Listener's Reviews

all c64 only Amiga only

Displaying Reviews 1831 - 1860 out of 2421


Parallax - arranged by Markus Siebold

Review by Tas, 13/04/2003

The composition is clever and very good, but why do i get the feeling this was played live in the bathroom! I presume it's because the lead is either SID or SID sounding. I dunno i'm never fond of these types of remixes, its too much like the original in sound and feel, with a few effects and strings thrown in for good measure.

It's no secret that i believe that an original sid is best left as an original sid and for me if your gonna remix it, then being subtle about it isn't really a remix, but more of an enhancement, which normally doesn't actually enhance it much. Yeah this is Ok, but a lack of vision and a lack of ambition just makes this sound too much like the original.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Winter Olympiad 88 (90s percent Erasure-esque) - arranged by Putzi

Review by Tas, 13/04/2003

90's percent Erasure-esque? Indeed it is, and very well done it is too, well upto about 1 min 25, then well it's not erasure really, but still has one or two areas that makes you think aha yes Erasure.

I think the 1st part of the mix is done excelently, tho maybe a thicker sounding lead would have been better here. After this part it actually has some really nice instruments and changes in direction. Tho where the sound of the lead improves, the backing seems to go the opposite direction a little.

If you don't pay too much attention to Erasure esque feel from 1:25 then you'll enjoy this remix very much. I think which has some great ideas and changes in direction. It's a good effort even if the ending is a bit abrupt.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Aztec Challenge - arranged by IceXuick

Review by calebb, 13/04/2003


The 'Aztec' voice is cool, but a bit overdone. I like the use of the bass notes - it sounds very full on a decent set of speakers. I can close my eyes & visualize the spears coming in either side or the piranha trying to attack me.

The 'breaks' where the bass line drops out & the pan flute & synth take over is VERY well done!

There are a few sections that sound like they're clipped (!!!). I didn't run them through a spec. analyzer to check, so it could be poor quality samples in those areas.

Overall, great remix!
calebb --at@at-- swirvemail… dot… com
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Platoon - Tunnels (Apocalyptic mix) - arranged by FeekZoid

Review by Tas, 13/04/2003

In typical FeekZoid fashion this remix goes off on many different slants and changes picture constantly though the underlying concept remains true. On this occaision FeekZoid maybe seems to lost the path with the remix, Though the tune builds well and paint a great picture, it never really seems to get going or to imprint it's feel.

The constantly changing picture and nice use of sampled effects help move the tune along nicely, but it just doesn't ever seem to get to it's point and leaves you thinking there's something missing.

All in all a nice piece of work that just doesn't seem to get to it's intended point.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Times of Lore (Retro Remix) - arranged by Maindrian

Review by immacolata, 09/04/2003

Anyone familiar with Maindrians works will recognize that he likes guitars. But in his Dragon's Lair and Star Lifter remixes, he uses electronic guitar. Not so in Times of Lore. Beginning is pure sid, then swiftly he goes into a subdued guitar. A simple yet beautiful song, as the original, very mellow and in my opinion, a refreshing change from the many techno/dance inspired remixes out there.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Deflektor (NuSkull remake) - arranged by AnDras Poszt

Review by hbasm, 08/04/2003

Groovy and cool! Actually I've never heard something like this before. If it's called britpop, then so be it.

It's melodic and monotome at the same time. With all the repetition I'll have to rate the nostalgic impression high, although C64 music wasn't always so short. It wouldn't hurt to cut off a minute from this remix.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Deflektor (NuSkull remake) - arranged by AnDras Poszt

Review by eliot, 07/04/2003

Welcome Andras, any new arranger will receive a warm welcome.
His first remake is quite ok, something d'n'b (he mentioned it as BritPop inside the MP3-tag) with nice fx and filters. Some of the parts are repetitive, so shorter would be better. Overall good. (Besides that, I really hate the original, but he did it much better)
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Noisy Pillars - Subtune 2 (Sea of Passion) - arranged by PeppaJP

Review by eliot, 07/04/2003

I alredy wrote I do not really like cheap midi-synth instruments. Besides that it's quite nice without highs or depths, but I miss a bit the frisky touch of the original.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Platoon - Tunnels (Apocalyptic mix) - arranged by FeekZoid

Review by eliot, 07/04/2003

Paul did it again Seems he got some new equipment

He perfectly transfered the soul of the original SID with some neat fx and a really great powerfull base-line. Technically nearly perfect. Only the end is a bit disappointing. It's hard to describe music and I do not like to make it to something sientifically as other reviewers do, so I can only recommand the download of this tune.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Aztec Challenge - arranged by IceXuick

