Razmo that really rocks my socks off. Yeah!

Mixing is excellent with nice balancing, though a tad too much reverb and slightly muddy eq makes clarity suffer a bit, compared to commercial quality, mind you..

More please!

This deserves a much higher ranking!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Archetype (FeekZoid vs JMJ mix) - arranged by FeekZoid

Review by Mayhem, 26/02/2004

Let's face it, the guy's a genius. And I'm not just talking about Mr Jarre here. Feekzoid takes one of his own creations (though not one I recall mentioning that he should try out) and bends it into something ethereal, techno and well, Jarre like at the same time. Highly infectious, highly addictive, with a damn catchy hook that kicks in at around 2:15. Just a demonstration that you don't need orchestral sounds or vocals to make an excellent remix.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Indiana Jones (Ethno Revenge) - arranged by Thomas Detert offline

Review by onde_pik, 26/02/2004

Its a great song, however I personally feel that the Indiana Jones tunes should have been left out alltogether. That Ethno style really is awasome, but the Indy theme just represents… well Indiana Jones. And it is SO characteristic for the movies, that I feel it is misplaced in a remix.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Sweet (feat. Elsa & Karin) - arranged by Markus Schneider & Mahoney

Review by winc, 25/02/2004

A more classical take on Sweet, with a nice mix of Moody Blues, and Eurythmics. This piece works, and has a nice feel to it, though I do believe that something of the original classic C64 music of Sweet by Johannes has been lost in this piece (sorry). I believe the main reason for this to be the Eurythmic opera style tune - while it is a nice tune and lyrics in their own right, I think the power of the original melody or Sweet is lost because of the replacement with the Eurythmic melody.

However, that is pretty much all I can find wrong with this track, the technical skills shown in the whole piece is outstanding, and if I could create music half as good I would be proud. The classical music style of the piece is stunning, and I would certainly love to hear a classical/non-Eurythmic melody remix of this.

I have a feeling that I'm not going with the flow with this piece - because of others opinions - but hey I like to be different To me it just didn't hold that Nostalgic feel. But overall, a stunning and wonderfully created, and masterful piece in its own right.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Sweet (My Sun Shines On) - arranged by Lagerfeldt

Review by winc, 25/02/2004

I have listened to this song over and over for a good thirty minutes now, and still it has the same effect it did the first time I listened to it - A suddening awesome emotional tug caused by a wonderfully designed and put together piece.

The original piece of music I loved, and found it the inspiration for a number of creative works I have done myself. This remix has managed to not only capture the emotional overwhelming feel of the original tune, but has enhanced on it by including the haunting and utterly stunning vocals.

To me a song needs feeling, emotions, and a theme and this song has all those. In a style and feel all its own, Lagerfeldt has managed to pull off a professional remix of an originally classic and in my opinion improve on the original. Even though it isn't really in the same style of the original (this is a rexmix after all) the new feeling of this remix is just as powerful, and strong as the original classic C64 piece by Johannes.

I have spent a number of my relistens to the piece to try and pick out something I didn't like, or that could have been better, but honestly I don't think I could add to this piece. It might have been nice to hear an attempt to bring in the guitar solo stage (position 2:01) of the original piece, but as it stands now I am not sure if that would have damaged or improved the overall feel of this piece (probably damaged it).

There is only one way to sum up this song… WOW…

More please!!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Forbidden Forest (schizophrenic opera mix) - arranged by trauma

Review by winc, 25/02/2004

There are a number of things that stand out about this. The creator of these words really knew me, i mean, the game And every weekend I would play it for hours… Very nicely put together piece with the voices sounding good - though the words at time of the backers were a little muffled and had to make out sometimes.

The biggest problem - and probably the biggest pitty - was the short cut off ending of this piece. It seems to…

Like that It was the end of a verse, but it still felt like there should have been level 2, level 3, level 4… please!!!

Lovely piece - certainly brought back a lot of great memories

Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Grand Prix Circuit (Medley Mix) - arranged by Makke

Review by putzi, 25/02/2004

Starts off with the original sample-playing from the SID for a few seconds and seamlessly continues in a modern pseudo-Rock-sound, more Electronic than Rock.
The best remix of a sample-driven Hatlelid-SID Accolade-theme. Preserves the spirit of the original 100 precent. Well mixage. Wonderful.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

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