Review by LaLa, 05/04/2003

The mood created by this remix is dark, gothic 80's electro. Here and there it
also contains hints of Kraftwerk and - strangely enough - exotic passages that
try to tie it to the C64 game (but for me those sound more Arabic than Mid-
American). The Aztec Challenge speech sample is a bit overused. The remix is
somewhat lengthy, it lost my attention towards the end, possibly because of
the relative lack of variation in the tonal frequencies.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Giana Sisters Hiscore (D-Flingern Mix) - arranged by ifadeo offline

Review by LaLa, 05/04/2003

Bringing a sort of 90's feel to it, this remix manages to mix soft pads with
electronic ear-candy. I think the only thing missing here is some vocals on top
of everything. Not as romantic as the original tune, but at times I could
characterize it as cute.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Target Renegade - arranged by Peters

Review by LaLa, 05/04/2003

A soft electronic piece with relaxational overtones. Not what you'd expect
from a Target Renegade cover, but somehow it works. It's moody and groovy with
just the right ingredients and a proper mix. Unfortunately, it appears to be a
partial upload as it cuts off abruptly in the middle of the tune.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Thrust (Magnificent Worlds) - arranged by FeekZoid

Review by LaLa, 05/04/2003

Quite an interesting piece. The human brain tries to categorize everything,
but mine failed miserably with this one. It contains not only several
different styles of music (like the ambient opening, the heavily electronic
main part and the tranquil second part towards the end), but it also includes
a remix of Arcade Classics in addition to Thrust. I like how the different
pieces of Thrust are - excuse my pun - thrust together to form a very
recognizable but rather different musical experience. The Arcade Classics
remix would be great by itself, but since it's enclosed by Thrust, it feels a
bit out of place. In summary, it's a technically impressive, but stylistically
somewhat confusing piece.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Thanatos (In Love Mix) - arranged by DJ RETROGrade

Review by LaLa, 05/04/2003

If somebody can explain to me why this remix starts with what sounds like a
Japanese auctioneer speaking fast, please, let me know. Then it has a sort of
minimalistic oriental feel to it with exotic drums and that sitar-like lead.
Which would be okay with me, except that this goes on for over 5 minutes
without much variation - and it makes this remix boring. Cut this remix in
half or introduce some variations or add a climax or something.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Delta (Concert version) - arranged by Noviello Pippo

Review by LaLa, 05/04/2003

A -fake- concert version, shall I add. The piano also sounds fake (i. e.
sampled), but it is played nicely, it has a Yanni-esque melancholic feeling to
it. Unfortunately, the last minute of this remix leaves me completely
confused. It suddenly switches from the piano to a rather poor electronic
version with a cheering crowd providing the supposed concert feel - and then
it ends just as abruptly. Puzzling, to say the least. It would've been a nice
piano piece, but that horrible ending destroys it all.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

The Last Ninja 3 Intro - arranged by IceXuick

Review by LaLa, 05/04/2003

In its current form this remix is not much more than an enhanced SID tune.
Many parts of the original were left in verbatim (or so it sounds), including
the arpeggios, which was an especially big mistake. The addition of effects
and monstrous drums doesn't add too much except loudness. I still much prefer
Reyn's own version of his tune on Nexus 6581 which has a definite orchestral
feel. That's more fitting for the LN3 Intro than this electro-opera with its
trumpet-like analog lead.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Zamzara (Spice Mix) - arranged by Gustav Taxén

Review by LaLa, 05/04/2003

A nice groove is what makes this remix pretty good, although I think the
snare-like drum has annoyingly too many high frequencies (read: it's noisy).
Funky bass line, pleasant electric pianos and a fitting lead characterize this
remix. Unfortunately that synth-flute lead later gives way to an overfiltered
annoyance. Luckily it doesn't last too long. The serene ending is quite
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Ocean Loader Four - arranged by Yoshi

Review by LaLa, 05/04/2003

A solid average remix, nothing surprising, nothing exciting, nothing
outstanding, but nothing bad, either. The thumping base drum is rather
overwhelming, but I like the choice of lead instrument.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Cybernoid 2 (Dancing baby mix) - arranged by Noviello Pippo

Review by LaLa, 05/04/2003

It is said that in general it's not advisable to pan drums hard left or hard
right, but that's how this remix starts - and even continues. I find that
rather disorienting. Worse, this panned-left practice later spreads to other
instruments, too. In fact, Pippo admittedly had some serious trouble with his
equipment during recording - but he still decided to upload the remix. Why,
oh, why??? It's too bad because his work wouldn't be so bad, in fact, it would
be a fairly good electro-dance remix. Unfortunately, the extremely poor
recording quality completely destroys the experience.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Human Race - arranged by Markus Schneider

Review by LaLa, 05/04/2003

Here is a remix where all the sounds seem to be really good, but together they
don't make much sense to me. I really like the electronic choir in the
background, but the lead sound sort of destroys them. The clapping is great -
but what's the point of having it here? The drums provide a nice rhythm but
stylistically sound out of place. I wish the occasionally appearing female
singer was featured more prominently and more frequently. All in all,
technically it's great but artistically only so-so.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Comic Bakery (Retro Magic) - arranged by Hazel

Review by LaLa, 05/04/2003

I feel like this remix just drags on and doesn't really go anywhere. Which is
not too good, because it stretches quite long. I feel no passion, no
inspiration. The drum loops are okay for a hip-hop or rap style but don't
really have much to do with the rest of this remix.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Last Ninja (The Wilderness) - arranged by Cytex

Review by LaLa, 05/04/2003

Sometimes after I'm done listening to a remix I get the feeling that the remix
was done just for the sake of doing a remix. That's precisely the case here. I
don't see the rhyme or reason this remix was made for, I don't find a coherent
message in there, nor any purpose. It's just -is-. The instruments don't show
much cohesion, though the bassline is quite good. All in all, this feels like
l'art pour l'art and I'm not a big fan of that.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Technocop - arranged by gol

Review by LaLa, 05/04/2003

Fun, cheerful and very 80's! The selected instruments are rather tacky and
they give the entire remix a very kitschy feel. Which, I think, is part of the
charm of this piece. Nicely done!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Last Ninja 2 (The Sewers) - arranged by GZILLA

Review by LaLa, 04/04/2003

Sinister sounds abound, some of them have a distinctively electronic feel,
there also some orchestral strings in there. I think those bell-like sounds
break the mood a bit. Other than that this remix is hard to categorize: it's
quite weird and scary, which, I guess, is the whole point!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Last Ninja - The Back Gardens - arranged by SoA

Review by LaLa, 04/04/2003

Okay, I give up: which subtune does this one remix? RKO says it's #6, but I
find that hard to believe as I hear very, very little resemblence. The opening
and closing minutes of this tune demonstrate the archetypal oriental feel very
well, I especially like the subtle use of flutes. But I am more mystified by
the different style that is in the middle, it's a bit like an old MOD with
better instruments. Overall, it's not too bad, but doesn't really capture my
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

International Karate (Tasty Dance Mix) - arranged by Yzi

Review by LaLa, 04/04/2003

As Homer Simpson would say it: mmmmm, tasty! … Absolutely awesome bass sound
that endangers your speakers and tasteful drums that provide many hints of the
original. Very subtle rhythmic chords add another dimension to this remix. The
lead is also pretty close to the SID original, which in this case is not a
compliment, because at times it feels too thin as compared to the rest.
However, the melody is reproduced very faithfully which pleases me a lot. I
only wish the entire IK tune was represented here, because Yzi decided to
remix only the first half of it…
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Lightforce (Power Remix) - arranged by Markus Holler

Review by LaLa, 04/04/2003

I think the subtitle is misleading, because power it ain't. It definitely
feels more powerful as the guitar lead comes in about halfway through, but
it needs more powerful drums to make it, well, more powerful. Nice use of
those filtered electronic sounds that essentially provide the backbone of the
tune, just like in Hubbard's original. All in all, a forceful remix that falls
a tad short of expectations. Oh, and I think it's also too short.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Wizball Highscore (sid-cover) - arranged by Kent Walldén

Review by LaLa, 04/04/2003

Dreamy, electronic, fantasy-land-like. These are the words the came to my mind
when listening to this remix. But it's not ambient, it's more like something
from a fairy-tale that makes children smile. I think the arpeggios and the
bass feel a little out of place and the drums could use more reverb, but it's
quite good already as it is.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Star Lifter - arranged by Maindrian

Review by LaLa, 04/04/2003

Great distorted guitars presented in their raw form. It's a very edgy remix,
but I do not quite think it's like hard rock. I think the stereo space
could've been better utilized, either by panning the instruments wider or by
adding panned echo/reverb. Also, I don't think a lot of post-production was
done on this piece - and it shows.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Times of Lore (Retro Remix) - arranged by Maindrian

Review by LaLa, 04/04/2003

It starts in a style that I like to call enhanced SID. Then it transforms
into an acoustic affair with plenty of nice guitars, which makes the remix
very organic, very human. It's a nice piece of work for sure, somewhat
reminiscent of early Mike Oldfield, but it has a missing ingredient. I don't
know what, but the lack of it dampens my enthusiasm towards this remix. Maybe
because nothing else is really supporting those guitars. Or because the final
mixing feels unpolished. Nevertheless, it's quite pleasant.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

1 2 3 ⋅⋅⋅ 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 ⋅⋅⋅ 79 80 81